yaxunl updated this revision to Diff 136301.
yaxunl added a comment.

Revised by John's comments.

Added CallArg::copyInto and modified CallArg::getRValue() to return an 
independent r-value by default. However some cases expecting l-value not 
copied, therefore I added an optional argument to CallArg::getRValue() to 
return l-value as aggregate directly.



Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/byval.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/byval.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/byval.cl
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -o - -triple amdgcn %s | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -o - -triple amdgcn---opencl %s | FileCheck %s
 struct A {
   int x[100];
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/addr-space-struct-arg.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/addr-space-struct-arg.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/addr-space-struct-arg.cl
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o - -O0 -finclude-default-header -ffake-address-space-map -triple i686-pc-darwin | FileCheck -enable-var-scope -check-prefixes=COM,X86 %s
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o - -O0 -finclude-default-header -triple amdgcn-amdhsa-amd | FileCheck -enable-var-scope -check-prefixes=COM,AMDGCN %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o - -cl-std=CL2.0 -O0 -finclude-default-header -triple amdgcn-amdhsa-amd | FileCheck -enable-var-scope -check-prefixes=COM,AMDGCN,AMDGCN20 %s
 typedef struct {
   int cells[9];
@@ -35,6 +36,9 @@
   int2 y[20];
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200
+struct LargeStructOneMember g_s;
 // X86-LABEL: define void @foo(%struct.Mat4X4* noalias sret %agg.result, %struct.Mat3X3* byval align 4 %in)
 // AMDGCN-LABEL: define %struct.Mat4X4 @foo([9 x i32] %in.coerce)
@@ -80,10 +84,42 @@
 // AMDGCN-LABEL: define void @FuncOneLargeMember(%struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(5)* byval align 8 %u)
+// AMDGCN-NOT: addrspacecast
+// AMDGCN:   store <2 x i32> %{{.*}}, <2 x i32> addrspace(5)*
 void FuncOneLargeMember(struct LargeStructOneMember u) {
   u.x[0] = (int2)(0, 0);
+// AMDGCN20-LABEL: define void @test_indirect_arg_globl()
+// AMDGCN20:  %[[byval_temp:.*]] = alloca %struct.LargeStructOneMember, align 8, addrspace(5)
+// AMDGCN20:  %[[r0:.*]] = bitcast %struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(5)* %[[byval_temp]] to i8 addrspace(5)*
+// AMDGCN20:  call void @llvm.memcpy.p5i8.p1i8.i64(i8 addrspace(5)* align 8 %[[r0]], i8 addrspace(1)* align 8 bitcast (%struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(1)* @g_s to i8 addrspace(1)*), i64 800, i1 false)
+// AMDGCN20:  call void @FuncOneLargeMember(%struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(5)* byval align 8 %[[byval_temp]])
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200
+void test_indirect_arg_globl(void) {
+  FuncOneLargeMember(g_s);
+// AMDGCN-LABEL: define amdgpu_kernel void @test_indirect_arg_local()
+// AMDGCN: %[[byval_temp:.*]] = alloca %struct.LargeStructOneMember, align 8, addrspace(5)
+// AMDGCN: %[[r0:.*]] = bitcast %struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(5)* %[[byval_temp]] to i8 addrspace(5)*
+// AMDGCN: call void @llvm.memcpy.p5i8.p3i8.i64(i8 addrspace(5)* align 8 %[[r0]], i8 addrspace(3)* align 8 bitcast (%struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(3)* @test_indirect_arg_local.l_s to i8 addrspace(3)*), i64 800, i1 false)
+// AMDGCN: call void @FuncOneLargeMember(%struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(5)* byval align 8 %[[byval_temp]])
+kernel void test_indirect_arg_local(void) {
+  local struct LargeStructOneMember l_s;
+  FuncOneLargeMember(l_s);
+// AMDGCN-LABEL: define void @test_indirect_arg_private()
+// AMDGCN: %[[p_s:.*]] = alloca %struct.LargeStructOneMember, align 8, addrspace(5)
+// AMDGCN-NOT: @llvm.memcpy
+// AMDGCN-NEXT: call void @FuncOneLargeMember(%struct.LargeStructOneMember addrspace(5)* byval align 8 %[[p_s]])
+void test_indirect_arg_private(void) {
+  struct LargeStructOneMember p_s;
+  FuncOneLargeMember(p_s);
 // AMDGCN-LABEL: define amdgpu_kernel void @KernelOneMember
 // AMDGCN-SAME:  (<2 x i32> %[[u_coerce:.*]])
 // AMDGCN:  %[[u:.*]] = alloca %struct.StructOneMember, align 8, addrspace(5)
@@ -112,7 +148,6 @@
   u.y[0] = (int2)(0, 0);
 // AMDGCN-LABEL: define amdgpu_kernel void @KernelTwoMember
 // AMDGCN-SAME:  (%struct.StructTwoMember %[[u_coerce:.*]])
 // AMDGCN:  %[[u:.*]] = alloca %struct.StructTwoMember, align 8, addrspace(5)
