rjmccall added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/Attr.td:239
+  bit IncludeC = includeC;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> rjmccall wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > rjmccall wrote:
> > > > I have no objection to allowing ObjC attributes to be spelled in 
> > > > [[clang::objc_whatever]] style.  We can debate giving them a more 
> > > > appropriate standard name in the objc namespace at a later time — or 
> > > > even the primary namespace, if we really want to flex our Somewhat 
> > > > Major Language muscles.
> > > > 
> > > > I feel like this IncludeC is not the best name for this tablegen 
> > > > property.  Perhaps AllowInC?
> > > > 
> > > > Also, a random positional 1 argument is pretty obscure TableGen design. 
> > > >  Do we really expect to be making very many attributes that 
> > > > intentionally disallow C2x?  What would these be, just C++-specific 
> > > > attributes without C analogues?  It doesn't seem important to prohibit 
> > > > those at the parsing level rather than at the semantic level, since, 
> > > > after all, we are still allowing the GNU-style spelling, and these 
> > > > would still qualified with ``clang::``.
> > > > 
> > > > I would suggest standardizing in the opposite direction:  instead of 
> > > > forcing attributes to opt in to being allowed in C, we should make 
> > > > attributes that we really don't want to allow in the C2x [[clang::]] 
> > > > namespace be explicit about it.  If there are a lot of C++-specific 
> > > > attributes like that, we can make a ClangCXXOnly subclass.
> > > > I have no objection to allowing ObjC attributes to be spelled in 
> > > > [[clang::objc_whatever]] style. We can debate giving them a more 
> > > > appropriate standard name in the objc namespace at a later time — or 
> > > > even the primary namespace, if we really want to flex our Somewhat 
> > > > Major Language muscles.
> > > 
> > > Thanks -- are you okay with where the attributes are allowed in the 
> > > syntax? I tried to follow the position they're allowed in C and C++ as 
> > > closely as I could, but having confirmation would be nice.
> > > 
> > > As for putting the attributes in the primary namespace, that would be 
> > > reasonable for using the attributes in ObjC or ObjC++ but not so much for 
> > > using the same attributes in a pure C or C++ compilation.
> > > 
> > > > I feel like this IncludeC is not the best name for this tablegen 
> > > > property. Perhaps AllowInC?
> > > 
> > > I'm fine with that name. I'll change it in D41317 when I commit that.
> > > 
> > > > Also, a random positional 1 argument is pretty obscure TableGen design. 
> > > > Do we really expect to be making very many attributes that 
> > > > intentionally disallow C2x? What would these be, just C++-specific 
> > > > attributes without C analogues? 
> > > 
> > > I agree -- I was toying with using a named entity rather than a numeric 
> > > literal, but I wanted to see how the design shook out in practice once I 
> > > had a better feel for how many attributes are impacted. I'm glad you 
> > > recommend going the opposite direction as that was my ultimate goal. :-) 
> > > Basically, my initial approach is to disallow everything in C and then 
> > > start enabling the attributes that make sense. At some point, I believe 
> > > we'll have more attributes in both language modes than not, and then I 
> > > plan to reverse the meaning of the flag so that an attribute has to 
> > > opt-out rather than opt-in. I don't expect we'll have many attributes 
> > > that are disallowed in C2x. I think they'll fall into two categories: C++ 
> > > attributes that don't make sense in C and attributes that are governed by 
> > > some other body.
> > > 
> > > > It doesn't seem important to prohibit those at the parsing level rather 
> > > > than at the semantic level, since, after all, we are still allowing the 
> > > > GNU-style spelling, and these would still qualified with `clang::`.
> > > 
> > > I think it's important for C targets when 
> > > `-fdouble-square-bracket-attributes` is not enabled, as the attributes 
> > > cannot syntactically appear in those positions.
> > > 
> > > > I would suggest standardizing in the opposite direction
> > > 
> > > I suspect I will ultimately get there. I chose this approach to be more 
> > > conservative about what we expose.
> > > Thanks -- are you okay with where the attributes are allowed in the 
> > > syntax? I tried to follow the position they're allowed in C and C++ as 
> > > closely as I could, but having confirmation would be nice.
> > 
> > I'll leave comments on the various places.  For the most part, no, I think 
> > these are the wrong places; where we allow attributes in ObjC is actually 
> > pretty carefully thought-out already, and it's better to follow the places 
> > where we parse GNU attributes than to try to imitate the C grammar.
> > 
> > > As for putting the attributes in the primary namespace, that would be 
> > > reasonable for using the attributes in ObjC or ObjC++ but not so much for 
> > > using the same attributes in a pure C or C++ compilation.
> > 
> > Yes, please ignore that.  I was just idly thinking about what we would do 
> > if we were adopting this feature as a more standard thing, i.e. leaving the 
> > implementation namespace.  I think we'd want to rename some of the 
> > attributes for consistency, and then I think we'd just put them in the 
> > objc:: namespace.  None of this affects what we're doing now.
> > 
> > > I think it's important for C targets when 
> > > -fdouble-square-bracket-attributes is not enabled, as the attributes 
> > > cannot syntactically appear in those positions.
> > 
> > Okay, that's fair.
> > 
> > > I suspect I will ultimately get there. I chose this approach to be more 
> > > conservative about what we expose.
> > 
> > Sure, if this is really just for staging, I won't worry about accidentally 
> > leaving attributes out.
> > I'll leave comments on the various places. For the most part, no, I think 
> > these are the wrong places; where we allow attributes in ObjC is actually 
> > pretty carefully thought-out already, and it's better to follow the places 
> > where we parse GNU attributes than to try to imitate the C grammar.
> The C grammar was also carefully thought-out to consistently map the location 
> of the attribute syntax in source code to the entity the attribute appertains 
> to. The basic rule is: the attribute always appertains to what's immediately 
> to the left unless the attribute is at the start of the line, in which case 
> it applies to each declaration in the decl group. This logic was taken from 
> C++ attributes where it's proven very valuable over the past seven or so 
> years. If we follow the GNU syntactic placement, that means this rule of 
> thumb doesn't apply in Objective-C and it negates one of the most powerful 
> aspects of the language feature: syntactic consistency (which is something 
> GNU-style attributes absolutely lacks, to everyone's great annoyance).
> Can you explain the rationale about why the GNU-style placement is a better 
> approach to the C- and C++-style placement? I think that the syntactic 
> location of the attribute syntax should remain consistent between ObjC 
> constructs and C constructs because both constructs are likely to be mixed 
> together in the same code base. I think we hurt the usability of the language 
> feature by being inconsistent in this fashion (which was one of the reasons 
> we standardized attributes in the first place).
The ObjC grammar is overall quite different from the C grammar.  There are no 
decl groups.  Tags like `@interface` are always declaration introducers, rather 
than part of the type grammar.  Types are not incidentally declared/defined in 
the type-specifier of a possible object or function declaration.  More 
subjectively, nobody looks at the primary Objective-C declarations like 
`@interface` or `@protocol` and thinks they look like anything else from C or 
C++, which means consistency is not really an issue.

