smeenai added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/CMakeLists.txt:108-109
+  add_compile_flags(/Zl)
+  add_link_flags(/nodefaultlib)
+  add_library_flags(ucrt) # Universal C runtime
halyavin wrote:
> smeenai wrote:
> > These should be guarded under a check for a cl or cl-like frontend rather 
> > than `LIBCXX_TARGETING_WINDOWS` (since in theory we could be using the 
> > regular clang frontend to compile for Windows as well).
> Regular clang supports both gcc-like and cl-like options (there are 2 
> compilers: clang.exe and clang-cl.exe). I think it is not worth it to support 
> both considering they differ only in command line options handling.
I'm aware of the separate drivers, but I still think it's worthwhile specifying 
appropriate conditionals when it's easy enough to do. (In this case, the 
inverse check of;291339$394
 should do the trick.)

Comment at: lib/CMakeLists.txt:111
+  add_library_flags(ucrt) # Universal C runtime
+  add_library_flags(vcruntime) # C++ runtime
+  add_library_flags(msvcrt) # C runtime startup files
halyavin wrote:
> smeenai wrote:
> > Idk if there's anything specific to C++ in vcruntime; it's more compiler 
> > runtime functions as far as I know.
> It contains exception handling stuff.
You're right, but it also contains `longjmp`, `memcpy`, `memmove`, `memset`, 
etc, which is why I found the comment slightly weird initially. I guess it's 
fairly accurate as far as the usage of vcruntime in libc++ goes though.

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