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/amdgcn-func-arg.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/amdgcn-func-arg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -O0 -triple amdgcn---amdgiz -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+class A {
+  int x;
+  A():x(0) {}
+  ~A() {}
+class B {
+int x[100];
+A g_a;
+B g_b;
+void func_with_ref_arg(A &a);
+void func_with_ref_arg(B &b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z22func_with_indirect_arg1A(%class.A addrspace(5)* %a)
+// CHECK:  %p = alloca %class.A*, align 8, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r1:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A* addrspace(5)* %p to %class.A**
+// CHECK:  %[[r0:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A addrspace(5)* %a to %class.A*
+// CHECK:  store %class.A* %[[r0]], %class.A** %[[r1]], align 8
+void func_with_indirect_arg(A a) {
+  A *p = &a;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z22test_indirect_arg_autov()
+// CHECK:  %a = alloca %class.A, align 4, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r0:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A addrspace(5)* %a to %class.A*
+// CHECK:  %agg.tmp = alloca %class.A, align 4, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r1:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A addrspace(5)* %agg.tmp to %class.A*
+// CHECK:  call void @_ZN1AC1Ev(%class.A* %[[r0]])
+// CHECK:  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64
+// CHECK:  %[[r4:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A* %[[r1]] to %class.A addrspace(5)*
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z22func_with_indirect_arg1A(%class.A addrspace(5)* %[[r4]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_ZN1AD1Ev(%class.A* %[[r1]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z17func_with_ref_argR1A(%class.A* dereferenceable(4) %[[r0]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_ZN1AD1Ev(%class.A* %[[r0]])
+void test_indirect_arg_auto() {
+  A a;
+  func_with_indirect_arg(a);
+  func_with_ref_arg(a);
+// CHECK: define void @_Z24test_indirect_arg_globalv()
+// CHECK:  %agg.tmp = alloca %class.A, align 4, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r0:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A addrspace(5)* %agg.tmp to %class.A*
+// CHECK:  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64
+// CHECK:  %[[r2:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.A* %[[r0]] to %class.A addrspace(5)*
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z22func_with_indirect_arg1A(%class.A addrspace(5)* %[[r2]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_ZN1AD1Ev(%class.A* %[[r0]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z17func_with_ref_argR1A(%class.A* dereferenceable(4) addrspacecast (%class.A addrspace(1)* @g_a to %class.A*))
+void test_indirect_arg_global() {
+  func_with_indirect_arg(g_a);
+  func_with_ref_arg(g_a);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z19func_with_byval_arg1B(%class.B addrspace(5)* byval align 4 %b)
+// CHECK:  %p = alloca %class.B*, align 8, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r1:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B* addrspace(5)* %p to %class.B**
+// CHECK:  %[[r0:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B addrspace(5)* %b to %class.B*
+// CHECK:  store %class.B* %[[r0]], %class.B** %[[r1]], align 8
+void func_with_byval_arg(B b) {
+  B *p = &b;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z19test_byval_arg_autov()
+// CHECK:  %b = alloca %class.B, align 4, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r0:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B addrspace(5)* %b to %class.B*
+// CHECK:  %agg.tmp = alloca %class.B, align 4, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r1:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B addrspace(5)* %agg.tmp to %class.B*
+// CHECK:  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64
+// CHECK:  %[[r4:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B* %[[r1]] to %class.B addrspace(5)*
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z19func_with_byval_arg1B(%class.B addrspace(5)* byval align 4 %[[r4]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z17func_with_ref_argR1B(%class.B* dereferenceable(400) %[[r0]])
+void test_byval_arg_auto() {
+  B b;
+  func_with_byval_arg(b);
+  func_with_ref_arg(b);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z21test_byval_arg_globalv()
+// CHECK:  %agg.tmp = alloca %class.B, align 4, addrspace(5)
+// CHECK:  %[[r0:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B addrspace(5)* %agg.tmp to %class.B*
