Anastasia created this revision.

ObjC IR generation for Blocks currently:
I. Generates local to block variable declaration block literal in case it 
contains captures.
II. Global variable block literal in case it doesn't have any captures.

The address spaces are missing however if we use this generation for OpenCL.

This patch:

- keeps default private address space for blocks generated as local variables 
(case I from above);
- adds global address space for global block literals (case II from the above);
- makes the block invoke function and enqueue_kernel prototype with the generic 
AS block pointer parameter to accommodate both private and global AS cases.
- adds block handling into default AS because it's implemented as a special 
pointer type (BlockPointer) in the frontend and therefore it is used as a 
pointer everywhere. This is also needed to accommodate both private and global 
address space blocks for the two cases described above.
- removes ObjC RT specific symbols (NSConcreteStackBlock and 
NSConcreteGlobalBlock) in the OpenCL mode.


Index: test/SemaOpenCL/
--- test/SemaOpenCL/
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/
@@ -4,26 +4,34 @@
 void f0(int (^const bl)());
 // All blocks declarations must be const qualified and initialized.
 void f1() {
-  int (^bl1)() = ^() {return 1;};
-  int (^const bl2)() = ^(){return 1;};
+  int (^bl1)(void) = ^() {
+    return 1;
+  };
+  int (^const bl2)(void) = ^() {
+    return 1;
+  };
-  bl1 = bl2; // expected-error{{invalid operands to binary expression ('int (^const)()' and 'int (^const)()')}}
+  bl1 = bl2;          // expected-error{{invalid operands to binary expression ('int (__generic ^const)(void)' and 'int (__generic ^const)(void)')}}
   int (^const bl3)(); // expected-error{{invalid block variable declaration - must be initialized}}
 // A block with extern storage class is not allowed.
-extern int (^bl)() = ^(){return 1;}; // expected-error{{invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowed}}
+extern int (^bl)(void) = ^() {
+  return 1;
+}; // expected-error{{invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowed}}
 void f2() {
-  extern int (^bl)() = ^(){return 1;}; // expected-error{{invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowed}}
+  extern int (^bl)(void) = ^() {
+    return 1;
+  }; // expected-error{{invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowed}}
 // A block cannot be the return value of a function.
 typedef int (^bl_t)(void);
-bl_t f3(bl_t bl); // expected-error{{declaring function return value of type 'bl_t' (aka 'int (^const)(void)') is not allowed}}
+bl_t f3(bl_t bl); // expected-error{{declaring function return value of type 'bl_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(void)') is not allowed}}
 struct bl_s {
-  int (^bl)(void); // expected-error {{the 'int (^const)(void)' type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field}}
+  int (^bl)(void); // expected-error {{the 'int (__generic ^const)(void)' type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field}}
 void f4() {
@@ -45,16 +53,16 @@
   bl2_t bl2 = ^(int i) {
     return 2;
-  bl2_t arr[] = {bl1, bl2}; // expected-error {{array of 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') type is invalid in OpenCL}}
+  bl2_t arr[] = {bl1, bl2}; // expected-error {{array of 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(int)') type is invalid in OpenCL}}
   int tmp = i ? bl1(i)      // expected-error {{block type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCL}}
               : bl2(i);     // expected-error {{block type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCL}}
 // A block pointer type and all pointer operations are disallowed
-void f6(bl2_t *bl_ptr) { // expected-error{{pointer to type '__generic bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const __generic)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
+void f6(bl2_t *bl_ptr) { // expected-error{{pointer to type '__generic bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const __generic)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
   bl2_t bl = ^(int i) {
     return 1;
-  bl2_t *p; // expected-error {{pointer to type '__generic bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const __generic)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
-  *bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
-  &bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
+  bl2_t *p; // expected-error {{pointer to type '__generic bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const __generic)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
+  *bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
+  &bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -ffake-address-space-map -O0 -emit-llvm -o - -triple "spir64-unknown-unknown" | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=COMMON --check-prefix=B64
 typedef void (^bl_t)(local void *);
 // N.B. The check here only exists to set BL_GLOBAL
-// COMMON: @block_G = {{.*}}bitcast ([[BL_GLOBAL:[^@]+@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]]
+// COMMON: @block_G =  addrspace(1) constant void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL:@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]] to void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(1)*) to void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(4)*)
 const bl_t block_G = (bl_t) ^ (local void *a) {};
 kernel void device_side_enqueue(global int *a, global int *b, int i) {
@@ -25,8 +24,8 @@
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[NDR:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.ndrange_t*, %opencl.ndrange_t** %ndrange
   // COMMON: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i8*, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)*, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}} }>* %block to void ()*
-  // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast void ()* [[BL]] to i8*
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* [[BL_I8]])
+  // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast void ()* [[BL]] to i8 addrspace(4)*
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(void) {
                    a[i] = b[i];
@@ -38,18 +37,18 @@
   // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %event_wait_list to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i8*, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)*, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}} }>* %block3 to void ()*
-  // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast void ()* [[BL]] to i8*
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic_events(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8* [[BL_I8]])
+  // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast void ()* [[BL]] to i8 addrspace(4)*
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic_events(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, &event_wait_list, &clk_event,
                  ^(void) {
                    a[i] = b[i];
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[NDR:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.ndrange_t*, %opencl.ndrange_t** %ndrange
