yaxunl created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: nhaehnle.

In OpenCL the kernel function and non-kernel function has different calling 
For certain targets they have different argument ABIs. Also kernels have 
special function
attributes and metadata for runtime to launch them.

The blocks passed to enqueue_kernel is supposed to be executed as kernels. As 
the block invoke function should be emitted as kernel with proper calling 
argument ABI, function attributes and metadata.

However, currently Clang does not emit enqueued blocks as kernels, which causes 
such as address space of captured variables.

This patch emits enqueued block as kernel. If a block is both called directly 
and passed
to enqueue_kernel, separate functions will be generated.



Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/cl20-device-side-enqueue.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/cl20-device-side-enqueue.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/cl20-device-side-enqueue.cl
@@ -6,10 +6,33 @@
 typedef void (^bl_t)(local void *);
 typedef struct {int a;} ndrange_t;
-// N.B. The check here only exists to set BL_GLOBAL
-// COMMON: @block_G =  addrspace(1) constant void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL:@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]] to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)*) to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)*)
+// COMMON: %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic = type { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* }
+// For a block global variable, first emit the block literal as a global variable, then emit the block variable itself.
+// COMMON: [[BL_GLOBAL:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INV_G:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: @block_G =  addrspace(1) constant void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)*) to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)*)
+// For anonymous blocks without captures, emit block literals as global variable.
+// COMMON: [[BLG1:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG1:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG2:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG2:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG3:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG3:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG4:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG4:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG5:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG5:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG6:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*, i8 addrspace(3)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG6:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG7:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG7:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG8:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*)* [[INVG8:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG9:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG9:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG8K:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*)* [[INVG8K:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG9K:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INVG9K:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BL_GLOBAL_K:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 addrspace(3)*)* [[INV_G_K:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG10:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*)* [[INVG10:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// COMMON: [[BLG11:@__block_literal_global[^ ]*]] = internal addrspace(1) constant { i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } { i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i32 {{[0-9]+}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*)* [[INVG11:@[^ ]+]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*) }
+// Emits block literal [[BL_GLOBAL]], invoke function [[INV_G]] and global block variable @block_G
+// COMMON: define internal spir_func void [[INV_G]](i8 addrspace(4)* %.block_descriptor, i8 addrspace(3)* %a)
 const bl_t block_G = (bl_t) ^ (local void *a) {};
+// COMMON-LABEL: define spir_kernel void @device_side_enqueue(i32 addrspace(1)* %a, i32 addrspace(1)* %b, i32 %i)
 kernel void device_side_enqueue(global int *a, global int *b, int i) {
   // COMMON: %default_queue = alloca %opencl.queue_t*
   queue_t default_queue;
@@ -24,117 +47,139 @@
   // COMMON: %event_wait_list2 = alloca [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*]
   clk_event_t event_wait_list2[] = {clk_event};
+  // Emits block literal on stack and invoke function [[INVL1]].
   // COMMON: [[NDR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = alloca %struct.ndrange_t, align 4
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
+  // COMMON: store i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*)* [[INVL1:@__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke[^ ]*]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i8 addrspace(4)** %block.invoke
   // B32: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 addrspace(1)*, i32, i32 addrspace(1)* }>* %block to void ()*
   // B64: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 addrspace(1)*, i32 addrspace(1)*, i32 }>* %block to void ()*
   // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast void ()* [[BL]] to i8 addrspace(4)*
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* byval [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]])
+  // COMMON-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic
+  // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* byval [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(void) {
                    a[i] = b[i];
+  // Emits block literal on stack and invoke function [[INVL2]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %event_wait_list to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
+  // COMMON: store i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8* bitcast (void (i8 addrspace(1)*)* [[INVL2:@__device_side_enqueue_block_invoke[^ ]*]] to i8*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i8 addrspace(4)** %block.invoke
   // COMMON: [[BL:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}}, i32{{.*}} }>* %block3 to void ()*
   // COMMON: [[BL_I8:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast void ()* [[BL]] to i8 addrspace(4)*
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic_events(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]])
+  // COMMON-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_basic_events
+  // COMMON-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* [[BL_I8]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, &event_wait_list, &clk_event,
                  ^(void) {
                    a[i] = b[i];
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG1]] and invoke function [[INVG1]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32]
   // B32: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B32: store i32 256, i32* %[[TMP1]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG1]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 256, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG1]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
   char c;
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG2]] and invoke function [[INVG2]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32]
   // B32: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B32: store i32 %{{.*}}, i32* %[[TMP1]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG2]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 %{{.*}}, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG2]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG3]] and invoke function [[INVG3]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[AD:%arraydecay[0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*], [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*]* %event_wait_list2, i32 0, i32 0
   // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** [[AD]] to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]]  = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32]
   // B32: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B32: store i32 256, i32* %[[TMP1]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG3]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 256, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}} [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG3]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, event_wait_list2, &clk_event,
                  ^(local void *p) {