C++ puts class attributes after the `class-key` because there's literally no 
other place to put attributes that wouldn't be conflated with an attribute on 
the object if an object were being simultaneously declared.  The C grammar 
paints them into a corner.  We don't have that specific problem in ObjC 
because, as mentioned, ObjC declarations are standalone, not wedged into the 
object/function declaration grammar.

C++ seems to be inconsistent about where it allows keywords when it does have a 
proper declaration-introducer.  For example, the grammar for a `namespace` 
declaration is `'namespace' attribute-specifier-seq? identifier?`, presumably 
following the lead of `class`.  But the grammar for an alias declaration is 
`'using' identifier attribute-specifier-seq? '=' defining-type-id`, not 
`'using' attribute-specifier-seq? identifier '=' defining-type-id`. And of 
course there are the context-sensitive class attributes (e.g. `final`) that are 
written in a special position, which is allowable under the grammar because 
they only need to apply to definitions.

I understand that the GNU/Microsoft/Borland/whatever attribute positions often 
seem //ad hoc// and that the C++ committee tried to improve on that when 
standardizing attributes.  In contrast, I think the ObjC community is satisfied 
with where attributes are written in ObjC declarations today.  When I said that 
those positions were carefully thought-out, I mean that we've already talked a 
lot about where attributes should go, and the current positions are the result 
of those conversations.  That process seems to have been a success; the only 
complaints I can remember ever getting about attribute parsing have been 
related to where C requires them, not ObjC.  In general, ObjC pushes attributes 
to the beginning or (in the case of methods) the end of the declaration, which 
people see as a good thing: attributes can get quite large, so piling them up 
on the fringes of the declaration ensures that they don't interfere with 
reading the more immediately important parts of the declaration.  While C/C++ 
did not have a choice about where to allow attributes on `class` declarations, 
objectively it is very awkward to put attributes immediately after the tag 
because it separates the two most important things in the declaration: the 
declaration introducer and the name being declared.  That is not something we 
want to imitate.

I am not just speaking for myself here.  This is where we would like the 
attributes to appear.


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