This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rL313722: Add support for attribute 'noescape'. (authored by 

Changed prior to commit:



Index: cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/noescape.m
--- cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/noescape.m
+++ cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/noescape.m
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+typedef void (^BlockTy)(void);
+union U {
+  int *i;
+  long long *ll;
+} __attribute__((transparent_union));
+void noescapeFunc0(id, __attribute__((noescape)) BlockTy);
+void noescapeFunc1(__attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void noescapeFunc2(__attribute__((noescape)) id);
+void noescapeFunc3(__attribute__((noescape)) union U);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @test0(
+// CHECK: call void @noescapeFunc0({{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: declare void @noescapeFunc0(i8*, {{.*}} nocapture)
+void test0(BlockTy b) {
+  noescapeFunc0(0, b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1(
+// CHECK: call void @noescapeFunc1({{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: declare void @noescapeFunc1({{.*}} nocapture)
+void test1(int *i) {
+  noescapeFunc1(i);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @test2(
+// CHECK: call void @noescapeFunc2({{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: declare void @noescapeFunc2({{.*}} nocapture)
+void test2(id i) {
+  noescapeFunc2(i);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @test3(
+// CHECK: call void @noescapeFunc3({{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: declare void @noescapeFunc3({{.*}} nocapture)
+void test3(union U u) {
+  noescapeFunc3(u);
+// CHECK: define internal void @"\01-[C0 m0:]"({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @test4(
+// CHECK: call void bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to void (i8*, i8*, i32*)*)(i8* {{.*}}, i8* {{.*}}, i32* nocapture {{.*}})
+@interface C0
+-(void) m0:(int*)__attribute__((noescape)) p0;
+@implementation C0
+-(void) m0:(int*)__attribute__((noescape)) p0 {
+void test4(C0 *c0, int *p) {
+  [c0 m0:p];
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @test5(
+// CHECK: call void {{.*}}(i8* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, {{.*}} }* @{{.*}} to i8*), i32* nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: call void {{.*}}(i8* {{.*}}, i32* nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: define internal void @{{.*}}(i8* {{.*}}, i32* nocapture {{.*}})
+typedef void (^BlockTy2)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void test5(BlockTy2 b, int *p) {
+  ^(int *__attribute__((noescape)) p0){}(p);
+  b(p);
Index: cfe/trunk/test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
--- cfe/trunk/test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // The number of supported attributes should never go down!
-// CHECK: #pragma clang attribute supports 64 attributes:
+// CHECK: #pragma clang attribute supports 65 attributes:
 // CHECK-NEXT: AMDGPUFlatWorkGroupSize (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: AMDGPUNumSGPR (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: AMDGPUNumVGPR (SubjectMatchRule_function)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: MipsShortCall (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: NoDebug (SubjectMatchRule_hasType_functionType, SubjectMatchRule_objc_method, SubjectMatchRule_variable_not_is_parameter)
 // CHECK-NEXT: NoDuplicate (SubjectMatchRule_function)
+// CHECK-NEXT: NoEscape (SubjectMatchRule_variable_is_parameter)
 // CHECK-NEXT: NoMicroMips (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: NoSanitize (SubjectMatchRule_function, SubjectMatchRule_objc_method, SubjectMatchRule_variable_is_global)
 // CHECK-NEXT: NoSanitizeSpecific (SubjectMatchRule_function, SubjectMatchRule_variable_is_global)
Index: cfe/trunk/test/Misc/ast-dump-attr.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/test/Misc/ast-dump-attr.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Misc/ast-dump-attr.cpp
@@ -180,6 +180,14 @@
 // CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestExternalSourceSymbolAttr5
 // CHECK-NEXT: ExternalSourceSymbolAttr{{.*}} "Swift" "module" GeneratedDeclaration
+namespace TestNoEscape {
+  void noescapeFunc(int *p0, __attribute__((noescape)) int *p1) {}
+  // CHECK: `-FunctionDecl{{.*}} noescapeFunc 'void (int *, __attribute__((noescape)) int *)'