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG4]] and invoke function [[INVG4]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // COMMON: [[AD:%arraydecay[0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*], [1 x %opencl.clk_event_t*]* %event_wait_list2, i32 0, i32 0
   // COMMON: [[WAIT_EVNT:%[0-9]+]] = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** [[AD]] to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // COMMON: [[EVNT:%[0-9]+]]  = addrspacecast %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}** %clk_event to %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)*
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32]
   // B32: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B32: store i32 %{{.*}}, i32* %[[TMP1]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG4]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 %{{.*}}, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]],  %struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i32 2, %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[WAIT_EVNT]], %opencl.clk_event_t{{.*}}* addrspace(4)* [[EVNT]], i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG4]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange, 2, event_wait_list2, &clk_event,
                  ^(local void *p) {
   long l;
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG5]] and invoke function [[INVG5]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32]
   // B32: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B32: store i32 %{{.*}}, i32* %[[TMP1]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 %{{.*}}, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG6]] and invoke function [[INVG6]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}*, %opencl.queue_t{{.*}}** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [3 x i32]
@@ -144,60 +189,137 @@
   // B32: store i32 2, i32* %[[TMP2]], align 4
   // B32: %[[TMP3:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 2
   // B32: store i32 4, i32* %[[TMP3]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 3, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 3, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [3 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 1, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
   // B64: %[[TMP2:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 1
   // B64: store i64 2, i64* %[[TMP2]], align 8
   // B64: %[[TMP3:.*]] = getelementptr [3 x i64], [3 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 2
   // B64: store i64 4, i64* %[[TMP3]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 3, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 3, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p1, local void *p2, local void *p3) {
                  1, 2, 4);
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG7]] and invoke function [[INVG7]].
   // COMMON: [[DEF_Q:%[0-9]+]] = load %opencl.queue_t*, %opencl.queue_t** %default_queue
   // COMMON: [[FLAGS:%[0-9]+]] = load i32, i32* %flags
   // B32: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i32]
   // B32: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i32], [1 x i32]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B32: store i32 0, i32* %[[TMP1]], align 4
-  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B32-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B32-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* %[[TMP1]])
   // B64: %[[TMP:.*]] = alloca [1 x i64]
   // B64: %[[TMP1:.*]] = getelementptr [1 x i64], [1 x i64]* %[[TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
   // B64: store i64 4294967296, i64* %[[TMP1]], align 8
-  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
+  // B64-LABEL: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs
+  // B64-SAME: (%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{([0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* @__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* %[[TMP1]])
   enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
                  ^(local void *p) {
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG8]] and invoke function [[INVG8]].
   // The full type of these expressions are long (and repeated elsewhere), so we
   // capture it as part of the regex for convenience and clarity.
-  // COMMON: store void () addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void () addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_A:@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]] to void () addrspace(1)*) to void () addrspace(4)*), void () addrspace(4)** %block_A
+  // COMMON: store void () addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void () addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to void () addrspace(1)*) to void () addrspace(4)*), void () addrspace(4)** %block_A
   void (^const block_A)(void) = ^{
-  // COMMON: store void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_B:@__block_literal_global(\.[0-9]+)?]] to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)*) to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)*), void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)** %block_B
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG9]] and invoke function [[INVG9]].
+  // COMMON: store void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG9]] to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(1)*) to void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)*), void (i8 addrspace(3)*) addrspace(4)** %block_B
   void (^const block_B)(local void *) = ^(local void *a) {
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_A]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  // Uses global block literal [[BLG8]] and invoke function [[INVG8]].
+  // COMMON: [[r1:%.*]] = load i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspace(4)* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic, %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*), i32 0, i32 2)
+  // COMMON: [[r2:%.*]] = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(4)* [[r1]] to void (i8 addrspace(4)*)*
+  // COMMON: call spir_func void [[r2]](i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  block_A();
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG8K]] and invoke function [[INVG8K]]. [[INVG8K]] is the same as [[INV8]] except calling convention, ABI and metadata.
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8K]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   unsigned size = get_kernel_work_group_size(block_A);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_B]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  // Uses global block literal [[BLG8]] and invoke function [[INVG8]]. Make sure no redundant block literal and invoke functions are emitted.
+  // COMMON: [[r1:%.*]] = load i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspace(4)* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic, %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (%struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(1)*) to %struct.__opencl_block_literal_generic addrspace(4)*), i32 0, i32 2)
+  // COMMON: [[r2:%.*]] = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(4)* [[r1]] to void (i8 addrspace(4)*)*
+  // COMMON: call spir_func void [[r2]](i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  block_A();
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG9K]] and invoke function [[INVG9K]]. [[INVG9K]] is the same as [[INV9]] except calling convention, ABI and metadata.
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_work_group_size_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG9K]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_work_group_size(block_B);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_A]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  // Uses global block literal [[BLG8K]] and invoke function [[INVG8K]]. Make sure no redundant block literal ind invoke functions are emitted.
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG8K]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(block_A);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  // Uses global block literal [[BL_GLOBAL_K]] and invoke function [[INV_G_K]]. [[INV_G_K]] is the same as [[INV_G]] except calling convention, ABI and metadata.
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl(i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BL_GLOBAL_K]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple(block_G);
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange_impl(%struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* {{.*}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG10]] and invoke function [[INVG10]].
