aaron.ballman added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D32332#742796, @george.burgess.iv wrote:

> thanks for the feedback!
> fwiw, at a high level, the main problem i'm trying to solve with this is that 
> you can't really make a `__overloadable_without_mangling` macro without 
> handing it the function name, since you currently need to use 
> `__asm__("name-you'd-like-the-function-to-have")` to rename the function. if 
> you can think of a better way to go about this, even if it requires that we 
> drop the "no `overloadable` required on some redeclarations" feature this 
> adds, i'm all ears. :)

Yeah, it would require the function name (then you could use the stringize 
preprocessor directive).

>> Is there a reason we want the second spelling instead of making the current 
>> spelling behave in the manner you describe?
> there are two features this is adding, and i'm not sure which you want 
> `overloadable` to imply.
> 1. this new spelling brings with it the promise that we won't mangle function 
> names; if we made every `overloadable` act this way, we'd have:
>   ``` void foo(int) __attribute__((overloadable)); // emitted as `declare 
> void @foo(i32)` void foo(long) __attribute__((overloadable)); // emitted as 
> `declare void @foo(i64)`. LLVM gets angry, since we have different 
> declarations for @foo. ```
>   the only way i can think of to get "no indication of which overloads aren't 
> mangled" to work is choosing which overload to mangle based on source order, 
> and that seems overly subtle to me. so, i think this behavior needs to be 
> spelled out in the source.

I'd like to understand this use case a little bit better. If you don't perform 
the mangling, then choosing which overload gets called is already based on the 
source order, isn't it? See https://godbolt.org/g/8b10Ns

> 2. for the "no overloadable required on redecls" feature this adds: i wasn't 
> there for the initial design of the `overloadable` attribute, so i can't say 
> for certain, but i think part of the reason that we required `overloadable` 
> to be on every redecl was so that people would have an indication of "hey, by 
> the way, this name will probably be mangled and there may be other functions 
> you end up calling." in C, i can totally see that being valuable. if you're 
> suggesting we relax that for all overloads, i'll find who originally 
> implemented all of this to figure out what their reasoning was and get back 
> to you. :)

The logic as to why overloadable is required on every redeclaration makes 
sense, but also flies in the face of your rational for why you want a new 
spelling of the same attribute that doesn't need to be on every redeclaration. 
I worry about this difference being mildly confusing to user.

> in any case, whether we actually do this as a new spelling, an optional 
> argument to `overloadable`, etc. makes no difference to me. i chose a new 
> spelling because AFAICT, we don't currently have a standard way for a user to 
> query clang for if it has support for specific features in an attribute. 
> (outside of checking clang's version, but that's discouraged AFAIK.) if we 
> decide an optional arg would be a better approach than a new spelling, i'm 
> happy to add something like `__has_attribute_ext` so you can do 
> `__has_attribute_ext(overloadable, transparent_overloads)`.

That's a fair reason for a new spelling rather than an argument.

>>   I think that forcing the user to choice which spelling of "overloadable" 
>> they want to use is not very user friendly.
> yeah. the idea was that users should only need to reach for 
> `transparently_overloadable` if they're trying to make a previously 
> non-`overloadable` function `overloadable`. like said, if you think there's a 
> better way to surface this functionality, i'm all for it.


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