
Thanks for the cleanup, it looks overall good (w.r.t `asyncio`: I only know 
about `asyncio` what I read in this pr).

> Only print the filename after completion, not the entire Clang-Tidy 
> invocation command. I find this neater but the behavior can easily be 
> restored.

> By default print like in original script (command line), but add --progress 
> switch that will change it to current behavior.

I'd prefer the original behavior as well, but printing only the filename can be 
added as a flag. Although, I'm not sure `--progress` is a good name for 
something that only changes if the command or file is printed, because the 
progress indicator should be emitted either way.

> Added an initial message with the number of files to process over the number 
> of files in compilation database.

Maybe that was removed? Either way, I think it's +- not necessary, but I'm not 
against having it.

> More graceful shutdown would be welcome.

IMO, that needs to be done before merging.
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