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange_impl(%struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG10]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange(ndrange, ^(){});
-  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange_impl(%struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* {{.*}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
+  // Emits global block literal [[BLG11]] and invoke function [[INVG11]].
+  // COMMON: call i32 @__get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange_impl(%struct.ndrange_t* {{.*}}, i8 addrspace(4)* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)* } addrspace(1)* [[BLG11]] to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 addrspace(4)*))
   size = get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange(ndrange, ^(){});
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVL1]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}})
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVL2]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}})
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG1]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG2]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG3]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG4]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG5]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG6]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p1, i8 addrspace(3)* %p2, i8 addrspace(3)* %p3)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG7]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %p)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_func void [[INVG8]](i8 addrspace(4)* %{{.*}})
+// COMMON-NOT: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_func void [[INVG9]](i8 addrspace(4)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %a)
+// COMMON-NOT: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG8K]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}})
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG9K]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %a)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INV_G_K]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %a)
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG10]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}})
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
+// COMMON: define internal spir_kernel void [[INVG11]](i8 addrspace(1)* %{{.*}})
+// COMMON-SAME: #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/blocks.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/blocks.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/blocks.cl
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@
 // COMMON-LABEL: define internal {{.*}}i32 @__foo_block_invoke(i8 addrspace(4)* %.block_descriptor)
-// COMMON:  %[[block:.*]] = bitcast i8 addrspace(4)* %.block_descriptor to <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 }> addrspace(4)*
-// COMMON:  %[[block_capture_addr:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 }>, <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 }> addrspace(4)* %[[block]], i32 0, i32 3
-// COMMON:  %[[r1:.*]] = load i32, i32 addrspace(4)* %[[block_capture_addr]]
+// COMMON:  %[[block:.*]] = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(4)* %.block_descriptor to <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 }>*
+// COMMON:  %[[block_capture_addr:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 }>, <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i32 }>* %[[block]], i32 0, i32 3
+// COMMON:  %[[r1:.*]] = load i32, i32* %[[block_capture_addr]]
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/amdgpu-enqueue-kernel.cl
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/amdgpu-enqueue-kernel.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -O0 -emit-llvm -o - -triple amdgcn | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK
+// CHECK: %[[S1:struct.__amdgpu_block_arg_t.*]] = type { [3 x i64], [1 x i8] }
+// CHECK: %[[S2:struct.__amdgpu_block_arg_t.*]] = type { [5 x i64], [1 x i8] }
+// CHECK: %[[S3:struct.__amdgpu_block_arg_t.*]] = type { [2 x i64] }
+typedef struct {int a;} ndrange_t;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define amdgpu_kernel void @test
+kernel void test(global char *a, char b, global long *c, long d) {
+  queue_t default_queue;
+  unsigned flags = 0;
+  ndrange_t ndrange;
+  enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
+                 ^(void) {
+                 a[0] = b;
+                 });
+  enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
+                 ^(void) {
+                 a[0] = b;
+                 c[0] = d;
+                 });
+  enqueue_kernel(default_queue, flags, ndrange,
+                 ^(local void *a) {
+                   local int *p = (local int *)a;
+                   p[0] = 1;
+                 },
+                 100);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal amdgpu_kernel void @__test_block_invoke
+// CHECK-SAME: (%[[S1]] %{{.*}})
+// CHECK: %block = bitcast %[[S1]]* %{{.*}} to <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(1)*, i8 }>*
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal amdgpu_kernel void @__test_block_invoke_2
+// CHECK-SAME: (%[[S2]] %{{.*}})
+// CHECK: %block = bitcast %[[S2]]* %{{.*}} to <{ i32, i32, i8 addrspace(4)*, i8 addrspace(1)*, i64 addrspace(1)*, i64, i8 }>*
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal amdgpu_kernel void @__test_block_invoke_3
+// CHECK-SAME: (%[[S3]] %{{.*}}, i8 addrspace(3)* %a) #{{[0-9]+}} !kernel_arg_addr_space ![[MD:[0-9]+]] !kernel_arg_access_qual !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_base_type !{{.*}} !kernel_arg_type_qual !{{.*}}
Index: lib/CodeGen/TargetInfo.h
--- lib/CodeGen/TargetInfo.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/TargetInfo.h
@@ -32,11 +32,13 @@
 namespace clang {
 class Decl;
+class ASTContext;
 namespace CodeGen {
 class ABIInfo;
 class CallArgList;
 class CodeGenFunction;
+class CGBlockInfo;
 class CGFunctionInfo;
 /// TargetCodeGenInfo - This class organizes various target-specific
@@ -265,6 +267,10 @@
   /// Get the syncscope used in LLVM IR.
   virtual llvm::SyncScope::ID getLLVMSyncScopeID(SyncScope S,
                                                  llvm::LLVMContext &C) const;
+  /// Get the QualType for the block argument of an enqueued block.