-  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i32 256)
-  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i64 256)
+  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32 256)
+  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64 256)
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
@@ -60,9 +59,9 @@
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[NDR:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.ndrange_t*, %opencl.ndrange_t** %ndrange
   // B32: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = zext i8 {{%[0-9]+}} to i32
-  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i32 [[SIZE]])
+  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32 [[SIZE]])
   // B64: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = zext i8 {{%[0-9]+}} to i64
-  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i64 [[SIZE]])
+  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64 [[SIZE]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@
   // COMMON: [[AD:%arraydecay[0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*], [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*]* %event_wait_list2, i32 0, i32 0
   // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** [[AD]] to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]]  = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
-  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i32 256)
-  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i64 256)
+  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32 256)
+  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64 256)
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, event_wait_list2, &clk_event,
                  ^(local void *p) {
@@ -90,9 +89,9 @@
   // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** [[AD]] to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]]  = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // B32: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = zext i8 {{%[0-9]+}} to i32
-  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i32 [[SIZE]])
+  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32 [[SIZE]])
   // B64: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = zext i8 {{%[0-9]+}} to i64
-  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i64 [[SIZE]])
+  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32,  %opencl.ndrange_t*, i32, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %opencl.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64 [[SIZE]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, event_wait_list2, &clk_event,
                  ^(local void *p) {
@@ -104,9 +103,9 @@
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[NDR:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.ndrange_t*, %opencl.ndrange_t** %ndrange
   // B32: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = trunc i64 {{%[0-9]+}} to i32
-  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i32 [[SIZE]])
+  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32 [[SIZE]])
   // B64: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = load i64, i64* %l
-  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i64 [[SIZE]])
+  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64 [[SIZE]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
@@ -116,32 +115,32 @@
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t*, %opencl.queue_t** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[NDR:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.ndrange_t*, %opencl.ndrange_t** %ndrange
-  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i32 0)
-  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* }* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8*), i32 1, i64 4294967296)
+  // B32: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32 0)
+  // B64: call i32 (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, i32, %opencl.ndrange_t*, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32, ...) @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %opencl.ndrange_t* [[NDR]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64 4294967296)
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
   // The full type of these expressions are long (and repeated elsewhere), so we
   // capture it as part of the regex for convenience and clarity.
-  // COMMON: store void ()* bitcast ([[BL_A:[^@]+@__block_literal_global.[0-9]+]] to void ()*), void ()** %block_A
+  // COMMON: store void () addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void () addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_A:@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]] to void () addrspace(1)*) to void () addrspace(4)*), void () addrspace(4)** %block_A
   void (^const block_A)(void) = ^{
-  // COMMON: store void (i8 addrspace(2)*)* bitcast ([[BL_B:[^@]+@__block_literal_global.[0-9]+]] to void (i8 addrspace(2)*)*), void (i8 addrspace(2)*)** %block_B
+  // COMMON: store void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_B:@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]] to void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(1)*) to void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(4)*), void (i8 addrspace(2)*) addrspace(4)** %block_B
   void (^const block_B)(local void *) = ^(local void *a) {
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8* bitcast ([[BL_A]] to i8*))
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_A]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   unsigned size = get_kernel_work_group_size(block_A);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8* bitcast ([[BL_B]] to i8*))
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_B]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_work_group_size(block_B);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8* bitcast ([[BL_A]] to i8*))
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_A]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(block_A);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8* bitcast ([[BL_GLOBAL]] to i8*))
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, %struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(3)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(block_G);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
@@ -6900,8 +6900,10 @@
       (TAL == TAL_DeclSpec || TAL == TAL_DeclChunk)) {
     Declarator &D = state.getDeclarator();
     if (state.getCurrentChunkIndex() > 0 &&
-        D.getTypeObject(state.getCurrentChunkIndex() - 1).Kind ==
-            DeclaratorChunk::Pointer) {
+        (D.getTypeObject(state.getCurrentChunkIndex() - 1).Kind ==
+             DeclaratorChunk::Pointer ||
+         D.getTypeObject(state.getCurrentChunkIndex() - 1).Kind ==
+             DeclaratorChunk::BlockPointer)) {
       type = state.getSema().Context.getAddrSpaceQualType(
           type, LangAS::opencl_generic);
     } else if (state.getCurrentChunkIndex() == 0 &&
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -7371,7 +7371,13 @@
   Sema::AssignConvertType ConvTy = Sema::Compatible;
   // For blocks we enforce that qualifiers are identical.
