jakehehrlich added a comment.

Additional note: This diff is a diff from your last commit not the full diff 
relative to origin/master which is what should be up here.

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDoc.cpp:34
-bool ClangDocVisitor::VisitNamespaceDecl(const NamespaceDecl *D) {
+template <>
+void ClangDocCallback::processMatchedDecl(
I can't think of a good way to dedup these two methods at the moment. Can you 
put a TODO here to deduplicate these two specializations?

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDoc.h:69
-  ClangDocVisitor Visitor;
-  ClangDocReporter &Reporter;
-class ClangDocAction : public clang::ASTFrontendAction {
-  ClangDocAction(ClangDocReporter &Reporter) : Reporter(Reporter) {}
-  virtual std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer>
-  CreateASTConsumer(clang::CompilerInstance &C, llvm::StringRef InFile);
+  virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &Context) {
+    Finder->matchAST(Context);
This should be moved to the .cpp file. Because there is no key function 
(https://itanium-cxx-abi.github.io/cxx-abi/abi.html#vague-vtable) this method 
will be redefined in every translation unit that includes this header.

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.cpp:422
+void ClangDocReporter::serializeLLVM(StringRef RootDir) {
+  // TODO: Implement.
jakehehrlich wrote:
> Can you report an error to the user that says something along the lines of 
> "not implemented yet" (leave the TODO as well)
I think it would be better if instead of returning a string, you just fail and 
print a message to the user (well, first print the message and then fail).

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.cpp:41
+  Docs.Files[Filename] = llvm::make_unique<File>();
+  Docs.Files[Filename]->Filename = Filename;
nit: Can this just do one lookup?

auto F = llvm::make_unique<File>();
F->Filename = Filename;
Docs.Files[Filename] = std::move(Filename);

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.cpp:136
+  if (NS == Docs.Namespaces.end()) {
+    Docs.Namespaces[Namespace] = llvm::make_unique<NamespaceInfo>();
+    Docs.Namespaces[Namespace]->FullyQualifiedName = Namespace;
nit: could you rewrite with a single lookup.

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.cpp:190
-  CommentInfo CI;
-  parseFullComment(C, CI);
-  I.Descriptions.push_back(CI);
+  I.Descriptions.push_back(std::move(parseFullComment(C)));
If you use emplace_back here you don't need the explicit std::move

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.cpp:281-288
+  sys::path::native(RootDir, FilePath);
+  sys::path::append(FilePath, "files.yaml");
+  raw_fd_ostream FileOS(FilePath, OutErrorInfo, sys::fs::F_None);
+  if (OutErrorInfo != OK) {
+    errs() << OutErrorInfo.message();
+    errs() << " Error opening documentation file.\n";
+    return;
You use the same basic code 3 times for different file names. Can you factor 
that out into a function? Also in this block you output the OutErrorInfo 
message but in blocks below you don't. You should always output that message.

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.cpp:335
+  RootCI->Kind = C->getCommentKindName();
+  CurrentCI = RootCI.get();
+  ConstCommentVisitor<ClangDocCommentVisitor>::visit(C);
Instead of assigning a CI like this, could you construct a new 
ClangDocCommentVisitor on the stack? The idea would be that you could would 
still have a "CI" member variable that would be set in the 
ClangDocCommentVisitor's constructor. That way it never has to change and each 
visitor is just responsible for constructing one CommentInfo

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/ClangDocReporter.h:168
+  template <typename T, class C>
+  void createInfo(llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<T>> &InfoMap, const C *D,
If you add a public "using DeclType = FooDecl;" to each "FooInfo" you can 
eliminate the second template argument and make the intent of this code more 
clear. This also formalizes the connection these types have to each other.

Comment at: tools/clang-doc/tool/ClangDocMain.cpp:76
+  if (DirectoryStatus != OK) {
+    errs() << "Unable to create documentation directories.\n";
+    return 1;
Can you convert this error_code to a message and display that to the user?


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