+  virtual QualType getEnqueuedBlockArgumentType(ASTContext &C,
+                                                const CGBlockInfo &Info) const;
 } // namespace CodeGen
Index: lib/CodeGen/TargetInfo.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/TargetInfo.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/TargetInfo.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "TargetInfo.h"
 #include "ABIInfo.h"
+#include "CGBlocks.h"
 #include "CGCXXABI.h"
 #include "CGValue.h"
 #include "CodeGenFunction.h"
@@ -7624,6 +7625,8 @@
                                     const VarDecl *D) const override;
   llvm::SyncScope::ID getLLVMSyncScopeID(SyncScope S,
                                          llvm::LLVMContext &C) const override;
+  QualType getEnqueuedBlockArgumentType(ASTContext &C,
+                                        const CGBlockInfo &Info) const override;
@@ -8924,3 +8927,51 @@
     return SetCGInfo(new SPIRTargetCodeGenInfo(Types));
+TargetCodeGenInfo::getEnqueuedBlockArgumentType(ASTContext &C,
+                                                const CGBlockInfo &Info) const {
+  return C.getPointerType(
+      C.getAddrSpaceQualType(C.VoidTy, LangAS::opencl_global));
+QualType AMDGPUTargetCodeGenInfo::getEnqueuedBlockArgumentType(
+    ASTContext &C, const CGBlockInfo &Info) const {
+  unsigned Size = Info.BlockSize.getQuantity();
+  unsigned Align = Info.BlockAlign.getQuantity();
+  assert(Align == 4 || Align == 8);
+  // Create a struct type which has the same size and alignment as the block
+  // argument.
+  RecordDecl *RD = C.buildImplicitRecord("__amdgpu_block_arg_t");
+  RD->startDefinition();
+  auto AddField = [&](unsigned ElemSize, unsigned NumElem) {
+    assert(ElemSize == 4 || ElemSize == 8 || ElemSize == 1);
+    llvm::APInt ArraySize(C.getTargetInfo().getIntWidth(), NumElem);
+    QualType ElemType;
+    switch (ElemSize) {
+    case 8:
+      ElemType = C.LongTy;
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      ElemType = C.IntTy;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      ElemType = C.CharTy;
+      break;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("invalid element size");
+    }
+    const QualType FieldTy = C.getConstantArrayType(
+        ElemType, ArraySize, ArrayType::Normal, /*TypeQualifiers=*/0);
+    auto *Field = FieldDecl::Create(C, RD, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(),
+                                    &C.Idents.get("data"), FieldTy,
+                                    /*TInfo=*/nullptr, /*BitWidth=*/nullptr,
+                                    /*Mutable=*/false, ICIS_NoInit);
+    RD->addDecl(Field);
+  };
+  AddField(Align, Size / Align);
+  if (unsigned Rem = Size % Align)
+    AddField(1, Rem);
+  RD->completeDefinition();
+  return C.getTagDeclType(RD);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenTypes.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenTypes.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenTypes.h
@@ -291,9 +291,10 @@
                                                      const CallArgList &args);
   /// Block invocation functions are C functions with an implicit parameter.
-  const CGFunctionInfo &arrangeBlockFunctionDeclaration(
-                                                 const FunctionProtoType *type,
-                                                 const FunctionArgList &args);
+  const CGFunctionInfo &
+  arrangeBlockFunctionDeclaration(const FunctionProtoType *type,
+                                  const FunctionArgList &args,
+                                  bool AsOpenCLKernel = false);
   const CGFunctionInfo &arrangeBlockFunctionCall(const CallArgList &args,
                                                  const FunctionType *type);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -1430,8 +1430,7 @@
   /// Add OpenCL kernel arg metadata and the kernel attribute meatadata to
   /// the function metadata.
-  void EmitOpenCLKernelMetadata(const FunctionDecl *FD, 
-                                llvm::Function *Fn);
+  void EmitOpenCLKernelMetadata(const Decl *FD, llvm::Function *Fn);
   CodeGenFunction(CodeGenModule &cgm, bool suppressNewContext=false);
@@ -1580,13 +1579,13 @@
   //                                  Block Bits
-  llvm::Value *EmitBlockLiteral(const BlockExpr *);
+  llvm::Value *EmitBlockLiteral(const BlockExpr *, bool AsOpenCLKernel = false);
   static void destroyBlockInfos(CGBlockInfo *info);
-  llvm::Function *GenerateBlockFunction(GlobalDecl GD,
-                                        const CGBlockInfo &Info,
+  llvm::Function *GenerateBlockFunction(GlobalDecl GD, const CGBlockInfo &Info,
                                         const DeclMapTy &ldm,
-                                        bool IsLambdaConversionToBlock);
+                                        bool IsLambdaConversionToBlock,
+                                        bool AsOpenCLKernel);
   llvm::Constant *GenerateCopyHelperFunction(const CGBlockInfo &blockInfo);
   llvm::Constant *GenerateDestroyHelperFunction(const CGBlockInfo &blockInfo);
@@ -1603,8 +1602,9 @@
   void emitByrefStructureInit(const AutoVarEmission &emission);
   void enterByrefCleanup(const AutoVarEmission &emission);
+  class ParamValue;
   void setBlockContextParameter(const ImplicitParamDecl *D, unsigned argNum,
-                                llvm::Value *ptr);
+                                const ParamValue &PV);
   Address LoadBlockStruct();
   Address GetAddrOfBlockDecl(const VarDecl *var, bool ByRef);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
@@ -494,9 +494,11 @@
 // OpenCL v1.2 s5.6.4.6 allows the compiler to store kernel argument
 // information in the program executable. The argument information stored
 // includes the argument name, its type, the address and access qualifiers used.
