krasimir updated this revision to Diff 86316.
krasimir added a comment.

- Remove scope


Index: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
--- unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -1783,6 +1783,64 @@
                "    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};            // comment\n");
+TEST_F(FormatTest, LineCommentsAfterRightBrace) {
+  EXPECT_EQ("if (true) { // comment about branch\n"
+            "  // comment about f\n"
+            "  f();\n"
+            "}",
+            format("if (true) { // comment about branch\n"
+                   "  // comment about f\n"
+                   "  f();\n"
+                   "}",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(80)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("if (1) { // if line 1\n"
+            "         // if line 2\n"
+            "         // if line 3\n"
+            "  // f line 1\n"
+            "  // f line 2\n"
+            "  f();\n"
+            "} else { // else line 1\n"
+            "         // else line 2\n"
+            "         // else line 3\n"
+            "  // g line 1\n"
+            "  g();\n"
+            "}",
+            format("if (1) { // if line 1\n"
+                   "          // if line 2\n"
+                   "        // if line 3\n"
+                   "  // f line 1\n"
+                   "    // f line 2\n"
+                   "  f();\n"
+                   "} else { // else line 1\n"
+                   "        // else line 2\n"
+                   "         // else line 3\n"
+                   "  // g line 1\n"
+                   "  g();\n"
+                   "}"));
+  EXPECT_EQ("do { // line 1\n"
+            "     // line 2\n"
+            "     // line 3\n"
+            "  f();\n"
+            "} while (true);",
+            format("do { // line 1\n"
+                   "     // line 2\n"
+                   "   // line 3\n"
+                   "  f();\n"
+                   "} while (true);",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(80)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("while (a < b) { // line 1\n"
+            "  // line 2\n"
+            "  // line 3\n"
+            "  f();\n"
+            "}",
+            format("while (a < b) {// line 1\n"
+                   "  // line 2\n"
+                   "  // line 3\n"
+                   "  f();\n"
+                   "}",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(80)));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, ReflowsComments) {
   // Break a long line and reflow with the full next line.
   EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
Index: lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
--- lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
+++ lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
@@ -2051,14 +2051,19 @@
                                  const UnwrappedLine &Line) {
   if (Line.Tokens.empty())
     return false;
-  const FormatToken &FirstLineTok = *Line.Tokens.front().Tok;
   // If Line starts with a line comment, then FormatTok continues the comment
-  // section if its original column is greater or equal to the  original start
+  // section if its original column is greater or equal to the original start
   // column of the line.
-  // If Line starts with a a different token, then FormatTok continues the
-  // comment section if its original column greater than the original start
-  // column of the line.
+  // Define the min column token of a line as follows: if a line ends in '{' or
+  // contains a '{' followed by a line comment, then the min column token is
+  // that '{'. Otherwise, the min column token of the line is the first token of
+  // the line.
+  //
+  // If Line starts with a token other than a line comment, then FormatTok
+  // continues the comment section if its original column is greater than the
+  // original start column of the min column token of the line.
   // For example, the second line comment continues the first in these cases:
   // // first line
@@ -2069,16 +2074,43 @@
   // and:
   // int i; // first line
   //  // second line
+  // and:
+  // do { // first line
+  //      // second line
+  //   int i;
+  // } while (true);
   // The second line comment doesn't continue the first in these cases:
   //   // first line
   //  // second line
   // and:
   // int i; // first line
   // // second line
+  // and:
+  // do { // first line
+  //   // second line
+  //   int i;
+  // } while (true);
+  const FormatToken *MinColumnToken = Line.Tokens.front().Tok;
+  // Scan for '{//'. If found, use the column of '{' as a min column for line
+  // comment section continuation.
+  const FormatToken *PreviousToken = nullptr;
+  for (const UnwrappedLineNode Node : Line.Tokens) {
+    if (PreviousToken && PreviousToken->is(tok::l_brace) &&
+        isLineComment(*Node.Tok)) {
+      MinColumnToken = PreviousToken;
+      break;
+    }
+    PreviousToken = Node.Tok;
+  }
+  if (PreviousToken && PreviousToken->is(tok::l_brace)) {
+    MinColumnToken = PreviousToken;
+  }
   unsigned MinContinueColumn =
-      FirstLineTok.OriginalColumn +
-      ((isLineComment(FirstLineTok) && !FirstLineTok.Next) ? 0 : 1);
+      MinColumnToken->OriginalColumn +
+      (isLineComment(*MinColumnToken) ? 0 : 1);
   return isLineComment(FormatTok) && FormatTok.NewlinesBefore == 1 &&
          isLineComment(*(Line.Tokens.back().Tok)) &&
          FormatTok.OriginalColumn >= MinContinueColumn;
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