sammccall added a comment.

Sounds like implementation is in flux, but a few comments that might be 

Comment at: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:264
+/// (e.g. "ns::ab?").
+struct QueryScopes {
+  /// All scopes being queried in indexes. Each scope should meet the
this could also be just a using, rather than a struct - do you see more members 

Comment at: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:270
+  /// namespace scopes which are visible to the qualified-id completion token.
+  std::vector<std::string> Scopes;
Just to check, if the user types:
"vec" --> None
"::vec" --> {""}
"std::vec" --> {"std"}
"using namespace std; vec" --> None
"using namespace std; ::vec" --> {"", "std"}

is this right?

Comment at: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:300
   /// This is set if the completion is for qualified IDs, e.g. "abc::x^".
-  llvm::Optional<SpecifiedScope> SSInfo;
+  llvm::Optional<QueryScopes> QScopes;
Probably not for this patch, but I just realized...

Currently if the completion is not qualified, we don't track what namespaces 
are in scope.
This is really relevant for ranking though.
e.g. "using namespace std; namespace foo { v^ }"
The index should apply namespace-based bonuses: foo::value > std::vector > 
At the moment we don't provide enough information to do this. But this 
optional<QueryScopes> probably wants to be a QueryScopes + bool Qualified, or 
two QueryScopes (one for restrictions, and one for scoring)

So I'd suggest either here or in queryscopes:
    // TODO: for unqualified completions, capture scopes and use for scoring.

Comment at: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:658
+    VisibleNamespaceFinder Finder;
+    S.LookupVisibleDecls(QCC.ClosestScope,
+                         clang::Sema::LookupNameKind::LookupOrdinaryName,
you need to set loadexternal to false to avoid deserializing the whole preamble.
Ilya says this is going to get merged with lookup during code-completion, which 
would be nice :-)

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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