+// CHECK:  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64
+// CHECK:  %[[r2:.+]] = addrspacecast %class.B* %[[r0]] to %class.B addrspace(5)*
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z19func_with_byval_arg1B(%class.B addrspace(5)* byval align 4 %[[r2]])
+// CHECK:  call void @_Z17func_with_ref_argR1B(%class.B* dereferenceable(400) addrspacecast (%class.B addrspace(1)* @g_b to %class.B*))
+void test_byval_arg_global() {
+  func_with_byval_arg(g_b);
+  func_with_ref_arg(g_b);
Index: lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
@@ -1538,8 +1538,7 @@
   RValue RV = RValue::get(MostDerivedArg);
   if (FPT->isVariadic()) {
-    Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1,
-                CallArg(RV, getContext().IntTy, /*needscopy=*/false));
+    Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1, CallArg(RV, getContext().IntTy));
     return AddedStructorArgs::prefix(1);
   Args.add(RV, getContext().IntTy);
Index: lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
@@ -1479,8 +1479,7 @@
   llvm::Value *VTT =
       CGF.GetVTTParameter(GlobalDecl(D, Type), ForVirtualBase, Delegating);
   QualType VTTTy = getContext().getPointerType(getContext().VoidPtrTy);
-  Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1,
-              CallArg(RValue::get(VTT), VTTTy, /*needscopy=*/false));
+  Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1, CallArg(RValue::get(VTT), VTTTy));
   return AddedStructorArgs::prefix(1);  // Added one arg.
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGObjCMac.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGObjCMac.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGObjCMac.cpp
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@
            e = Method->param_end(); i != e; ++i, ++I) {
         const ParmVarDecl *ParamDecl = (*i);
         if (ParamDecl->hasAttr<NSConsumedAttr>()) {
-          RValue RV = I->RV;
+          RValue RV = I->getRValue(CGF);
           assert(RV.isScalar() && 
                  "NullReturnState::complete - arg not on object");
           CGF.EmitARCRelease(RV.getScalarVal(), ARCImpreciseLifetime);
@@ -7075,7 +7075,7 @@
   // Update the message ref argument.
-  args[1].RV = RValue::get(mref.getPointer());
+  args[1].setRValue(RValue::get(mref.getPointer()));
   // Load the function to call from the message ref table.
   Address calleeAddr =
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGObjCGNU.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGObjCGNU.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGObjCGNU.cpp
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@
   // Reset the receiver in case the lookup modified it
-  ActualArgs[0] = CallArg(RValue::get(Receiver), ASTIdTy, false);
+  ActualArgs[0] = CallArg(RValue::get(Receiver), ASTIdTy);
   imp = EnforceType(Builder, imp, MSI.MessengerType);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGGPUBuiltin.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGGPUBuiltin.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGGPUBuiltin.cpp
@@ -83,8 +83,9 @@
                /* ParamsToSkip = */ 0);
   // We don't know how to emit non-scalar varargs.
-  if (std::any_of(Args.begin() + 1, Args.end(),
-                  [](const CallArg &A) { return !A.RV.isScalar(); })) {
+  if (std::any_of(Args.begin() + 1, Args.end(), [&](const CallArg &A) {
+        return !A.getRValue(*this).isScalar();
+      })) {
     CGM.ErrorUnsupported(E, "non-scalar arg to printf");
     return RValue::get(llvm::ConstantInt::get(IntTy, 0));
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@
   } else {
     llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 8> ArgTypes;
     for (unsigned I = 1, NumArgs = Args.size(); I < NumArgs; ++I)
-      ArgTypes.push_back(Args[I].RV.getScalarVal()->getType());
+      ArgTypes.push_back(Args[I].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal()->getType());
     // Using llvm::StructType is correct only because printf doesn't accept
     // aggregates.  If we had to handle aggregates here, we'd have to manually
@@ -109,14 +110,14 @@
     for (unsigned I = 1, NumArgs = Args.size(); I < NumArgs; ++I) {
       llvm::Value *P = Builder.CreateStructGEP(AllocaTy, Alloca, I - 1);
-      llvm::Value *Arg = Args[I].RV.getScalarVal();
+      llvm::Value *Arg = Args[I].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal();
       Builder.CreateAlignedStore(Arg, P, DL.getPrefTypeAlignment(Arg->getType()));
     BufferPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Alloca, llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx));
   // Invoke vprintf and return.
