jroelofs added inline comments.

Comment at: src/AddressSpace.hpp:521
                                                 unw_word_t *offset) {
+#if !defined(_LIBUNWIND_IS_BAREMETAL) && !defined(_WIN32)
   Dl_info dyldInfo;
mstorsjo wrote:
> mstorsjo wrote:
> > jroelofs wrote:
> > > Would it work to implement the win32 side of this via `SymFromAddr`?
> > Hmm, I guess that would work.
> ... actually, I'm not sure how useful it is - it requires initializing the 
> symbol handler with `SymInitialize` and point to a path to find the symbols. 
> Plus that the symbol handler is single threaded and any calls to that would 
> need to be guarded with a global mutex. So I think I'd defer that for now at 
> least.
alright, fine with me.


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