+  // CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+  // CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+  // CHECK-NEXT: NoEscapeAttr
 namespace TestSuppress {
   // CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestSuppress
Index: cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenCXX/noescape.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenCXX/noescape.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenCXX/noescape.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+struct S {
+  int a[4];
+  S(int *, int * __attribute__((noescape)));
+  S &operator=(int * __attribute__((noescape)));
+  void m0(int *, int * __attribute__((noescape)));
+  virtual void vm1(int *, int * __attribute__((noescape)));
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN1SC2EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture)
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN1SC1EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture) {{.*}} {
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN1SC2EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+S::S(int *, int * __attribute__((noescape))) {}
+// CHECK: define {{.*}} %struct.S* @_ZN1SaSEPi(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture)
+S &S::operator=(int * __attribute__((noescape))) { return *this; }
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN1S2m0EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture)
+void S::m0(int *, int * __attribute__((noescape))) {}
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN1S3vm1EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture)
+void S::vm1(int *, int * __attribute__((noescape))) {}
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z5test0P1SPiS1_(
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN1SC1EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: call {{.*}} %struct.S* @_ZN1SaSEPi(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN1S2m0EPiS0_(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: call void {{.*}}(%struct.S* {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+void test0(S *s, int *p0, int *p1) {
+  S t(p0, p1);
+  t = p1;
+  s->m0(p0, p1);
+  s->vm1(p0, p1);
+namespace std {
+  typedef decltype(sizeof(0)) size_t;
+// CHECK: define {{.*}} @_ZnwmPv({{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+void *operator new(std::size_t, void * __attribute__((noescape)) p) {
+  return p;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define i8* @_Z5test1Pv(
+// CHECK : %call = call {{.*}} @_ZnwmPv({{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+void *test1(void *p0) {
+  return ::operator new(16, p0);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z5test2PiS_(
+// CHECK: call void @"_ZZ5test2PiS_ENK3$_0clES_S_"({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture {{.*}})
+// CHECK: define internal void @"_ZZ5test2PiS_ENK3$_0clES_S_"({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} nocapture)
+void test2(int *p0, int *p1) {
+  auto t = [](int *, int * __attribute__((noescape))){};
+  t(p0, p1);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z5test3PFvU8noescapePiES_(
+// CHECK: call void {{.*}}(i32* nocapture {{.*}})
+typedef void (*NoEscapeFunc)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void test3(NoEscapeFunc f, int *p) {
+  f(p);
Index: cfe/trunk/test/Sema/noescape.c
--- cfe/trunk/test/Sema/noescape.c
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Sema/noescape.c
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+void escapefunc(int *);
+void noescapefunc(__attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void (*escapefuncptr)(int *);
+void (*noescapefuncptr)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void func_ne(__attribute__((noescape)) int *, int *);
+void func_en(int *, __attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void (*funcptr_ee)(int *, int *);
+void (*funcptr_nn)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *, __attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+void test0(int c) {
+  escapefuncptr = &escapefunc;
+  escapefuncptr = &noescapefunc;
+  noescapefuncptr = &escapefunc; // expected-warning {{incompatible function pointer types assigning to 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *)' from 'void (*)(int *)'}}
+  noescapefuncptr = &noescapefunc;
+  escapefuncptr = c ? &escapefunc : &noescapefunc;
