rsmith added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/
+def warn_impcast_literal_to_bool : Warning<
+  "implicit conversion from %0 to %1; will always evaluate to "
+  "'%select{false|true}2'">, InGroup<LiteralConversion>;
Warning groups are cheap, and fine-grained groups give users a way to 
incrementally roll out our new improved warnings.  Can we retain the 
string-conversion group and add a new warning flag for the new cases (both as 
subgroups of literal-conversion), rather than rolling them into a single group?

I think this diagnostic text is worse for the string literal case than the old 
text: the type of the string literal is not relevant to the warning, and 
displaying it seems confusing. For consistency, something like "implicit 
conversion from string literal to 'bool'; will always evaluate to 'true'" would 

Also, please include the word "literal" in the version of this warning for 
floating-point and character literals. (And actually, maybe using the "implicit 
conversion from floating-point literal to 'bool' [...]" formulation would be 
clearer there too, rather than listing a largely-irrelevant type.)

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