@@ -14,13 +14,18 @@ void __builtin_va_copy(double d);
 // expected-error@+2 {{cannot redeclare builtin function '__builtin_va_end'}}
 // expected-note@+1 {{'__builtin_va_end' is a builtin with type}}
 void __builtin_va_end(__builtin_va_list);
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify 
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify -x c
 void __va_start(__builtin_va_list*, ...);
+          void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
-void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...) noexcept;
-void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...);
+constexpr void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...);
+          void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...) noexcept;
+constexpr void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...) noexcept;
+          void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...) throw();
+constexpr void *__builtin_assume_aligned(const void *, size_t, ...) throw();
erichkeane wrote:

>From reading through that (and trying to search my memory): A number of our 
>`LIBBUILTIN` builtins are just replacements for things that would otherwise be 
>implemented in the  library.  

So we need to allow them to be redeclared because they might be implemented in 
the library.

However, I would be unopposed to a patch that makes declaring a `__builtin` 
spelled as  reserved identifier ill-formed.

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