EricWF accepted this revision.
EricWF added a reviewer: EricWF.
EricWF added a comment.

Accepting revision. @mpark mentioned that this was good to go offline.  Ignore 
the inline comment about `base.operator=`, phab won't let me delete it.

Comment at: include/tuple:884
         tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a, _Tuple&& __t)
             : base_(allocator_arg_t(), __a, _VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__t)) {}
This should be fixed

Comment at: include/tuple:915
-        operator=(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_assignable<base&, 
+        operator=(_Tuple&& __t) _NOEXCEPT_((is_nothrow_assignable<base&, 
mpark wrote:
> A general comment about using the `base` in noexcept condition. I remember 
> for `variant` we wanted to express it directly rather than delegating it to 
> the "base". Does that also apply here?
Yes. probably. but this is existing code. I'll fix that in another patch. Plus 
it's really hard to state this noexcept directly since you need to expand the 
input argument into its tuple-types.

Comment at: include/tuple:917
-            base_.operator=(_VSTD::forward<_Tuple>(__t));
+            base_.operator=(_VSTD::forward<_QualTupleBase>(__t));
             return *this;
mpark wrote:
> Here and elsewhere, why do we bother with `base_.operator=(...);` as opposed 
> to just `base_ = ...;`?
I think the reason for not using `base_ = ...` is because that can select 
different conversion sequences IIRC.

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