ioeric added a comment.

First round of comments. Mostly around indexing actions and file records; I 
haven't started reviewing the data writing and storing code. I think it might 
make sense to split the index writing and storing logics into a separate patch, 
which should be possible if `writeUnitData` is abstracted into an interface.

Comment at: include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h:188
+  /// produced to generate imported modules before they are executed.
+  std::function<std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction>
+    (const FrontendOptions &opts, std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction> action)>
It might make sense to define an alias for 
`std::function<std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction>(const FrontendOptions &opts, 
std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction> action)>`, which is used multiple times.

Comment at: include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h:262
+  std::string IndexStorePath;
+  unsigned IndexIgnoreSystemSymbols : 1;
It might make sense to also have documentations for these options here. 

Comment at: include/indexstore/IndexStoreCXX.h:84
+  std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> getLineCol() {
+    unsigned line, col;
nathawes wrote:
> malaperle wrote:
> > From what I understand, this returns the beginning of the occurrence. It 
> > would be useful to also have the end of the occurrence. From what I tested 
> > in Xcode, when you do "Find Selected Symbol in Workspace", it highlights 
> > the symbol name in yellow in the list of matches, so it mush use that 
> > LineCol then highlight the matching name. This is works in many situations 
> > but others occurrences won't have the name of the symbol. For example:
> > "MyClass o1, o2;"
> > If I use "Find Selected Symbol in Workspace" on MyClass constructor, if 
> > won't be able to highlight o1 and o2
> > Do you think it would be possible to add that (EndLineCol)? If not, how 
> > would one go about extending libindexstore in order to add additional 
> > information per occurrence? It is not obvious to me so far.
> > We also need other things, for example in the case of definitions, we need 
> > the full range of the definition so that users can "peek" at definitions in 
> > a pop-up. Without storing the end of the definition in the index, we would 
> > need to reparse the file.
> > 
> Our approach to related locations (e.g. name, signature, body, and doc 
> comment start/end locs) has been to not include them in the index and derive 
> them from the start location later. There's less data to collect and write 
> out during the build that way, and deriving the other locations isn't that 
> costly usually, as in most cases you 1) don't need to type check or even 
> preprocess to get the related locations, as with finding the end of o1 and o2 
> in your example, and 2) usually only need to derive locations for a single or 
> small number of occurrences, like when 'peeking' at a definition. 
> Are there cases where you think this approach won't work/perform well enough 
> for the indexer-backed queries clangd needs to support?
I agree that we should try to keep the serialized symbol size minimal, but I 
think it's worthwhile to also store end locations for occurrences because 1) 
it's cheap, 2) it's not necessary easy to compute without parsing for 
occurrences like `a::b::c` or `a::b<X>`, 3) it would be useful for many LSP use 

Comment at: lib/Frontend/CompilerInstance.cpp:1176
+            new GenerateModuleFromModuleMapAction);
+        if (WrapGenModuleAction) {
+          Action = WrapGenModuleAction(FrontendOpts, std::move(Action));
nit: no braces around one liners.

Comment at: lib/FrontendTool/ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp:170
+    Act = index::createIndexDataRecordingAction(FEOpts, std::move(Act));
+    CI.setGenModuleActionWrapper(&index::createIndexDataRecordingAction);
+  }
Could you comment on what this does? The `Act` above is already wrapped. Why do 
we need `setGenModuleActionWrapper` to `createIndexDataRecordingAction` again? 
Also, `createIndexDataRecordingAction` doesn't seem related to `GenModule`.

Comment at: lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.cpp:23
+                                       ArrayRef<SymbolRelation> Relations) {
+  assert(D->isCanonicalDecl());

Comment at: lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.cpp:37
+  DeclOccurrence NewInfo(Roles, Offset, D, Relations);
+  auto It = std::upper_bound(Decls.begin(), Decls.end(), NewInfo);
Please comment when this would happen.

