sammccall updated this revision to Diff 140792.
sammccall added a comment.


  rC Clang


Index: unittests/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp
--- unittests/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp
+++ unittests/Tooling/CompilationDatabaseTest.cpp
@@ -626,5 +626,99 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(2, Argc);
+struct MemCDB : public CompilationDatabase {
+  using EntryMap = llvm::StringMap<SmallVector<CompileCommand, 1>>;
+  EntryMap Entries;
+  MemCDB(const EntryMap &E) : Entries(E) {}
+  std::vector<CompileCommand> getCompileCommands(StringRef F) const override {
+    auto Ret = Entries.lookup(F);
+    return {Ret.begin(), Ret.end()};
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> getAllFiles() const override {
+    std::vector<std::string> Result;
+    for (const auto &Entry : Entries)
+      Result.push_back(Entry.first());
+    return Result;
+  }
+class InterpolateTest : public ::testing::Test {
+  // Adds an entry to the underlying compilation database.
+  // A flag is injected: -D <File>, so the command used can be identified.
+  void add(llvm::StringRef File, llvm::StringRef Flags = "") {
+    llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Argv = {"clang", File, "-D", File};
+    llvm::SplitString(Flags, Argv);
+    llvm::SmallString<32> Dir;
+    llvm::sys::path::system_temp_directory(false, Dir);
+    Entries[path(File)].push_back(
+        {Dir, File, {Argv.begin(), Argv.end()}, "foo.o"});
+  }
+  // Turn a unix path fragment (foo/bar.h) into a native path (C:\tmp\foo\bar.h)
+  std::string path(llvm::SmallString<32> File) {
+    llvm::SmallString<32> Dir;
+    llvm::sys::path::system_temp_directory(false, Dir);
+    llvm::sys::path::native(File);
+    llvm::SmallString<64> Result;
+    llvm::sys::path::append(Result, Dir, File);
+    return Result.str();
+  }
+  // Look up the command from a relative path, and return it in string form.
+  // The input file is not included in the returned command.
+  std::string getCommand(llvm::StringRef F) {
+    auto Results =
+        inferMissingCompileCommands(llvm::make_unique<MemCDB>(Entries))
+            ->getCompileCommands(path(F));
+    if (Results.empty())
+      return "none";
+    // drop the input file argument, so tests don't have to deal with path().
+    EXPECT_EQ(Results[0].CommandLine.back(), path(F))
+        << "Last arg should be the file";
+    Results[0].CommandLine.pop_back();
+    return llvm::join(Results[0].CommandLine, " ");
+  }
+  MemCDB::EntryMap Entries;
+TEST_F(InterpolateTest, Nearby) {
+  add("dir/foo.cpp");
+  add("dir/bar.cpp");
+  add("an/other/foo.cpp");
+  // great: dir and name both match (prefix or full, case insensitive)
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("dir/f.cpp"), "clang -D dir/foo.cpp");
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("dir/FOO.cpp"), "clang -D dir/foo.cpp");
+  // no name match. prefer matching dir, break ties by alpha
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("dir/a.cpp"), "clang -D dir/bar.cpp");
+  // an exact name match beats one segment of directory match
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("some/other/bar.h"), "clang -x c++ -D dir/bar.cpp");
+  // two segments of directory match beat a prefix name match
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("an/other/b.cpp"), "clang -D an/other/foo.cpp");
+  // if nothing matches at all, we still get the closest alpha match
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("below/some/obscure/path.cpp"),
+            "clang -D an/other/foo.cpp");
+TEST_F(InterpolateTest, Language) {
+  add("dir/foo.cpp");
+  add("dir/baz.cee", "-x c");
+  // extension changed, so we add explicit language flags
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("foo.h"), "clang -x c++ -D dir/foo.cpp");
+  // but we don't add -x if it's already there
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("baz.h"), "clang -D dir/baz.cee -x c");
+TEST_F(InterpolateTest, Strip) {
+  add("dir/foo.cpp", "-o foo.o -Wall");
+  // the -o option and the input file are removed, but -Wall is preserved.
+  EXPECT_EQ(getCommand("dir/bar.cpp"), "clang -D dir/foo.cpp -Wall");
 } // end namespace tooling
 } // end namespace clang
Index: lib/Tooling/InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Tooling/InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+//===- InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// InterpolatingCompilationDatabase wraps another CompilationDatabase and
+// attempts to heuristically determine appropriate compile commands for files
+// that are not included, such as headers or newly created files.
+// Motivating cases include:
+//   Header files that live next to their implementation files. These typically
+// share a base filename. (libclang/CXString.h, libclang/CXString.cpp).
