gtbercea added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp:474
+    for (StringRef Opt : OptList) {
+      AddMArchOption(DAL, Opts, Opt);
+    }
hfinkel wrote:
> gtbercea wrote:
> > hfinkel wrote:
> > > Shouldn't you be adding all of the options, not just the -march= ones?
> > I thought that that would be the case but there are a few issues:
> > 
> > 1. PTXAS and NVLINK each use a different flag for specifying the arch, and, 
> > in turn, each flag is different from -march.
> > 
> > 2. -Xopenmp-target passes a flag to the entire toolchain not to individual 
> > components of the toolchain so a translation of flags is required in some 
> > cases to adapt the flag to the actual tool. -march is one example, I'm not 
> > sure if there are others.
> > 
> > 3. At this point in the code, in order to add a flag and its value to the 
> > DAL list, I need to be able to specify the option type (i.e. 
> > options::OPT_march_EQ). I therefore need to manually recognize the flag in 
> > the string representing the value of -Xopenmp-target or 
> > -Xopenmp-target=triple.
> > 
> > 4. This patch handles the passing of the arch and can be extended to pass 
> > other flags (as is stands, no other flags are passed through to the CUDA 
> > toolchain). This can be extended on a flag by flag basis for flags that 
> > need translating to a particular tool's flag. If the flag doesn't need 
> > translating then the flag and it's value can be appended to the command 
> > line as they are.
> > 1. PTXAS and NVLINK each use a different flag for specifying the arch, and, 
> > in turn, each flag is different from -march.
> I don't understand why this is relevant. Don't NVPTX::Assembler::ConstructJob 
> and NVPTX::Linker::ConstructJob handle that in either case?
> This seems to be the same comment to point 2 as well.
> > 3. At this point in the code, in order to add a flag and its value to the 
> > DAL list, I need to be able to specify the option type (i.e. 
> > options::OPT_march_EQ). I therefore need to manually recognize the flag in 
> > the string representing the value of -Xopenmp-target or 
> > -Xopenmp-target=triple.
> I don't understand why this is true. Doesn't the code just below this, which 
> handles -Xarch, do the general thing (it calls Opts.ParseOneArg and then adds 
> it to the list of derived arguments)? Can't we handle this like -Xarch?
> > This patch handles the passing of the arch and can be extended to pass 
> > other flags (as is stands, no other flags are passed through to the CUDA 
> > toolchain). This can be extended on a flag by flag basis for flags that 
> > need translating to a particular tool's flag. If the flag doesn't need 
> > translating then the flag and it's value can be appended to the command 
> > line as they are.
> I don't understand this either. If we need to extend this on a flag-by-flag 
> basis, then it seems fundamentally broken. How could we append a flag to the 
> command line without it also affecting the host compile?

The problem is that when using -Xopenmp-target=<triple> -opt=val the value of 
this flag is a list of two strings:

['<triple>', '-opt=val']

What needs to happen next is to parse the string containing "-opt=val". The 
reason I have to do this is because if I use -march, I can't pass -march as is 
to PTXAS and NVLINK which have different flags for expressing the arch. I need 
to translate the -march=sm_60 flag. I will have to do this for all flags which 
require translation. There is no way I can just append this string to the PTXAS 
and NVLINK commands because the flags for the 2 tools are different. A flag 
which works for one of them, will not work for the other. 

So I need to actually parse that value to check whether it is a "-march" and 
create an Arg object with the OPT_march_EQ identifier and the sm_60 value. When 
invoking the commands for PTXAS and NVLINK, the dervied arg list will be 
travered and every -march=sm_60 option will be transformed into "--gpu-name" 
"sm_60" for PTXAS and into "-arch" "sm_60" for NVLINK. 

In the case of -Xarch, you will see that after we have traversed the entire arg 
list we still have to special case -march and add it is manually added to the 

Let me know your thoughts on this.



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