Comment at: lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.cpp:39
+  auto It = std::upper_bound(Decls.begin(), Decls.end(), NewInfo);
+  Decls.insert(It, std::move(NewInfo));
Why do we need `Decls` to be sorted by offset? If we want this for printing, it 
might make sense to just do a sort there.

Comment at: lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:24
+class FileIndexRecord {
Please add documentation.

Comment at: lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:41
+    friend bool operator <(const DeclOccurrence &LHS,
+                           const DeclOccurrence &RHS) {
Is this clang-formatted? You might want to run git-clang-format on the whole 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:284
+                     SourceManager &SourceMgr) :
+    IndexCtx(indexCtx), RecordOpts(recordOpts),
+    Includes(IncludesForFile), SourceMgr(SourceMgr) {}
Again, you don't need the full `IndexingContext` and `RecordOptions` here.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:294
+    std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo =
+      SourceMgr.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(From);
Note that `getDecomposedExpansionLoc ` can also return invalid decomposed loc. 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:308
+    if (!FE)
+      return;
+    auto lineNo = SourceMgr.getLineNumber(LocInfo.first, LocInfo.second);
Do we want better error handling here?

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:327
+class IndexDependencyProvider {
Please provide documentation.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:504
+    CreatedASTConsumer = true;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer>> Consumers;
 Can we get this state from the base class instead of maintaining a another 
state, which seems to be identical?

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:524
+  std::string RepositoryPath = getClangRepositoryPath();
+  StringRef BuildNumber = StringRef(RepositoryPath);
+  size_t DashOffset = BuildNumber.find('-');
Just `StringRef BuildNumber = RepositoryPath;`

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:701
+namespace {
+class ModuleFileIndexDependencyCollector : public IndexDependencyProvider {
+  serialization::ModuleFile &ModFile;
Please provide a brief documentation for this class.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:703
+  serialization::ModuleFile &ModFile;
+  RecordingOptions RecordOpts;
Again, it doesn't seem necessary for this class to have information about all 
record options. It seems that you only need `RecordSystemDependencies` here.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:713
+      override {
+    auto Reader = CI.getModuleManager();
+    Reader->visitInputFiles(ModFile, RecordOpts.RecordSystemDependencies,
readability nit: avoid using `auto` if the return type is short to spell but 
hard to infer from the value expression.  Same else where.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:762
+  HeaderSearch &HS = CI.getPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo();
+  Module *UnitMod = HS.lookupModule(Mod.ModuleName, /*AllowSearch=*/false);
Could you add a comment explaining why we are not allowing searching.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:769
+  IndexCtx.setSysrootPath(SysrootPath);
+  Recorder.init(&IndexCtx, CI);
It's a bit worrying that `IndexDataRecorder` and `IndexContext` reference each 
other. If you only need some information from the `IndexingContext`, simply 
pass it into `Recorder`. In this case, I think you only need the 
`SourceManager`  from the `ASTContext` in the recorder to calculate whether a 
file is a system header. I see you also cache result of 
`IndexingContext::isSystemFile` in the indexing context, but I think it would 
be more sensible for the callers to handle caching for this call.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:771
+  for (const Decl *D : CI.getModuleManager()->getModuleFileLevelDecls(Mod)) {
+    IndexCtx.indexTopLevelDecl(D);
nit: no braces around one liners.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:779
+                Mod.FileName, /*RootFile=*/nullptr, UnitMod, SysrootPath);
nit: redundant empty line

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:837
+  index::RecordingOptions RecordOpts;
+  std::tie(IndexOpts, RecordOpts) = getIndexOptionsFromFrontendOptions(FEOpts);
+  return ::createIndexDataRecordingAction(IndexOpts, RecordOpts,
Just `auto pair = getIndexOptionsFromFrontendOptions(FEOpts);` and then use 
`pair.first` and `pair.second`?

Same below.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingContext.h:39
 class IndexingContext {
   IndexingOptions IndexOpts;
Please define the scope of this class to avoid throwing random states into it, 
which usually happens to a "context" class.

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