+  noescapefuncptr = c ? &escapefunc : &noescapefunc; // expected-warning {{incompatible function pointer types assigning to 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *)' from 'void (*)(int *)'}}
+  funcptr_ee = c ? &func_ne : &func_en;
+  funcptr_nn = c ? &func_ne : &func_en; // expected-warning {{incompatible function pointer types assigning to 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *, __attribute__((noescape)) int *)' from 'void (*)(int *, int *)'}}
Index: cfe/trunk/test/SemaObjCXX/
--- cfe/trunk/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ cfe/trunk/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -fblocks -std=c++11 %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -fblocks -std=c++1z %s
+typedef void (^BlockTy)();
+struct S {
+  int i;
+  void m();
+void noescapeFunc0(id, __attribute__((noescape)) BlockTy);
+void noescapeFunc1(id, [[clang::noescape]] BlockTy);
+void noescapeFunc2(__attribute__((noescape)) int *); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+void noescapeFunc3(__attribute__((noescape)) id);
+void noescapeFunc4(__attribute__((noescape)) int &);
+void noescapeFunc2(int *); // expected-error {{conflicting types for 'noescapeFunc2'}}
+void invalidFunc0(int __attribute__((noescape))); // expected-warning {{'noescape' attribute only applies to pointer arguments}}
+void invalidFunc1(int __attribute__((noescape(0)))); // expected-error {{'noescape' attribute takes no arguments}}
+void invalidFunc2(int0 *__attribute__((noescape))); // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'int0'; did you mean 'int'?}}
+void invalidFunc3(__attribute__((noescape)) int (S::*Ty)); // expected-warning {{'noescape' attribute only applies to pointer arguments}}
+void invalidFunc4(__attribute__((noescape)) void (S::*Ty)()); // expected-warning {{'noescape' attribute only applies to pointer arguments}}
+int __attribute__((noescape)) g; // expected-warning {{'noescape' attribute only applies to parameters}}
+struct S1 {
+  virtual void m0(int *__attribute__((noescape))); // expected-note {{parameter of overridden method is annotated with __attribute__((noescape))}}
+struct S2 : S1 {
+  void m0(int *__attribute__((noescape))) override;
+struct S3 : S1 {
+  void m0(int *) override; // expected-warning {{parameter of overriding method should be annotated with __attribute__((noescape))}}
+@interface C0
+-(void) m0:(int*)__attribute__((noescape)) p; // expected-note {{parameter of overridden method is annotated with __attribute__((noescape))}}
+@implementation C0
+-(void) m0:(int*)__attribute__((noescape)) p {}
+@interface C1 : C0
+-(void) m0:(int*)__attribute__((noescape)) p;
+@implementation C1 : C0
+-(void) m0:(int*)__attribute__((noescape)) p {}
+@interface C2 : C0
+-(void) m0:(int*) p; // expected-warning {{parameter of overriding method should be annotated with __attribute__((noescape))}}
+@implementation C2 : C0
+-(void) m0:(int*) p {}
+void func0(int *);
+void (*fnptr0)(int *);
+void (*fnptr1)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *);
+template<void (*fn)(int*)> struct S4 {};
+template<void (*fn)(int* __attribute__((noescape)))> struct S5 {};
+#if __cplusplus < 201406
+  // expected-note@-4 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+  // expected-note@-4 {{template parameter is declared here}}
+void test0() {
+  fnptr0 = &func0;
+  fnptr0 = &noescapeFunc2;
+  fnptr1 = &func0; // expected-error {{assigning to 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *)' from incompatible type 'void (*)(int *)'}}
+  fnptr1 = &noescapeFunc2;
+  S4<&func0> e0;
+  S4<&noescapeFunc2> e1;
+  S5<&func0> ne0;
+#if __cplusplus < 201406
+  // expected-error@-4 {{non-type template argument of type 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *)' cannot be converted to a value of type 'void (*)(int *)'}}
+  // expected-error@-4 {{non-type template argument of type 'void (*)(int *)' cannot be converted to a value of type 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *)'}}
+  // expected-error@-6 {{value of type 'void (*)(int *)' is not implicitly convertible to 'void (*)(__attribute__((noescape)) int *)'}}
+  S5<&noescapeFunc2> ne1;
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -455,11 +455,15 @@
 CodeGenTypes::arrangeObjCMessageSendSignature(const ObjCMethodDecl *MD,
                                               QualType receiverType) {
   SmallVector<CanQualType, 16> argTys;
+  SmallVector<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo, 4> extParamInfos(2);
   // FIXME: Kill copy?
