aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h:3846
+                                                          CXXBoolLiteralExpr,
+                                                          IntegerLiteral),
+                          unsigned, Value, 1) {
Is there a reason to not allow the equals matcher to do something like 
`floatingLiteral(equals(1))`? Sure, the user could always write `1.0`, but it 
seems somewhat hostile to require it.

Comment at: unittests/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/RegistryTest.cpp:534
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matches("double x = 12e-1;", DoubleStmt));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(matches("double x = 1.23;", DoubleStmt));
Can you add tests for floating literals with suffixes (f, l)?

Comment at: unittests/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/RegistryTest.cpp:545
+      .getTypedMatcher<Stmt>();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matches("int x = 'x';", CharStmt));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(matches("int x = 120;", CharStmt));
Can you add some tests involving the other character literal types (L, u, U, 


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