JDevlieghere added inline comments.

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDoc.h:40
+  void ParseUnattachedComments();
+  bool ParseNewDecl(const NamedDecl *D);
I know it's confusing given the amount of existing code that uses 
UpperCamelCase for functions, but I think that (as this is new code) we'd want 
to stay close to the style guide and use lowerCamelCase where we can. 

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.h:35
+struct StringPair {
+  std::string Key;
Do you still need this?

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/tool/ClangDocMain.cpp:43
+  doc::OutFormat EmitFormat;
+  EmitLLVM ? EmitFormat = clang::doc::OutFormat::LLVM
+           : EmitFormat = clang::doc::OutFormat::YAML;
I'm curious if there's a particular reason that you seems to prefer

EmitLLVM ? EmitFormat = clang::doc::OutFormat::LLVM
         : EmitFormat = clang::doc::OutFormat::YAML;


EmitFormat = EmitLLVM ? clang::doc::OutFormat::LLVM
                      : clang::doc::OutFormat::YAML;


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