   for (const auto *I : MD->parameters()) {
+    auto extParamInfo = FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo().withIsNoEscape(
+        I->hasAttr<NoEscapeAttr>());
+    extParamInfos.push_back(extParamInfo);
   FunctionType::ExtInfo einfo;
@@ -475,7 +479,7 @@
   return arrangeLLVMFunctionInfo(
       GetReturnType(MD->getReturnType()), /*instanceMethod=*/false,
-      /*chainCall=*/false, argTys, einfo, {}, required);
+      /*chainCall=*/false, argTys, einfo, extParamInfos, required);
 const CGFunctionInfo &
@@ -2093,6 +2097,9 @@
+    if (FI.getExtParameterInfo(ArgNo).isNoEscape())
+      Attrs.addAttribute(llvm::Attribute::NoCapture);
     if (Attrs.hasAttributes()) {
       unsigned FirstIRArg, NumIRArgs;
       std::tie(FirstIRArg, NumIRArgs) = IRFunctionArgs.getIRArgs(ArgNo);
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
@@ -665,6 +665,8 @@
       auto EPI = T->getExtParameterInfo(i);
       if (EPI.isConsumed()) OS << "__attribute__((ns_consumed)) ";
+      if (EPI.isNoEscape())
+        OS << "__attribute__((noescape)) ";
       auto ABI = EPI.getABI();
       if (ABI != ParameterABI::Ordinary)
         OS << "__attribute__((" << getParameterABISpelling(ABI) << ")) ";
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
@@ -7968,9 +7968,17 @@
     if (lproto->getTypeQuals() != rproto->getTypeQuals())
       return QualType();
-    if (!doFunctionTypesMatchOnExtParameterInfos(rproto, lproto))
+    SmallVector<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo, 4> newParamInfos;
+    bool canUseLeft, canUseRight;
+    if (!mergeExtParameterInfo(lproto, rproto, canUseLeft, canUseRight,
+                               newParamInfos))
       return QualType();
+    if (!canUseLeft)
+      allLTypes = false;
+    if (!canUseRight)
+      allRTypes = false;
     // Check parameter type compatibility
     SmallVector<QualType, 10> types;
     for (unsigned i = 0, n = lproto->getNumParams(); i < n; i++) {
@@ -8001,6 +8009,8 @@
     FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo EPI = lproto->getExtProtoInfo();
     EPI.ExtInfo = einfo;
+    EPI.ExtParameterInfos =
+        newParamInfos.empty() ? nullptr :;
     return getFunctionType(retType, types, EPI);
@@ -8360,26 +8370,50 @@
   llvm_unreachable("Invalid Type::Class!");
-bool ASTContext::doFunctionTypesMatchOnExtParameterInfos(
-                   const FunctionProtoType *firstFnType,
-                   const FunctionProtoType *secondFnType) {
-  // Fast path: if the first type doesn't have ext parameter infos,
-  // we match if and only if they second type also doesn't have them.
-  if (!firstFnType->hasExtParameterInfos())
-    return !secondFnType->hasExtParameterInfos();
+bool ASTContext::mergeExtParameterInfo(
+    const FunctionProtoType *FirstFnType, const FunctionProtoType *SecondFnType,
+    bool &CanUseFirst, bool &CanUseSecond,
+    SmallVectorImpl<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo> &NewParamInfos) {
+  assert(NewParamInfos.empty() && "param info list not empty");
+  CanUseFirst = CanUseSecond = true;
+  bool FirstHasInfo = FirstFnType->hasExtParameterInfos();
+  bool SecondHasInfo = SecondFnType->hasExtParameterInfos();
-  // Otherwise, we can only match if the second type has them.
-  if (!secondFnType->hasExtParameterInfos())
-    return false;
+  // Fast path: if the first type doesn't have ext parameter infos,
+  // we match if and only if the second type also doesn't have them.