-static void GenOpenCLArgMetadata(const FunctionDecl *FD, llvm::Function *Fn,
-                                 CodeGenModule &CGM, llvm::LLVMContext &Context,
+static void GenOpenCLArgMetadata(const Decl *D, llvm::Function *Fn,
+                                 CodeGenFunction &CGF,
+                                 llvm::LLVMContext &Context,
                                  CGBuilderTy &Builder, ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
+  assert((isa<FunctionDecl>(D) || isa<BlockDecl>(D)));
   // Create MDNodes that represent the kernel arg metadata.
   // Each MDNode is a list in the form of "key", N number of values which is
   // the same number of values as their are kernel arguments.
@@ -521,10 +523,23 @@
   // MDNode for the kernel argument names.
   SmallVector<llvm::Metadata *, 8> argNames;
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = FD->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
-    const ParmVarDecl *parm = FD->getParamDecl(i);
-    QualType ty = parm->getType();
+  bool IsBlock = isa<BlockDecl>(D);
+  auto Params = IsBlock ? cast<BlockDecl>(D)->parameters()
+                        : cast<FunctionDecl>(D)->parameters();
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = IsBlock ? Params.size() + 1 : Params.size(); i != e;
+       ++i) {
     std::string typeQuals;
+    QualType ty;
+    StringRef Name;
+    if (i == 0 && IsBlock) {
+      ty = CGF.CGM.getTargetCodeGenInfo().getEnqueuedBlockArgumentType(
+          ASTCtx, *CGF.BlockInfo);
+      Name = "block_context";
+    } else {
+      auto *Arg = Params[IsBlock ? i - 1 : i];
+      ty = Arg->getType();
+      Name = Arg->getName();
+    }
     if (ty->isPointerType()) {
       QualType pointeeTy = ty->getPointeeType();
@@ -621,7 +636,8 @@
     // Get image and pipe access qualifier:
     if (ty->isImageType()|| ty->isPipeType()) {
-      const Decl *PDecl = parm;
+      // Only normal kernel function can have image and pipe type arguments.
+      const Decl *PDecl = cast<FunctionDecl>(D)->getParamDecl(i);
       if (auto *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(ty))
         PDecl = TD->getDecl();
       const OpenCLAccessAttr *A = PDecl->getAttr<OpenCLAccessAttr>();
@@ -635,7 +651,7 @@
       accessQuals.push_back(llvm::MDString::get(Context, "none"));
     // Get argument name.
-    argNames.push_back(llvm::MDString::get(Context, parm->getName()));
+    argNames.push_back(llvm::MDString::get(Context, Name));
@@ -648,20 +664,18 @@
                   llvm::MDNode::get(Context, argBaseTypeNames));
                   llvm::MDNode::get(Context, argTypeQuals));
-  if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().EmitOpenCLArgMetadata)
+  if (CGF.CGM.getCodeGenOpts().EmitOpenCLArgMetadata)
                     llvm::MDNode::get(Context, argNames));
-void CodeGenFunction::EmitOpenCLKernelMetadata(const FunctionDecl *FD,
-                                               llvm::Function *Fn)
-  if (!FD->hasAttr<OpenCLKernelAttr>())
-    return;
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitOpenCLKernelMetadata(const Decl *FD,
+                                               llvm::Function *Fn) {
+  assert(isa<FunctionDecl>(FD) || isa<BlockDecl>(FD));
   llvm::LLVMContext &Context = getLLVMContext();
-  GenOpenCLArgMetadata(FD, Fn, CGM, Context, Builder, getContext());
+  GenOpenCLArgMetadata(FD, Fn, *this, Context, Builder, getContext());
   if (const VecTypeHintAttr *A = FD->getAttr<VecTypeHintAttr>()) {
     QualType HintQTy = A->getTypeHint();
@@ -842,11 +856,9 @@
   if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().ProfileSampleAccurate)
-  if (getLangOpts().OpenCL) {
-    // Add metadata for a kernel function.
-    if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(D))
-      EmitOpenCLKernelMetadata(FD, Fn);
-  }
+  // Add metadata for a kernel function.
+  if (FnInfo.getASTCallingConvention() == CC_OpenCLKernel)
+    EmitOpenCLKernelMetadata(D, Fn);
   // If we are checking function types, emit a function type signature as
   // prologue data.
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.h
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
 namespace clang {
+class Expr;
 class VarDecl;
 namespace CodeGen {
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@
   CodeGenModule &CGM;
   llvm::Type *PipeTy;
   llvm::PointerType *SamplerTy;
+  /// Maps block expression to llvm value.