-  if (lhptee.getLocalQualifiers() != rhptee.getLocalQualifiers())
+  Qualifiers LQuals = lhptee.getLocalQualifiers();
+  Qualifiers RQuals = rhptee.getLocalQualifiers();
+  if (S.getLangOpts().OpenCL) {
+    LQuals.removeAddressSpace();
+    RQuals.removeAddressSpace();
+  }
+  if (LQuals != RQuals)
     ConvTy = Sema::CompatiblePointerDiscardsQualifiers;
   if (!S.Context.typesAreBlockPointerCompatible(LHSType, RHSType))
@@ -7596,7 +7602,12 @@
     // U^ -> void*
     if (RHSType->getAs<BlockPointerType>()) {
       if (LHSPointer->getPointeeType()->isVoidType()) {
-        Kind = CK_BitCast;
+        unsigned AddrSpaceL = LHSPointer->getPointeeType().getAddressSpace();
+        unsigned AddrSpaceR = RHSType->getAs<BlockPointerType>()
+                                  ->getPointeeType()
+                                  .getAddressSpace();
+        Kind =
+            AddrSpaceL != AddrSpaceR ? CK_AddressSpaceConversion : CK_BitCast;
         return Compatible;
@@ -7608,7 +7619,13 @@
   if (isa<BlockPointerType>(LHSType)) {
     // U^ -> T^
     if (RHSType->isBlockPointerType()) {
-      Kind = CK_BitCast;
+      unsigned AddrSpaceL = LHSType->getAs<BlockPointerType>()
+                                ->getPointeeType()
+                                .getAddressSpace();
+      unsigned AddrSpaceR = RHSType->getAs<BlockPointerType>()
+                                ->getPointeeType()
+                                .getAddressSpace();
+      Kind = AddrSpaceL != AddrSpaceR ? CK_AddressSpaceConversion : CK_BitCast;
       return checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment(*this, LHSType, RHSType);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
@@ -2484,6 +2484,8 @@
     llvm::Type *QueueTy = ConvertType(getContext().OCLQueueTy);
     llvm::Type *RangeTy = ConvertType(getContext().OCLNDRangeTy);
+    llvm::Type *GenericVoidPtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(
+        getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic));
     llvm::Value *Queue = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0));
     llvm::Value *Flags = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1));
@@ -2493,12 +2495,12 @@
       // The most basic form of the call with parameters:
       // queue_t, kernel_enqueue_flags_t, ndrange_t, block(void)
       Name = "__enqueue_kernel_basic";
-      llvm::Type *ArgTys[] = {QueueTy, Int32Ty, RangeTy, Int8PtrTy};
+      llvm::Type *ArgTys[] = {QueueTy, Int32Ty, RangeTy, GenericVoidPtrTy};
       llvm::FunctionType *FTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(
           Int32Ty, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Type *>(ArgTys, 4), false);
-      llvm::Value *Block =
-          Builder.CreateBitCast(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(3)), Int8PtrTy);
+      llvm::Value *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
+          EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(3)), GenericVoidPtrTy);
       return RValue::get(Builder.CreateCall(
           CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FTy, Name), {Queue, Flags, Range, Block}));
@@ -2509,14 +2511,14 @@
     if (E->getArg(3)->getType()->isBlockPointerType()) {
       // No events passed, but has variadic arguments.
       Name = "__enqueue_kernel_vaargs";
-      llvm::Value *Block =
-          Builder.CreateBitCast(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(3)), Int8PtrTy);
+      llvm::Value *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
+          EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(3)), GenericVoidPtrTy);
       // Create a vector of the arguments, as well as a constant value to
       // express to the runtime the number of variadic arguments.
       std::vector<llvm::Value *> Args = {Queue, Flags, Range, Block,
                                          ConstantInt::get(IntTy, NumArgs - 4)};
-      std::vector<llvm::Type *> ArgTys = {QueueTy, IntTy, RangeTy, Int8PtrTy,
-                                          IntTy};
+      std::vector<llvm::Type *> ArgTys = {QueueTy, IntTy, RangeTy,
+                                          GenericVoidPtrTy, IntTy};
       // Each of the following arguments specifies the size of the corresponding
       // argument passed to the enqueued block.
