NoQ added a comment.

A breakthrough with credit going to Devin: Note that whenever we're not dealing 
with `>`/`<`/`<=`/`>=` (but only with additive ops and `==` and `!=`, and we 
have everything of the same type) we can rearrange regardless of constraints, 
simply because Z/nZ is an abelian group.

First of all, it means that we definitely do not need to check constraints in 
those cases.

Then the question is - would it be enough to limit rearrangements to additive 
and equality comparisons? `operator<()` is rarely redefined for iterator 
objects. You rely on `>`/`<` comparisons to compare symbolic iterators to 
`.begin()` or `.end()`, but how much more does it give in practice, compared to 
straightforwardly matching, say, `i == i.container.end` where `N` is 
non-negative, given that the rest of our solver barely solves anything? Like, 
let's say that "iterator `i` is past end" from now on literally means "//there 
exists a non-negative `N` for which `i` is-the-same-symbol-as `i.container.end 
+ N`//" rather than "//`i >= i.container.end`//". Would the checker lose much 
from such change? If not, we can completely screw all checks and gain a lot 
more value from the rearrangements.

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