rsmith added a comment.

In, @rsmith wrote:

> Do we need to conditionalize this part of libc++? Nothing in the <coroutines> 
> header appears to need compiler support.

Oh wait, I see what's going on. You're not testing for whether coroutines is 
enabled, you're testing for whether the `__builtin_coro_*` builtins exist. Are 
we sufficiently confident that those aren't going to change that we're prepared 
to make libc++ rely on this? (If we change the signature of those builtins in 
the future, then new versions of clang would stop being able to build old 
versions of the libc++ module.)

If we're not confident of that, how about calling the new feature something 
ugly like experimental_coroutines_builtins_20170525 or similar? That way, 
future versions of Clang can stop advertising that feature if we change the 
design of the builtins, and we can add a feature 'coroutines' later in a 
non-disruptive way if/when we decide we're happy with them as-is.

Comment at: test/Modules/
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wauto-import -fmodules-cache-path=%t -fmodules 
-fimplicit-module-maps -F %S/Inputs %s -verify
EricWF wrote:
> Should this test be called `requires-coroutines.cpp` or is using Obj-C++ a 
> correct thing to do here?
You can use a .cpp extension and the Modules TS `import` keyword if you prefer 
(add `-fmodules-ts` to the clang arguments), or use a .cpp extension and 
`#pragma clang module import` if you don't want to depend on a second TS in 
this test.

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