+  llvm::DenseMap<const Expr *, llvm::Value *> EnqueuedBlockMap;
   CGOpenCLRuntime(CodeGenModule &CGM) : CGM(CGM), PipeTy(nullptr),
@@ -62,6 +66,9 @@
   /// \return __generic void* type.
   llvm::PointerType *getGenericVoidPointerType();
+  /// \return block literal for enqueued block.
+  llvm::Value *emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const Expr *E);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.cpp
@@ -109,3 +109,26 @@
+llvm::Value *CGOpenCLRuntime::emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
+                                                      const Expr *E) {
+  if (auto DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)) {
+    E = cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl())->getInit();
+  }
+  if (auto Cast = dyn_cast<CastExpr>(E)) {
+    E = Cast->getSubExpr();
+  }
+  auto *Block = cast<BlockExpr>(E);
+  bool Cacheable = !Block->getBlockDecl()->hasCaptures();
+  if (Cacheable) {
+    auto Loc = EnqueuedBlockMap.find(Block);
+    if (Loc != EnqueuedBlockMap.end()) {
+      return Loc->second;
+    }
+  }
+  auto *V = CGF.EmitBlockLiteral(Block, true);
+  if (Cacheable) {
+    EnqueuedBlockMap[Block] = V;
+  }
+  return V;
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
@@ -1787,7 +1787,8 @@
     // The only implicit argument a block has is its literal.
     // We assume this is always passed directly.
     if (BlockInfo) {
-      setBlockContextParameter(IPD, ArgNo, Arg.getDirectValue());
+      assert(BlockInfo->asOpenCLKernel() || !Arg.isIndirect());
+      setBlockContextParameter(IPD, ArgNo, Arg);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -608,14 +608,17 @@
 const CGFunctionInfo &
 CodeGenTypes::arrangeBlockFunctionDeclaration(const FunctionProtoType *proto,
-                                              const FunctionArgList &params) {
+                                              const FunctionArgList &params,
+                                              bool AsOpenCLKernel) {
   auto paramInfos = getExtParameterInfosForCall(proto, 1, params.size());
   auto argTypes = getArgTypesForDeclaration(Context, params);
+  auto Info = proto->getExtInfo();
+  if (AsOpenCLKernel)
+    Info = Info.withCallingConv(CC_OpenCLKernel);
   return arrangeLLVMFunctionInfo(
-      /*instanceMethod*/ false, /*chainCall*/ false, argTypes,
-      proto->getExtInfo(), paramInfos,
+      /*instanceMethod*/ false, /*chainCall*/ false, argTypes, Info, paramInfos,
       RequiredArgs::forPrototypePlus(proto, 1, nullptr));
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
@@ -2609,7 +2609,8 @@
           Int32Ty, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Type *>(ArgTys, 4), false);
       llvm::Value *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
-          EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(3)), GenericVoidPtrTy);
+          CGM.getOpenCLRuntime().emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(*this, E->getArg(3)),
+          GenericVoidPtrTy);
       AttrBuilder B;
@@ -2650,8 +2651,9 @@
     if (E->getArg(3)->getType()->isBlockPointerType()) {
       // No events passed, but has variadic arguments.
       Name = "__enqueue_kernel_vaargs";
-      auto *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(3)),
-                                              GenericVoidPtrTy);
+      auto *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
+          CGM.getOpenCLRuntime().emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(*this, E->getArg(3)),
+          GenericVoidPtrTy);
       auto *PtrToSizeArray = CreateArrayForSizeVar(4);
       // Create a vector of the arguments, as well as a constant value to
@@ -2689,7 +2691,8 @@
       EventList = Builder.CreatePointerCast(EventList, EventPtrTy);
       ClkEvent = Builder.CreatePointerCast(ClkEvent, EventPtrTy);
       llvm::Value *Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
-          EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(6)), GenericVoidPtrTy);
+          CGM.getOpenCLRuntime().emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(*this, E->getArg(6)),
+          GenericVoidPtrTy);
       std::vector<llvm::Type *> ArgTys = {
           QueueTy,    Int32Ty,    RangeTy,         Int32Ty,
@@ -2730,7 +2733,8 @@
   case Builtin::BIget_kernel_work_group_size: {
     llvm::Type *GenericVoidPtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(
-    Value *Arg = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0));
+    Value *Arg =
+        CGM.getOpenCLRuntime().emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(*this, E->getArg(0));
     Arg = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Arg, GenericVoidPtrTy);
     return RValue::get(Builder.CreateCall(
@@ -2741,7 +2745,8 @@
   case Builtin::BIget_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple: {
     llvm::Type *GenericVoidPtrTy = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(
-    Value *Arg = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(0));
+    Value *Arg =
+        CGM.getOpenCLRuntime().emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(*this, E->getArg(0));
     Arg = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Arg, GenericVoidPtrTy);
     return RValue::get(Builder.CreateCall(
@@ -2755,7 +2760,8 @@
     LValue NDRangeL = EmitAggExprToLValue(E->getArg(0));
     llvm::Value *NDRange = NDRangeL.getAddress().getPointer();
-    Value *Block = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1));
+    Value *Block =
+        CGM.getOpenCLRuntime().emitOpenCLEnqueuedBlock(*this, E->getArg(1));
     Block = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Block, GenericVoidPtrTy);
     const char *Name =
         BuiltinID == Builtin::BIget_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.h
@@ -258,6 +258,9 @@
   /// has been encountered.