@@ -2546,12 +2548,12 @@
       // Convert to generic address space.
       EventList = Builder.CreatePointerCast(EventList, EventPtrTy);
       ClkEvent = Builder.CreatePointerCast(ClkEvent, EventPtrTy);
-      llvm::Value *Block =
-          Builder.CreateBitCast(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(6)), Int8PtrTy);
+      llvm::Value *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
+          EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(6)), GenericVoidPtrTy);
-      std::vector<llvm::Type *> ArgTys = {QueueTy,  Int32Ty,    RangeTy,
-                                          Int32Ty,  EventPtrTy, EventPtrTy,
-                                          Int8PtrTy};
+      std::vector<llvm::Type *> ArgTys = {
+          QueueTy,    Int32Ty,    RangeTy,         Int32Ty,
+          EventPtrTy, EventPtrTy, GenericVoidPtrTy};
       std::vector<llvm::Value *> Args = {Queue,     Flags,    Range, NumEvents,
                                          EventList, ClkEvent, Block};
@@ -2587,20 +2589,24 @@
   // OpenCL v2.0 s6.13.17.6 - Kernel query functions need bitcast of block
   // parameter.
   case Builtin::BIget_kernel_work_group_size: {
+    llvm::Type *GenericVoidPtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(
+        getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic));
     Value *Arg = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0));
-    Arg = Builder.CreateBitCast(Arg, Int8PtrTy);
-    return RValue::get(
-        Builder.CreateCall(CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(
-                               llvm::FunctionType::get(IntTy, Int8PtrTy, false),
-                               "__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl"),
-                           Arg));
+    Arg = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Arg, GenericVoidPtrTy);
+    return RValue::get(Builder.CreateCall(
+        CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(
+            llvm::FunctionType::get(IntTy, GenericVoidPtrTy, false),
+            "__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl"),
+        Arg));
   case Builtin::BIget_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple: {
+    llvm::Type *GenericVoidPtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(
+        getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic));
     Value *Arg = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0));
-    Arg = Builder.CreateBitCast(Arg, Int8PtrTy);
+    Arg = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Arg, GenericVoidPtrTy);
     return RValue::get(Builder.CreateCall(
-            llvm::FunctionType::get(IntTy, Int8PtrTy, false),
+            llvm::FunctionType::get(IntTy, GenericVoidPtrTy, false),
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.cpp
@@ -718,7 +718,10 @@
   // Otherwise, we have to emit this as a local block.
-  llvm::Constant *isa = CGM.getNSConcreteStackBlock();
+  llvm::Constant *isa = (!CGM.getContext().getLangOpts().OpenCL)
+                            ? CGM.getNSConcreteStackBlock()
+                            : llvm::Constant::getNullValue(
+                                  CGM.getNSConcreteStackBlock()->getType());
   isa = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(isa, VoidPtrTy);
   // Build the block descriptor.
@@ -906,9 +909,8 @@
   // Cast to the converted block-pointer type, which happens (somewhat
   // unfortunately) to be a pointer to function type.
-  llvm::Value *result =
-    Builder.CreateBitCast(blockAddr.getPointer(),
-                          ConvertType(blockInfo.getBlockExpr()->getType()));
+  llvm::Value *result = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
+      blockAddr.getPointer(), ConvertType(blockInfo.getBlockExpr()->getType()));
   return result;
@@ -976,21 +978,41 @@
   llvm::Value *BlockPtr = EmitScalarExpr(E->getCallee());
   // Get a pointer to the generic block literal.
+  // For OpenCL we generate generic AS void ptr to be able to reuse the same
+  // block definition for blocks with captures generated as private AS local
+  // variables and without captures generated as global AS program scope
+  // variables.
+  unsigned AddrSpace = 0;
+  if (getLangOpts().OpenCL)
+    AddrSpace = getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic);
   llvm::Type *BlockLiteralTy =
-    llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.getGenericBlockLiteralType());
+      llvm::PointerType::get(CGM.getGenericBlockLiteralType(), AddrSpace);
   // Bitcast the callee to a block literal.
