tra marked an inline comment as done.
tra added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp:7048
       // target attributes into account, we perform target match check
       // here and reject candidates that have different target.
       if (LangOpts.CUDA &&
jlebar wrote:
> tra wrote:
> > jlebar wrote:
> > > Missing some articles:
> > > 
> > >   Target attributes are part of the cuda function signature, so the 
> > > deduced template's cuda target must match XXX [1].  Given that regular 
> > > template deduction [2] does not take target attributes into account, we 
> > > reject candidates here that have a different target.
> > > 
> > > [1] I am not sure what XXX should be.  The deduced template's cuda target 
> > > must match what, exactly?
> > > 
> > > [2] What is "regular template deduction"?
> > [1] it must match the target of its template.
> > [2] "C++ template deduction"
> > Rephrased the comment based on  IRL conversation w/ jlebar@.
> It's not showing a rephrased comment above; maybe you forgot to commit before 
> arc diff?
Argh. I've apparently deleted corrected version after I've showed it to you. 
:-/ Fixed now.

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