   llvm::Function* VprintfFunc = GetVprintfDeclaration(CGM.getModule());
-  return RValue::get(
-      Builder.CreateCall(VprintfFunc, {Args[0].RV.getScalarVal(), BufferPtr}));
+  return RValue::get(Builder.CreateCall(
+      VprintfFunc, {Args[0].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal(), BufferPtr}));
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExprCXX.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExprCXX.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExprCXX.cpp
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
         // when it isn't necessary; just produce the proper effect here.
         LValue RHS = isa<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CE)
                          ? MakeNaturalAlignAddrLValue(
-                               (*RtlArgs)[0].RV.getScalarVal(),
+                               (*RtlArgs)[0].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal(),
                                (*(CE->arg_begin() + 1))->getType())
                          : EmitLValue(*CE->arg_begin());
         EmitAggregateAssign(This, RHS, CE->getType());
@@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@
     for (unsigned I = 0, N = E->getNumPlacementArgs(); I != N; ++I) {
       auto &Arg = NewArgs[I + NumNonPlacementArgs];
-      Cleanup->setPlacementArg(I, Arg.RV, Arg.Ty);
+      Cleanup->setPlacementArg(I, Arg.getRValue(CGF), Arg.Ty);
@@ -1521,8 +1521,8 @@
   for (unsigned I = 0, N = E->getNumPlacementArgs(); I != N; ++I) {
     auto &Arg = NewArgs[I + NumNonPlacementArgs];
-    Cleanup->setPlacementArg(I, DominatingValue<RValue>::save(CGF, Arg.RV),
-                             Arg.Ty);
+    Cleanup->setPlacementArg(
+        I, DominatingValue<RValue>::save(CGF, Arg.getRValue(CGF)), Arg.Ty);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
@@ -1869,6 +1869,22 @@
     llvm::Type *IRTy = ConvertTypeForMem(Ty)->getPointerTo(AS);
     if (DeclPtr.getType() != IRTy)
       DeclPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(DeclPtr, IRTy, D.getName());
+    // Indirect argument is in alloca address space, which may be different
+    // from the default address space.
+    auto AllocaAS = CGM.getASTAllocaAddressSpace();
+    auto *V = DeclPtr.getPointer();
+    auto SrcLangAS = getLangOpts().OpenCL ? LangAS::opencl_private : AllocaAS;
+    auto DestLangAS =
+        getLangOpts().OpenCL ? LangAS::opencl_private : LangAS::Default;
+    if (SrcLangAS != DestLangAS) {
+      assert(getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(SrcLangAS) ==
+             CGM.getDataLayout().getAllocaAddrSpace());
+      auto DestAS = getContext().getTargetAddressSpace(DestLangAS);
+      auto *T = V->getType()->getPointerElementType()->getPointerTo(DestAS);
+      DeclPtr = Address(getTargetHooks().performAddrSpaceCast(
+                            *this, V, SrcLangAS, DestLangAS, T, true),
+                        DeclPtr.getAlignment());
+    }
     // Push a destructor cleanup for this parameter if the ABI requires it.
     // Don't push a cleanup in a thunk for a method that will also emit a
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
@@ -2077,7 +2077,8 @@
     assert(Args.size() == 2 && "unexpected argcount for trivial ctor");
     QualType SrcTy = D->getParamDecl(0)->getType().getNonReferenceType();
-    Address Src(Args[1].RV.getScalarVal(), getNaturalTypeAlignment(SrcTy));
+    Address Src(Args[1].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal(),
+                getNaturalTypeAlignment(SrcTy));
     LValue SrcLVal = MakeAddrLValue(Src, SrcTy);
     QualType DestTy = getContext().getTypeDeclType(ClassDecl);
     LValue DestLVal = MakeAddrLValue(This, DestTy);
@@ -2131,8 +2132,7 @@
     const CXXConstructorDecl *D, bool ForVirtualBase, Address This,
     bool InheritedFromVBase, const CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr *E) {
   CallArgList Args;
-  CallArg ThisArg(RValue::get(This.getPointer()), D->getThisType(getContext()),
-                  /*NeedsCopy=*/false);
+  CallArg ThisArg(RValue::get(This.getPointer()), D->getThisType(getContext()));
   // Forward the parameters.