+//   Some projects separate headers from includes. Filenames still typically
+// match, maybe other path segments too. (include/llvm/IR/Use.h, lib/IR/
+//   Matches are sometimes only approximate (Sema.h, SemaDecl.cpp). This goes
+// for directories too (Support/Unix/, lib/Support/Process.cpp).
+//   Even if we can't find a "right" compile command, even a random one from
+// the project will tend to get important flags like -I and -x right.
+// We "borrow" the compile command for the closest available file:
+//   - points are awarded if the filename matches (ignoring extension)
+//   - points are awarded if the directory structure matches
+//   - ties are broken by length of path prefix match
+// The compile command is adjusted:
+//   - the input filename is replaced
+//   - if the extension differs, an "-x" flag is added to preserve the language
+//   - output file arguments are removed
+// This class is only useful when wrapping databases that can enumerate all
+// their compile commands. If getAllFilenames() is empty, no inference occurs.
+#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/Types.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
+#include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <memory>
+namespace clang {
+namespace tooling {
+namespace {
+using namespace llvm;
+// First, a bunch of helpers for comparing strings.
+// These are used for lookups into the index, and for comparing results.
+// As well as normal string lookups, we need prefix lookups.
+// The length of the prefix these two strings have in common.
+size_t matchingPrefix(StringRef L, StringRef R) {
+  size_t Limit = std::min(L.size(), R.size());
+  for (size_t I = 0; I < Limit; ++I)
+    if (L[I] != R[I])
+      return I;
+  return Limit;
+// A comparator for searching SubstringWithIndexes with std::equal_range etc.
+// Optionaly prefix semantics: compares equal if the key is a prefix.
+template <bool Prefix> struct Less {
+  bool operator()(StringRef Key, std::pair<StringRef, size_t> Value) const {
+    StringRef V = Prefix ? Value.first.substr(0, Key.size()) : Value.first;
+    return Key < V;
+  }
+  bool operator()(std::pair<StringRef, size_t> Value, StringRef Key) const {
+    StringRef V = Prefix ? Value.first.substr(0, Key.size()) : Value.first;
+    return V < Key;
+  }
+// FilenameIndex does the real work: given a filename, it produces the best
+// matching candidate filename. Basic strategy:
+// - On startup, capture all the filenames from the inner CDB
+// - Build indexes of each of the substrings we want to look up by.
+//   These indexes are just sorted lists of the substrings.
+// - Forward requests to the inner CDB. If it fails, we must pick a proxy.
+// - Each criterion corresponds to a range lookup into the index, so we only
+//   need O(log N) string comparisons to determine scores.
+// - We then break ties among the candidates with the highest score.
+class FilenameIndex {
+  FilenameIndex(std::vector<std::string> Filenames) : Strings(Arena) {
+    // Sort input for determinism (index is used as a tiebreaker).
+    llvm::sort(OriginalPaths.begin(), OriginalPaths.end());
+    for (size_t I = 0; I < Filenames.size(); ++I) {
+      OriginalPaths.emplace_back([I]));
+      StringRef Path =;
+      Paths.push_back({Path, I});
+      Stems.emplace_back(sys::path::stem(Path), I);
+      auto Dir = ++sys::path::rbegin(Path), DirEnd = sys::path::rend(Path);
+      for (int J = 0; J < DirectorySegmentsIndexed && Dir != DirEnd; ++J, ++Dir)
+        if (Dir->size() > ShortDirectorySegment) // not trivial ones
+          Components.emplace_back(*Dir, I);
+    }
+    llvm::sort(Paths.begin(), Paths.end());
+    llvm::sort(Stems.begin(), Stems.end());
+    llvm::sort(Components.begin(), Components.end());
+  }
+  bool empty() const { return OriginalPaths.empty(); }
+  StringRef chooseProxy(StringRef OriginalFilename) const {
+    assert(!empty() && "need at least one candidate!");
+    std::string Filename = OriginalFilename.lower();
+    auto Candidates = scoreCandidates(Filename);
+    std::pair<size_t, int> Best = breakTies(Candidates, Filename);
+    DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("interpolate", llvm::dbgs()
+                                       << "interpolate: chose "
+                                       << OriginalPaths[Best.first]
+                                       << " as proxy for " << OriginalFilename
+                                       << " score=" << Best.second << "\n");
+    return OriginalPaths[Best.first];
+  }
+  using SubstringAndIndex = std::pair<StringRef, size_t>;
+  // Directory matching parameters: we look at the last two segments of the
+  // parent directory (usually the semantically significant ones in practice).
+  // We search only the last four of each candidate (for efficiency).