   CGBlockInfo *NextBlockInfo;
+  /// The block is emitted as an OpenCL devide-side kernel.
+  bool AsOpenCLKernel;
   const Capture &getCapture(const VarDecl *var) const {
     return const_cast<CGBlockInfo*>(this)->getCapture(var);
@@ -275,6 +278,9 @@
     return BlockExpression;
+  void setAsOpenCLKernel(bool Yes) { AsOpenCLKernel = Yes; }
+  bool asOpenCLKernel() const { return AsOpenCLKernel; }
   CGBlockInfo(const BlockDecl *blockDecl, StringRef Name);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBlocks.cpp
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
 #include "CodeGenFunction.h"
 #include "CodeGenModule.h"
 #include "ConstantEmitter.h"
-#include "clang/CodeGen/ConstantInitBuilder.h"
+#include "TargetInfo.h"
 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
+#include "clang/CodeGen/ConstantInitBuilder.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
@@ -31,10 +32,10 @@
 using namespace CodeGen;
 CGBlockInfo::CGBlockInfo(const BlockDecl *block, StringRef name)
-  : Name(name), CXXThisIndex(0), CanBeGlobal(false), NeedsCopyDispose(false),
-    HasCXXObject(false), UsesStret(false), HasCapturedVariableLayout(false),
-    LocalAddress(Address::invalid()), StructureType(nullptr), Block(block),
-    DominatingIP(nullptr) {
+    : Name(name), CXXThisIndex(0), CanBeGlobal(false), NeedsCopyDispose(false),
+      HasCXXObject(false), UsesStret(false), HasCapturedVariableLayout(false),
+      LocalAddress(Address::invalid()), StructureType(nullptr), Block(block),
+      DominatingIP(nullptr), AsOpenCLKernel(false) {
   // Skip asm prefix, if any.  'name' is usually taken directly from
   // the mangled name of the enclosing function.
@@ -715,15 +716,18 @@
 /// Emit a block literal expression in the current function.
-llvm::Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitBlockLiteral(const BlockExpr *blockExpr) {
+llvm::Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitBlockLiteral(const BlockExpr *blockExpr,
+                                               bool AsOpenCLKernel) {
   // If the block has no captures, we won't have a pre-computed
   // layout for it.
   if (!blockExpr->getBlockDecl()->hasCaptures()) {
-    if (llvm::Constant *Block = CGM.getAddrOfGlobalBlockIfEmitted(blockExpr))
-      return Block;
+    if (!AsOpenCLKernel)
+      if (llvm::Constant *Block = CGM.getAddrOfGlobalBlockIfEmitted(blockExpr))
+        return Block;
     CGBlockInfo blockInfo(blockExpr->getBlockDecl(), CurFn->getName());
     computeBlockInfo(CGM, this, blockInfo);
     blockInfo.BlockExpression = blockExpr;
+    blockInfo.setAsOpenCLKernel(AsOpenCLKernel);
     return EmitBlockLiteral(blockInfo);
@@ -733,6 +737,7 @@
   blockInfo->BlockExpression = blockExpr;
+  blockInfo->setAsOpenCLKernel(AsOpenCLKernel);
   return EmitBlockLiteral(*blockInfo);
@@ -745,10 +750,8 @@
       CGM.getTarget().getPointerWidth(GenVoidPtrAddr) / 8);
   // Using the computed layout, generate the actual block function.
   bool isLambdaConv = blockInfo.getBlockDecl()->isConversionFromLambda();
-  llvm::Constant *blockFn
-    = CodeGenFunction(CGM, true).GenerateBlockFunction(CurGD, blockInfo,
-                                                       LocalDeclMap,
-                                                       isLambdaConv);
+  llvm::Constant *blockFn = CodeGenFunction(CGM, true).GenerateBlockFunction(
+      CurGD, blockInfo, LocalDeclMap, isLambdaConv, blockInfo.AsOpenCLKernel);
   blockFn = llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(blockFn, GenVoidPtrTy);
   // If there is nothing to capture, we can emit this as a global block.
@@ -1164,10 +1167,8 @@
   llvm::Constant *blockFn;
     CodeGenFunction::DeclMapTy LocalDeclMap;
-    blockFn = CodeGenFunction(*this).GenerateBlockFunction(GlobalDecl(),
-                                                           blockInfo,
-                                                           LocalDeclMap,
-                                                           false);
+    blockFn = CodeGenFunction(*this).GenerateBlockFunction(
+        GlobalDecl(), blockInfo, LocalDeclMap, false, false);
   auto GenVoidPtrTy = getContext().getLangOpts().OpenCL
                           ? getOpenCLRuntime().getGenericVoidPointerType()
@@ -1185,7 +1186,8 @@
   // Callers should detect this case on their own: calling this function
   // generally requires computing layout information, which is a waste of time
   // if we've already emitted this block.