+  if (!FirstHasInfo && !SecondHasInfo)
+    return true;
-  auto firstEPI = firstFnType->getExtParameterInfos();
-  auto secondEPI = secondFnType->getExtParameterInfos();
-  assert(firstEPI.size() == secondEPI.size());
+  bool NeedParamInfo = false;
+  size_t E = FirstHasInfo ? FirstFnType->getExtParameterInfos().size()
+                          : SecondFnType->getExtParameterInfos().size();
+  for (size_t I = 0; I < E; ++I) {
+    FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo FirstParam, SecondParam;
+    if (FirstHasInfo)
+      FirstParam = FirstFnType->getExtParameterInfo(I);
+    if (SecondHasInfo)
+      SecondParam = SecondFnType->getExtParameterInfo(I);
-  for (size_t i = 0, n = firstEPI.size(); i != n; ++i) {
-    if (firstEPI[i] != secondEPI[i])
+    // Cannot merge unless everything except the noescape flag matches.
+    if (FirstParam.withIsNoEscape(false) != SecondParam.withIsNoEscape(false))
       return false;
+    bool FirstNoEscape = FirstParam.isNoEscape();
+    bool SecondNoEscape = SecondParam.isNoEscape();
+    bool IsNoEscape = FirstNoEscape && SecondNoEscape;
+    NewParamInfos.push_back(FirstParam.withIsNoEscape(IsNoEscape));
+    if (NewParamInfos.back().getOpaqueValue())
+      NeedParamInfo = true;
+    if (FirstNoEscape != IsNoEscape)
+      CanUseFirst = false;
+    if (SecondNoEscape != IsNoEscape)
+      CanUseSecond = false;
+  if (!NeedParamInfo)
+    NewParamInfos.clear();
   return true;
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
@@ -2643,6 +2643,9 @@
   if (PI.isConsumed())
+  if (PI.isNoEscape())
+    mangleVendorQualifier("noescape");
 // <type>          ::= <function-type>
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
@@ -14081,8 +14081,21 @@
 bool Sema::CheckOverridingFunctionAttributes(const CXXMethodDecl *New,
                                              const CXXMethodDecl *Old) {
-  const FunctionType *NewFT = New->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>();
-  const FunctionType *OldFT = Old->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>();
+  const auto *NewFT = New->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
+  const auto *OldFT = Old->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
+  if (OldFT->hasExtParameterInfos()) {
+    for (unsigned I = 0, E = OldFT->getNumParams(); I != E; ++I)
+      // A parameter of the overriding method should be annotated with noescape
+      // if the corresponding parameter of the overridden method is annotated.
+      if (OldFT->getExtParameterInfo(I).isNoEscape() &&
+          !NewFT->getExtParameterInfo(I).isNoEscape()) {
+        Diag(New->getParamDecl(I)->getLocation(),
+             diag::warn_overriding_method_missing_noescape);
+        Diag(Old->getParamDecl(I)->getLocation(),
+             diag::note_overridden_marked_noescape);
+      }
+  }
   CallingConv NewCC = NewFT->getCallConv(), OldCC = OldFT->getCallConv();
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
@@ -4479,6 +4479,11 @@
             HasAnyInterestingExtParameterInfos = true;
+          if (Param->hasAttr<NoEscapeAttr>()) {
+            ExtParameterInfos[i] = ExtParameterInfos[i].withIsNoEscape(true);
+            HasAnyInterestingExtParameterInfos = true;
+          }
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -1481,6 +1481,23 @@
       Changed = true;
+    // Convert FromFPT's ExtParameterInfo if necessary. The conversion is valid
+    // only if the ExtParameterInfo lists of the two function prototypes can be
+    // merged and the merged list is identical to ToFPT's ExtParameterInfo list.