+  constexpr static int DirectorySegmentsIndexed = 4;
+  constexpr static int DirectorySegmentsQueried = 2;
+  constexpr static int ShortDirectorySegment = 1; // Only look at longer names.
+  // Award points to candidate entries that should be considered for the file.
+  // Returned keys are indexes into paths, and the values are (nonzero) scores.
+  DenseMap<size_t, int> scoreCandidates(StringRef Filename) const {
+    // Decompose Filename into the parts we care about.
+    // /some/path/complicated/project/Interesting.h
+    // [-prefix--][---dir---] [-dir-] [--stem---]
+    StringRef Stem = sys::path::stem(Filename);
+    llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, DirectorySegmentsQueried> Dirs;
+    llvm::StringRef Prefix;
+    auto Dir = ++sys::path::rbegin(Filename),
+         DirEnd = sys::path::rend(Filename);
+    for (int I = 0; I < DirectorySegmentsQueried && Dir != DirEnd; ++I, ++Dir) {
+      if (Dir->size() > ShortDirectorySegment)
+        Dirs.push_back(*Dir);
+      Prefix = Filename.substr(0, Dir - DirEnd);
+    }
+    // Now award points based on lookups into our various indexes.
+    DenseMap<size_t, int> Candidates; // Index -> score.
+    auto Award = [&](int Points, ArrayRef<SubstringAndIndex> Range) {
+      for (const auto &Entry : Range)
+        Candidates[Entry.second] += Points;
+    };
+    // Award one point if the file's basename is a prefix of the candidate,
+    // and another if it's an exact match (so exact matches get two points).
+    Award(1, indexLookup</*Prefix=*/true>(Stem, Stems));
+    Award(1, indexLookup</*Prefix=*/false>(Stem, Stems));
+    // For each of the last few directories in the Filename, award a point
+    // if it's present in the candidate.
+    for (StringRef Dir : Dirs)
+      Award(1, indexLookup</*Prefix=*/false>(Dir, Components));
+    // Award one more point if the whole rest of the path matches.
+    if (sys::path::root_directory(Prefix) != Prefix)
+      Award(1, indexLookup</*Prefix=*/true>(Prefix, Paths));
+    return Candidates;
+  }
+  // Pick a single winner from the set of scored candidates.
+  // Returns (index, score).
+  std::pair<size_t, int> breakTies(const DenseMap<size_t, int> &Candidates,
+                                   StringRef Filename) const {
+    // Choose the best candidate by (points, prefix length, alpha).
+    size_t Best = -1;
+    int BestPoints = 0;
+    size_t BestPrefixLength = 0;
+    for (const auto &Candidate : Candidates) {
+      if (Candidate.second < BestPoints)
+        continue;
+      StringRef CandidatePath = Paths[Candidate.first].first;
+      size_t PrefixLength = matchingPrefix(Filename, CandidatePath);
+      if (Candidate.second == BestPoints) {
+        if (PrefixLength < BestPrefixLength)
+          continue;
+        // hidden heuristics should at least be deterministic!
+        if (PrefixLength == BestPrefixLength)
+          if (Candidate.first > Best)
+            continue;
+      }
+      Best = Candidate.first;
+      BestPoints = Candidate.second;
+      BestPrefixLength = PrefixLength;
+    }
+    if (Candidates.empty()) // Edge case: no candidate got any points.
+      Best = longestMatch(Filename, Paths).second;
+    return {Best, BestPoints};
+  }
+  // Returns the range within a sorted index that compares equal to Key.
+  // If Prefix is true, it's instead the range starting with Key.
+  template <bool Prefix>
+  ArrayRef<SubstringAndIndex>
+  indexLookup(StringRef Key, const std::vector<SubstringAndIndex> &Idx) const {
+    // Use pointers as iteratiors to ease conversion of result to ArrayRef.
+    auto Range =
+        std::equal_range(&Idx[0], &Idx[Idx.size()], Key, Less<Prefix>());
+    return {Range.first, Range.second};
+  }
+  // Performs a point lookup into a nonempty index, returning a longest match.
+  SubstringAndIndex
+  longestMatch(StringRef Key, const std::vector<SubstringAndIndex> &Idx) const {
+    // Longest substring match will be adjacent to a direct lookup.
+    auto It =
+        std::lower_bound(Idx.begin(), Idx.end(), SubstringAndIndex{Key, 0});
+    if (It == Paths.begin())
+      return *It;
+    if (It == Paths.end())
+      return *--It;
+    // Have to choose between It and It-1
+    size_t Prefix = matchingPrefix(Key, It->first);
+    size_t PrevPrefix = matchingPrefix(Key, (It - 1)->first);
+    return Prefix > PrevPrefix ? *It : *--It;
+  }
+  BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
+  StringSaver Strings;
+  // Original candidates with case preserved. Indexes point into this.