   if (InheritedFromVBase &&
@@ -2196,7 +2196,7 @@
   assert(Args.size() >= Params.size() && "too few arguments for call");
   for (unsigned I = 0, N = Args.size(); I != N; ++I) {
     if (I < Params.size() && isa<ImplicitParamDecl>(Params[I])) {
-      const RValue &RV = Args[I].RV;
+      const RValue &RV = Args[I].getRValue(*this);
       assert(!RV.isComplex() && "complex indirect params not supported");
       ParamValue Val = RV.isScalar()
                            ? ParamValue::forDirect(RV.getScalarVal())
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCall.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCall.h
@@ -213,12 +213,36 @@
   struct CallArg {
-    RValue RV;
+  private:
+    union {
+      RValue RV;
+      LValue LV; /// The l-value from which the argument is derived.
+    };
+    bool HasLV;
+  public:
     QualType Ty;
-    bool NeedsCopy;
-    CallArg(RValue rv, QualType ty, bool needscopy)
-    : RV(rv), Ty(ty), NeedsCopy(needscopy)
-    { }
+    CallArg(RValue rv, QualType ty) : RV(rv), HasLV(false), Ty(ty) {}
+    CallArg(LValue _LV, QualType ty) : LV(_LV), HasLV(true), Ty(ty) {}
+    bool hasLValue() const { return HasLV; }
+    QualType getType() const { return Ty; }
+    /// \returns an independent RValue if \p ReadOnly is false. If the
+    /// CallArg contains an LValue, a temporary copy is returned if \p
+    /// ReadOnly is false, otherwise the LValue is returned as aggregate
+    /// RValue.
+    RValue getRValue(CodeGenFunction &CGF, bool ReadOnly = false) const;
+    LValue getLValue() const {
+      assert(HasLV);
+      return LV;
+    }
+    void setRValue(RValue _RV) {
+      assert(!HasLV);
+      RV = _RV;
+    }
+    void copyInto(CodeGenFunction &CGF, Address A) const;
   /// CallArgList - Type for representing both the value and type of
@@ -248,8 +272,10 @@
       llvm::Instruction *IsActiveIP;
-    void add(RValue rvalue, QualType type, bool needscopy = false) {
-      push_back(CallArg(rvalue, type, needscopy));
+    void add(RValue rvalue, QualType type) { push_back(CallArg(rvalue, type)); }
+    void addUncopiedAggregate(LValue LV, QualType type) {
+      push_back(CallArg(LV, type));
     /// Add all the arguments from another CallArgList to this one. After doing
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -3391,7 +3391,7 @@
     assert(InitialArgSize + 1 == Args.size() &&
            "The code below depends on only adding one arg per EmitCallArg");
-    RValue RVArg = Args.back().RV;
+    RValue RVArg = Args.back().getRValue(*this, /*ReadOnly=*/true);
     EmitNonNullArgCheck(RVArg, ArgTypes[Idx], (*Arg)->getExprLoc(), AC,
                         ParamsToSkip + Idx);
     // @llvm.objectsize should never have side-effects and shouldn't need
@@ -3439,6 +3439,32 @@
 } // end anonymous namespace
+RValue CallArg::getRValue(CodeGenFunction &CGF, bool ReadOnly) const {
+  if (!HasLV)
+    return RV;
+  if (ReadOnly)
+    return LV.asAggregateRValue();
+  LValue Copy = CGF.MakeAddrLValue(CGF.CreateMemTemp(Ty), Ty);
+  CGF.EmitAggregateCopy(Copy, LV, Ty, LV.isVolatile());
+  if (getenv("DBG_IND")) {
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  return RValue::getAggregate(Copy.getAddress());
+void CallArg::copyInto(CodeGenFunction &CGF, Address Addr) const {
+  LValue Dst = CGF.MakeAddrLValue(Addr, Ty);
+  RValue Src = getRValue(CGF, true);
+  if (Src.isScalar())
+    CGF.EmitStoreOfScalar(Src.getScalarVal(), Dst, /*init=*/true);
+  else if (Src.isComplex())
+    CGF.EmitStoreOfComplex(Src.getComplexVal(), Dst, /*init=*/true);
+  else {
+    LValue SrcLV = CGF.MakeAddrLValue(Src.getAggregateAddress(), Ty);
+    CGF.EmitAggregateCopy(Dst, SrcLV, Ty, Src.isVolatileQualified());
+  }
 void CodeGenFunction::EmitCallArg(CallArgList &args, const Expr *E,
                                   QualType type) {
   DisableDebugLocationUpdates Dis(*this, E);
@@ -3499,15 +3525,7 @@
       cast<CastExpr>(E)->getCastKind() == CK_LValueToRValue) {
     LValue L = EmitLValue(cast<CastExpr>(E)->getSubExpr());
-    if (L.getAlignment() >= getContext().getTypeAlignInChars(type)) {
-      args.add(L.asAggregateRValue(), type, /*NeedsCopy*/true);
-    } else {
-      // We can't represent a misaligned lvalue in the CallArgList, so copy
-      // to an aligned temporary now.