-  assert(!CGM.getAddrOfGlobalBlockIfEmitted(blockInfo.BlockExpression) &&
+  assert((blockInfo.asOpenCLKernel() ||
+          !CGM.getAddrOfGlobalBlockIfEmitted(blockInfo.BlockExpression)) &&
          "Refusing to re-emit a global block.");
   // Generate the constants for the block literal initializer.
@@ -1232,19 +1234,29 @@
   llvm::Constant *Result =
       llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(literal, RequiredType);
-  CGM.setAddrOfGlobalBlock(blockInfo.BlockExpression, Result);
+  if (!blockInfo.asOpenCLKernel())
+    CGM.setAddrOfGlobalBlock(blockInfo.BlockExpression, Result);
   return Result;
 void CodeGenFunction::setBlockContextParameter(const ImplicitParamDecl *D,
                                                unsigned argNum,
-                                               llvm::Value *arg) {
+                                               const ParamValue &PV) {
   assert(BlockInfo && "not emitting prologue of block invocation function?!");
+  auto &C = getContext();
+  auto *arg = PV.getAnyValue();
+  // On certain target OpenCL struct type kernel argument is passed directly,
+  // therefore the block literal argument is not a pointer.
+  bool IsPtr = isa<llvm::PointerType>(arg->getType());
   llvm::Value *localAddr = nullptr;
-  if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().OptimizationLevel == 0) {
+  if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().OptimizationLevel == 0 || !IsPtr) {
     // Allocate a stack slot to let the debug info survive the RA.
-    Address alloc = CreateMemTemp(D->getType(), D->getName() + ".addr");
+    Address alloc = CreateMemTemp(
+        !PV.isIndirect() ? D->getType()
+                         : C.getPointerType(C.getAddrSpaceQualType(
+                               D->getType(), getASTAllocaAddressSpace())),
+        D->getName() + ".addr");
     Builder.CreateStore(arg, alloc);
     localAddr = Builder.CreateLoad(alloc);
@@ -1261,28 +1273,25 @@
   SourceLocation StartLoc = BlockInfo->getBlockExpr()->getBody()->getLocStart();
   ApplyDebugLocation Scope(*this, StartLoc);
+  assert(BlockInfo->asOpenCLKernel() || IsPtr);
   // Instead of messing around with LocalDeclMap, just set the value
   // directly as BlockPointer.
-  BlockPointer = Builder.CreatePointerCast(
-      arg,
-      BlockInfo->StructureType->getPointerTo(
-          getContext().getLangOpts().OpenCL
-              ? getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_generic)
-              : 0),
-      "block");
+  BlockPointer =
+      Builder.CreatePointerCast(IsPtr ? arg : localAddr,
+                                BlockInfo->StructureType->getPointerTo(
+                                    CGM.getDataLayout().getAllocaAddrSpace()),
+                                "block");
 Address CodeGenFunction::LoadBlockStruct() {
   assert(BlockInfo && "not in a block invocation function!");
   assert(BlockPointer && "no block pointer set!");
   return Address(BlockPointer, BlockInfo->BlockAlign);
-llvm::Function *
-CodeGenFunction::GenerateBlockFunction(GlobalDecl GD,
-                                       const CGBlockInfo &blockInfo,
-                                       const DeclMapTy &ldm,
-                                       bool IsLambdaConversionToBlock) {
+llvm::Function *CodeGenFunction::GenerateBlockFunction(
+    GlobalDecl GD, const CGBlockInfo &blockInfo, const DeclMapTy &ldm,
+    bool IsLambdaConversionToBlock, bool AsOpenCLKernel) {
   const BlockDecl *blockDecl = blockInfo.getBlockDecl();
   CurGD = GD;
@@ -1309,13 +1318,9 @@
   // and cast it later.
   QualType selfTy = getContext().VoidPtrTy;
-  // For OpenCL passed block pointer can be private AS local variable or
-  // global AS program scope variable (for the case with and without captures).
-  // Generic AS is used therefore to be able to accommodate both private and
-  // generic AS in one implementation.
-  if (getLangOpts().OpenCL)
-    selfTy = getContext().getPointerType(getContext().getAddrSpaceQualType(
-        getContext().VoidTy, LangAS::opencl_generic));
+  if (blockInfo.asOpenCLKernel())
+    selfTy = CGM.getTargetCodeGenInfo().getEnqueuedBlockArgumentType(
+        getContext(), blockInfo);
   IdentifierInfo *II = &CGM.getContext().Idents.get(".block_descriptor");
@@ -1329,8 +1334,8 @@
   // Create the function declaration.
   const FunctionProtoType *fnType = blockInfo.getBlockExpr()->getFunctionType();
-  const CGFunctionInfo &fnInfo =
-    CGM.getTypes().arrangeBlockFunctionDeclaration(fnType, args);
+  const CGFunctionInfo &fnInfo = CGM.getTypes().arrangeBlockFunctionDeclaration(
+      fnType, args, blockInfo.asOpenCLKernel());
   if (CGM.ReturnSlotInterferesWithArgs(fnInfo))
     blockInfo.UsesStret = true;
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