+  std::vector<StringRef> OriginalPaths;
+  // Indexes of candidates by certain substrings.
+  // String is lowercase and sorted, index points into OriginalPaths.
+  std::vector<SubstringAndIndex> Paths;      // Full path.
+  std::vector<SubstringAndIndex> Stems;      // Basename, without extension.
+  std::vector<SubstringAndIndex> Components; // Last path components.
+// The actual CompilationDatabase wrapper delegates to its inner database, and
+// to FilenameIndex if no match is found.
+// The only remaining work is fixing up the command for the new file.
+class InterpolatingCompilationDatabase : public CompilationDatabase {
+  InterpolatingCompilationDatabase(std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabase> Inner)
+      : Inner(std::move(Inner)), Index(getAllFiles()) {}
+  std::vector<CompileCommand>
+  getCompileCommands(StringRef Filename) const override {
+    auto Known = Inner->getCompileCommands(Filename);
+    if (Index.empty() || !Known.empty())
+      return Known;
+    StringRef Proxy = Index.chooseProxy(Filename);
+    auto Result = Inner->getCompileCommands(Proxy);
+    assert(!Result.empty() &&
+           "candidates returned by getFiles() should have compile commands!");
+    return {adjust(std::move(Result[0]), Filename)};
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> getAllFiles() const override {
+    return Inner->getAllFiles();
+  }
+  std::vector<CompileCommand> getAllCompileCommands() const override {
+    return Inner->getAllCompileCommands();
+  }
+  // Tweaks the CompileCommand for use with a different file.
+  // We use the real options parser to avoid fragile string replacements.
+  CompileCommand adjust(CompileCommand Base, StringRef Filename) const {
+    auto OptTable = clang::driver::createDriverOptTable();
+    std::vector<const char *> Argv;
+    for (unsigned I = 1; I < Base.CommandLine.size(); ++I)
+      Argv.push_back(Base.CommandLine[I].c_str());
+    unsigned MissingI, MissingC;
+    auto ArgList = OptTable->ParseArgs(Argv, MissingI, MissingC);
+    // Parse the old args in order to strip out input and -o.
+    std::vector<std::string> NewArgs;
+    bool HasLanguageFlag = false;
+    for (const auto *Arg : ArgList) {
+      const auto &option = Arg->getOption();
+      if (option.matches(clang::driver::options::OPT_INPUT) ||
+          option.matches(clang::driver::options::OPT_o)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (option.matches(clang::driver::options::OPT_x))
+        HasLanguageFlag = true;
+      llvm::opt::ArgStringList ArgStrs;
+      Arg->render(ArgList, ArgStrs);
+      NewArgs.insert(NewArgs.end(), ArgStrs.begin(), ArgStrs.end());
+    }
+    NewArgs.emplace_back(Filename);
+    // Finally, build the final CompileCommand.
+    Base.CommandLine.resize(1); // keep argv[0]
+    if (!HasLanguageFlag && llvm::sys::path::extension(Filename) !=
+                                llvm::sys::path::extension(Base.Filename)) {
+      // Language was inferred from the extension, which has changed. Add -x.
+      if (auto Lang = driver::types::lookupTypeForExtension(
+              llvm::sys::path::extension(Base.Filename).substr(1))) {
+        Base.CommandLine.push_back("-x");
+        Base.CommandLine.push_back(driver::types::getTypeName(Lang));
+      }
+    }
+    Base.CommandLine.insert(Base.CommandLine.end(), NewArgs.begin(),
+                            NewArgs.end());
+    Base.Filename = Filename;
+    Base.Output.clear();
+    return Base;
+  }
+  std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabase> Inner;
+  FilenameIndex Index;
+} // namespace
+inferMissingCompileCommands(std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabase> Inner) {
+  return llvm::make_unique<InterpolatingCompilationDatabase>(std::move(Inner));
+} // namespace tooling
+} // namespace clang
Index: lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
--- lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+  InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp
Index: include/clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h
--- include/clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h
+++ include/clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h
@@ -213,6 +213,13 @@
   std::vector<CompileCommand> CompileCommands;
+/// Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that defers to the provided one,
+/// but getCompileCommands() will infer commands for unknown files.
+/// The return value of getAllFiles() or getAllCompileCommands() is unchanged.
+/// See InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp for details on heuristics.
+    inferMissingCompileCommands(std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabase>);
 } // namespace tooling
 } // namespace clang
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