-  BlockPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(BlockPtr, BlockLiteralTy, "block.literal");
+  BlockPtr =
+      Builder.CreatePointerCast(BlockPtr, BlockLiteralTy, "block.literal");
   // Get the function pointer from the literal.
   llvm::Value *FuncPtr =
     Builder.CreateStructGEP(CGM.getGenericBlockLiteralType(), BlockPtr, 3);
-  BlockPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(BlockPtr, VoidPtrTy);
   // Add the block literal.
   CallArgList Args;
-  Args.add(RValue::get(BlockPtr), getContext().VoidPtrTy);
+  QualType VoidPtrQualTy = getContext().VoidPtrTy;
+  llvm::Type *GenericVoidPtrTy = VoidPtrTy;
+  if (getLangOpts().OpenCL) {
+    GenericVoidPtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(
+        getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic));
+    VoidPtrQualTy =
+        getContext().getPointerType(getContext().getAddrSpaceQualType(
+            getContext().VoidTy, LangAS::opencl_generic));
+  }
+  BlockPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(BlockPtr, GenericVoidPtrTy);
+  Args.add(RValue::get(BlockPtr), VoidPtrQualTy);
   QualType FnType = BPT->getPointeeType();
@@ -1097,7 +1119,10 @@
   auto fields = builder.beginStruct();
   // isa
-  fields.add(CGM.getNSConcreteGlobalBlock());
+  fields.add((!CGM.getContext().getLangOpts().OpenCL)
+                 ? CGM.getNSConcreteGlobalBlock()
+                 : llvm::Constant::getNullValue(
+                       CGM.getNSConcreteGlobalBlock()->getType()));
   // __flags
@@ -1114,16 +1139,19 @@
   // Descriptor
   fields.add(buildBlockDescriptor(CGM, blockInfo));
-  llvm::Constant *literal =
-    fields.finishAndCreateGlobal("__block_literal_global",
-                                 blockInfo.BlockAlign,
-                                 /*constant*/ true);
+  unsigned AddrSpace = 0;
+  if (CGM.getContext().getLangOpts().OpenCL)
+    AddrSpace = CGM.getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_global);
+  llvm::Constant *literal = fields.finishAndCreateGlobal(
+      "__block_literal_global", blockInfo.BlockAlign,
+      /*constant*/ true, llvm::GlobalVariable::InternalLinkage, AddrSpace);
   // Return a constant of the appropriately-casted type.
   llvm::Type *RequiredType =
   llvm::Constant *Result =
-      llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(literal, RequiredType);
+      llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(literal, RequiredType);
   CGM.setAddrOfGlobalBlock(blockInfo.BlockExpression, Result);
   return Result;
@@ -1155,9 +1183,13 @@
   // Instead of messing around with LocalDeclMap, just set the value
   // directly as BlockPointer.
-  BlockPointer = Builder.CreateBitCast(arg,
-                                       BlockInfo->StructureType->getPointerTo(),
-                                       "block");
+  BlockPointer = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
+      arg,
+      BlockInfo->StructureType->getPointerTo(
+          getContext().getLangOpts().OpenCL
+              ? getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic)
+              : 0),
+      "block");
 Address CodeGenFunction::LoadBlockStruct() {
@@ -1196,6 +1228,15 @@
   // The first argument is the block pointer.  Just take it as a void*
   // and cast it later.
   QualType selfTy = getContext().VoidPtrTy;
+  // For OpenCL passed block pointer can be private AS local variable or
+  // global AS program scope variable (for the case with and without captures).
+  // Generic AS is used therefore to be able to accomodate both private and
+  // generic AS in one implementation.
+  if (getLangOpts().OpenCL)
+    selfTy = getContext().getPointerType(getContext().getAddrSpaceQualType(
+        getContext().VoidTy, LangAS::opencl_generic));
   IdentifierInfo *II = &CGM.getContext().Idents.get(".block_descriptor");
   ImplicitParamDecl selfDecl(getContext(), const_cast<BlockDecl*>(blockDecl),
Index: lib/AST/Expr.cpp
--- lib/AST/Expr.cpp
+++ lib/AST/Expr.cpp
@@ -1569,8 +1569,9 @@
     goto CheckNoBasePath;
   case CK_AddressSpaceConversion:
-    assert(getType()->isPointerType());
-    assert(getSubExpr()->getType()->isPointerType());
+    assert(getType()->isPointerType() || getType()->isBlockPointerType());
+    assert(getSubExpr()->getType()->isPointerType() ||
+           getSubExpr()->getType()->isBlockPointerType());
     assert(getType()->getPointeeType().getAddressSpace() !=
   // These should not have an inheritance path.
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