-      LValue Dest = MakeAddrLValue(CreateMemTemp(type), type);
-      EmitAggregateCopy(Dest, L, type, L.isVolatile());
-      args.add(RValue::getAggregate(Dest.getAddress()), type);
-    }
+    args.addUncopiedAggregate(L, type);
@@ -3767,7 +3785,6 @@
   for (CallArgList::const_iterator I = CallArgs.begin(), E = CallArgs.end();
        I != E; ++I, ++info_it, ++ArgNo) {
     const ABIArgInfo &ArgInfo = info_it->info;
-    RValue RV = I->RV;
     // Insert a padding argument to ensure proper alignment.
     if (IRFunctionArgs.hasPaddingArg(ArgNo))
@@ -3777,11 +3794,13 @@
     unsigned FirstIRArg, NumIRArgs;
     std::tie(FirstIRArg, NumIRArgs) = IRFunctionArgs.getIRArgs(ArgNo);
+    bool IsAggregate = I->hasLValue() || I->getRValue(*this).isAggregate();
     switch (ArgInfo.getKind()) {
     case ABIArgInfo::InAlloca: {
       assert(NumIRArgs == 0);
       assert(getTarget().getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86);
-      if (RV.isAggregate()) {
+      if (IsAggregate) {
+        RValue RV = I->getRValue(*this);
         // Replace the placeholder with the appropriate argument slot GEP.
         llvm::Instruction *Placeholder =
@@ -3800,55 +3819,65 @@
         // from {}* to (%struct.foo*)*.
         if (Addr.getType() != MemType)
           Addr = Builder.CreateBitCast(Addr, MemType);
-        LValue argLV = MakeAddrLValue(Addr, I->Ty);
-        EmitInitStoreOfNonAggregate(*this, RV, argLV);
+        I->copyInto(*this, Addr);
     case ABIArgInfo::Indirect: {
       assert(NumIRArgs == 1);
-      if (RV.isScalar() || RV.isComplex()) {
+      if (!IsAggregate) {
         // Make a temporary alloca to pass the argument.
         Address Addr = CreateMemTemp(I->Ty, ArgInfo.getIndirectAlign(),
                                      "indirect-arg-temp", false);
         IRCallArgs[FirstIRArg] = Addr.getPointer();
-        LValue argLV = MakeAddrLValue(Addr, I->Ty);
-        EmitInitStoreOfNonAggregate(*this, RV, argLV);
+        I->copyInto(*this, Addr);
       } else {
+        RValue RV = I->getRValue(*this, true);
         // We want to avoid creating an unnecessary temporary+copy here;
         // however, we need one in three cases:
         // 1. If the argument is not byval, and we are required to copy the
         //    source.  (This case doesn't occur on any common architecture.)
         // 2. If the argument is byval, RV is not sufficiently aligned, and
         //    we cannot force it to be sufficiently aligned.
-        // 3. If the argument is byval, but RV is located in an address space
-        //    different than that of the argument (0).
+        // 3. If the argument is byval, but RV is not located in default
+        //    or alloca address space.