+    SmallVector<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo, 4> NewParamInfos;
+    bool CanUseToFPT, CanUseFromFPT;
+    if (Context.mergeExtParameterInfo(ToFPT, FromFPT, CanUseToFPT,
+                                      CanUseFromFPT, NewParamInfos) &&
+        CanUseToFPT && !CanUseFromFPT) {
+      FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo ExtInfo = FromFPT->getExtProtoInfo();
+      ExtInfo.ExtParameterInfos =
+          NewParamInfos.empty() ? nullptr :;
+      QualType QT = Context.getFunctionType(FromFPT->getReturnType(),
+                                            FromFPT->getParamTypes(), ExtInfo);
+      FromFn = QT->getAs<FunctionType>();
+      Changed = true;
+    }
   if (!Changed)
@@ -2663,8 +2680,12 @@
        // Argument types are too different. Abort.
        return false;
-   if (!Context.doFunctionTypesMatchOnExtParameterInfos(FromFunctionType,
-                                                        ToFunctionType))
+   SmallVector<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo, 4> NewParamInfos;
+   bool CanUseToFPT, CanUseFromFPT;
+   if (!Context.mergeExtParameterInfo(ToFunctionType, FromFunctionType,
+                                      CanUseToFPT, CanUseFromFPT,
+                                      NewParamInfos))
      return false;
    ConvertedType = ToType;
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
@@ -188,6 +188,14 @@
       Diag(newDecl->getLocation(), diag::warn_nsconsumed_attribute_mismatch);
       Diag(oldDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_decl) << "parameter";
+    // A parameter of the overriding method should be annotated with noescape
+    // if the corresponding parameter of the overridden method is annotated.
+    if (oldDecl->hasAttr<NoEscapeAttr>() && !newDecl->hasAttr<NoEscapeAttr>()) {
+      Diag(newDecl->getLocation(),
+           diag::warn_overriding_method_missing_noescape);
+      Diag(oldDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_overridden_marked_noescape);
+    }
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
@@ -1531,6 +1531,22 @@
+static void handleNoEscapeAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const AttributeList &Attr) {
+  if (D->isInvalidDecl())
+    return;
+  // noescape only applies to pointer types.
+  QualType T = cast<ParmVarDecl>(D)->getType();
+  if (!S.isValidPointerAttrType(T, /* RefOkay */ true)) {
+    S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_pointers_only)
+        << Attr.getName() << Attr.getRange() << 0;
+    return;
+  }
+  D->addAttr(::new (S.Context) NoEscapeAttr(
+      Attr.getRange(), S.Context, Attr.getAttributeSpellingListIndex()));
 static void handleAssumeAlignedAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D,
                                     const AttributeList &Attr) {
   Expr *E = Attr.getArgAsExpr(0),
@@ -6167,6 +6183,9 @@
   case AttributeList::AT_ReturnsNonNull:
     handleReturnsNonNullAttr(S, D, Attr);
+  case AttributeList::AT_NoEscape:
+    handleNoEscapeAttr(S, D, Attr);
+    break;
   case AttributeList::AT_AssumeAligned:
     handleAssumeAlignedAttr(S, D, Attr);
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/AST/Type.h
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/AST/Type.h
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/AST/Type.h
@@ -3149,6 +3149,7 @@
       ABIMask         = 0x0F,
       IsConsumed      = 0x10,
       HasPassObjSize  = 0x20,
+      IsNoEscape      = 0x40,
     unsigned char Data;
@@ -3189,6 +3190,19 @@
       return Copy;
+    bool isNoEscape() const {
+      return Data & IsNoEscape;
+    }
+    ExtParameterInfo withIsNoEscape(bool NoEscape) const {
+      ExtParameterInfo Copy = *this;
+      if (NoEscape)
+        Copy.Data |= IsNoEscape;
+      else
+        Copy.Data &= ~IsNoEscape;
+      return Copy;
+    }
     unsigned char getOpaqueValue() const { return Data; }
     static ExtParameterInfo getFromOpaqueValue(unsigned char data) {
       ExtParameterInfo result;
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
@@ -2413,9 +2413,30 @@
   QualType mergeObjCGCQualifiers(QualType, QualType);
-  bool doFunctionTypesMatchOnExtParameterInfos(
-         const FunctionProtoType *FromFunctionType,
-         const FunctionProtoType *ToFunctionType);
+  /// This function merges the ExtParameterInfo lists of two functions. It
+  /// returns true if the lists are compatible. The merged list is returned in
+  /// NewParamInfos.
