arphaman added a comment.

I've committed, so you'd have to rebase 
unfortunately. Things are still somewhat unstable :)

Comment at: lib/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.cpp:154
+class LocalQualifiedRename final : public RefactoringAction {
hokein wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > As discussed offline, it's not clear why this is a separate Action, rather 
> > than a different Rule that's part of the same Action.
> > 
> > @arphaman how does the framework answer this question?
> There is a 
> [document](
>  describing it, but still ambiguous.
> We also had some questions about `local-rename` from the discussion, need 
> @arphaman's input:
> * `OccurrenceFinder` is not exposed now, it is merely used in 
> `RenameOccurrences`. We think there should be a public interface to the 
> clients, like for implementing interactive mode in IDE? 
> * Currently the rules defined in the same action must have mutual 
> command-line options, otherwise clang-refactor would complain the 
> command-line option are being registered more than once. It might be very 
> strict for some cases. For example, `-new-name` is most likely being used by 
> many rules in `local-rename` action.
I think that this should be just a rule in `local-rename`.

So you'd be able to call:

`clang-refactor local-rename -selection=X -new-name=foo`
`clang-refactor local-rename -old-qualified-name=bar -new-name=foo`.

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