         Address Addr = RV.getAggregateAddress();
         CharUnits Align = ArgInfo.getIndirectAlign();
         const llvm::DataLayout *TD = &CGM.getDataLayout();
-        const unsigned RVAddrSpace = Addr.getType()->getAddressSpace();
-        const unsigned ArgAddrSpace =
-            (FirstIRArg < IRFuncTy->getNumParams()
-                 ? IRFuncTy->getParamType(FirstIRArg)->getPointerAddressSpace()
-                 : 0);
-        if ((!ArgInfo.getIndirectByVal() && I->NeedsCopy) ||
-            (ArgInfo.getIndirectByVal() && Addr.getAlignment() < Align &&
-             llvm::getOrEnforceKnownAlignment(Addr.getPointer(),
-                                              Align.getQuantity(), *TD)
-               < Align.getQuantity()) ||
-            (ArgInfo.getIndirectByVal() && (RVAddrSpace != ArgAddrSpace))) {
+        assert((FirstIRArg >= IRFuncTy->getNumParams() ||
+                IRFuncTy->getParamType(FirstIRArg)->getPointerAddressSpace() ==
+                    TD->getAllocaAddrSpace()) &&
+               "indirect argument must be in alloca address space");
+        if (I->hasLValue() &&
+            ((!ArgInfo.getIndirectByVal() &&
+              (I->getLValue().getAlignment() >=
+               getContext().getTypeAlignInChars(I->Ty))) ||
+             (ArgInfo.getIndirectByVal() &&
+              ((I->getLValue().getAddressSpace() != LangAS::Default &&
+                I->getLValue().getAddressSpace() != LangAS::opencl_private &&
+                I->getLValue().getAddressSpace() !=
+                    CGM.getASTAllocaAddressSpace()) ||
+               (Addr.getAlignment() < Align &&
+                llvm::getOrEnforceKnownAlignment(Addr.getPointer(),
+                                                 Align.getQuantity(), *TD) <
+                    Align.getQuantity()))))) {
           // Create an aligned temporary, and copy to it.
           Address AI = CreateMemTemp(I->Ty, ArgInfo.getIndirectAlign(),
                                      "byval-temp", false);
           IRCallArgs[FirstIRArg] = AI.getPointer();
-          LValue Dest = MakeAddrLValue(AI, I->Ty);
-          LValue Src = MakeAddrLValue(Addr, I->Ty);
-          EmitAggregateCopy(Dest, Src, I->Ty, RV.isVolatileQualified());
+          I->copyInto(*this, AI);
         } else {
           // Skip the extra memcpy call.
-          IRCallArgs[FirstIRArg] = Addr.getPointer();
+          auto *V = Addr.getPointer();
+          auto *T = V->getType()->getPointerElementType()->getPointerTo(
+              CGM.getDataLayout().getAllocaAddrSpace());
+          IRCallArgs[FirstIRArg] = getTargetHooks().performAddrSpaceCast(
+              *this, V, LangAS::Default, CGM.getASTAllocaAddressSpace(), T,
+              true);
@@ -3860,6 +3889,7 @@
     case ABIArgInfo::Extend:
     case ABIArgInfo::Direct: {
+      RValue RV = I->getRValue(*this, true);
       if (!isa<llvm::StructType>(ArgInfo.getCoerceToType()) &&
           ArgInfo.getCoerceToType() == ConvertType(info_it->type) &&
           ArgInfo.getDirectOffset() == 0) {
@@ -3960,6 +3990,7 @@
     case ABIArgInfo::CoerceAndExpand: {
+      RValue RV = I->getRValue(*this, true);
       auto coercionType = ArgInfo.getCoerceAndExpandType();
       auto layout = CGM.getDataLayout().getStructLayout(coercionType);
@@ -4005,6 +4036,7 @@
     case ABIArgInfo::Expand:
+      RValue RV = I->getRValue(*this, true);
       unsigned IRArgPos = FirstIRArg;
       ExpandTypeToArgs(I->Ty, RV, IRFuncTy, IRCallArgs, IRArgPos);
       assert(IRArgPos == FirstIRArg + NumIRArgs);
@@ -4358,7 +4390,7 @@
     } else if (const auto *AA = TargetDecl->getAttr<AllocAlignAttr>()) {
       llvm::Value *ParamVal =
-          CallArgs[AA->getParamIndex() - 1].RV.getScalarVal();
+          CallArgs[AA->getParamIndex() - 1].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal();
       EmitAlignmentAssumption(Ret.getScalarVal(), ParamVal);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
     if (UseOptimizedLibcall && Res.getScalarVal()) {
       llvm::Value *ResVal = Res.getScalarVal();
       if (PostOp) {
-        llvm::Value *LoadVal1 = Args[1].RV.getScalarVal();
+        llvm::Value *LoadVal1 = Args[1].getRValue(*this).getScalarVal();
         ResVal = Builder.CreateBinOp(PostOp, ResVal, LoadVal1);
       if (E->getOp() == AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_nand_fetch)
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