+  ///
+  /// \param FirstFnType The type of the first function.
+  ///
+  /// \param SecondFnType The type of the second function.
+  ///
+  /// \param CanUseFirst This flag is set to true if the first function's
+  /// ExtParameterInfo list can be used as the composite list of
+  /// ExtParameterInfo.
+  ///
+  /// \param CanUseSecond This flag is set to true if the second function's
+  /// ExtParameterInfo list can be used as the composite list of
+  /// ExtParameterInfo.
+  ///
+  /// \param NewParamInfos The composite list of ExtParameterInfo. The list is
+  /// empty if none of the flags are set.
+  ///
+  bool mergeExtParameterInfo(
+      const FunctionProtoType *FirstFnType,
+      const FunctionProtoType *SecondFnType,
+      bool &CanUseFirst, bool &CanUseSecond,
+      SmallVectorImpl<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo> &NewParamInfos);
   void ResetObjCLayout(const ObjCContainerDecl *CD);
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -130,6 +130,47 @@
+def NoEscapeDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatVariable;
+  let Content = [{
+``noescape`` placed on a function parameter of a pointer type is used to inform
+the compiler that the pointer cannot escape: that is, no reference to the object
+the pointer points to that is derived from the parameter value will survive
+after the function returns. Users are responsible for making sure parameters
+annotated with ``noescape`` do not actuallly escape.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: c
+  int *gp;
+  void nonescapingFunc(__attribute__((noescape)) int *p) {
+    *p += 100; // OK.
+  }
+  void escapingFunc(__attribute__((noescape)) int *p) {
+    gp = p; // Not OK.
+  }
+Additionally, when the parameter is a `block pointer
+<>`, the same restriction
+applies to copies of the block. For example:
+  typedef void (^BlockTy)();
+  BlockTy g0, g1;
+  void nonescapingFunc(__attribute__((noescape)) BlockTy block) {
+    block(); // OK.
+  }
+  void escapingFunc(__attribute__((noescape)) BlockTy block) {
+    g0 = block; // Not OK.
+    g1 = Block_copy(block); // Not OK either.
+  }
+  }];
 def CarriesDependencyDocs : Documentation {
   let Category = DocCatFunction;
   let Content = [{
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -1396,6 +1396,12 @@
   let Documentation = [Undocumented];
+def NoEscape : Attr {
+  let Spellings = [GNU<"noescape">, CXX11<"clang", "noescape">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[ParmVar]>;
+  let Documentation = [NoEscapeDocs];
 def AssumeAligned : InheritableAttr {
   let Spellings = [GCC<"assume_aligned">];
   let Subjects = SubjectList<[ObjCMethod, Function]>;
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 def UndefinedVarTemplate : DiagGroup<"undefined-var-template">;
 def UndefinedFuncTemplate : DiagGroup<"undefined-func-template">;
+def MissingNoEscape : DiagGroup<"missing-noescape">;
 def DeleteIncomplete : DiagGroup<"delete-incomplete">;
 def DeleteNonVirtualDtor : DiagGroup<"delete-non-virtual-dtor">;
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -1661,6 +1661,11 @@
   "virtual function %0 has different calling convention attributes "
   "%diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has calling convention $)|"
   "than the function it overrides}1,2">;
+def warn_overriding_method_missing_noescape : Warning<
+  "parameter of overriding method should be annotated with "
+  "__attribute__((noescape))">, InGroup<MissingNoEscape>;
+def note_overridden_marked_noescape : Note<
+  "parameter of overridden method is annotated with __attribute__((noescape))">;
 def err_covariant_return_inaccessible_base : Error<
   "invalid covariant return for virtual function: %1 is a "
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