probinson added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+    // includes the full path.
+    if (SM.getFilename(IL).contains("UnifiedSource")) {
+      StringRef Name = SM.getFilename(SL);
george.karpenkov wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > george.karpenkov wrote:
> > > Is this `if` really necessary? This logic has too much overfitting, and 
> > > it seems that if someone decides to include `.cc` files, we should 
> > > analyze them in any case, right? We also would prefer to not stop working 
> > > if webkit decides on using a different naming for those.
> > This is indeed an act of overfitting. But also there are very few reasons 
> > to include a non-header file, and all of them are pretty exotic. I'm not 
> > sure we want to analyze these files in all cases. So i want to play safe 
> > until we gather more data.
> I would still say that just analyzing included c++ files is a lesser evil.
Agreed.  WebKit is not the only project that does this kind of thing.

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