Quuxplusone added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D43322#1083075, @arthur.j.odwyer wrote:

> Sorry, I responded via email but I guess Phabricator didn't pick it up for
>  some reason.
>  See below.

And then Phab *still* didn't pick up the important part... Okay, I'll try 
pasting it here.

Can you post the diagnostic exactly as it appears in the compiler output? I am 
surprised that it would appear here. It should appear here only if the standard 
library's implicit conversion from std::map<...>::iterator to 
std::map<...>::const_iterator were implemented as a conversion operator instead 
of as a converting constructor. I have verified that both libstdc++ trunk and 
libc++ trunk implement it "correctly" as a converting constructor, and I have 
verified on Wandbox/Godbolt that no warning is emitted on your sample code when 
using either of those standard libraries.

Is it possible that you are using a standard library that is neither libc++ or 
Is it possible that that standard library implements the 
iterator-to-const_iterator conversion as a conversion operator instead of a 
converting constructor?

> And then someone else pointed out that 
> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/cwg_defects.html#1579 might mean 
> that the code-as is should be fine too in C++14 – I don't know if that's 
> true, but maybe you could comment on that too :-)

CWG1579 is the defect report against ISO C++11 which is mentioned in the 
wording of the off-by-default -Wreturn-std-move-in-c++11. :)  Anything that 
-Wreturn-std-move itself complains about, is stuff that was NOT fixed by 
Alternative hypothesis: Is it possible that you have manually turned on 
-Wreturn-std-move-in-c++11 (which is deliberately omitted from -Wmove/-Wall)? 
In that case, the warning is absolutely correct, but you are probably wrong to 
care about fixing it in this case. :)

> Maybe the warning could suggest something like "cv qualifiers don't match, 
> make them match" on a note in addition or instead of std::move() for this 
> case?

I would love to see this, but I'm not comfortable trying to add it myself. 
Remember, the problem here isn't core-language cv-qualifiers ("iterator" vs. 
"const iterator"); the problem is library-level type mismatch ("iterator" vs. 
"const_iterator"). You'd have to somehow look at the human-readable name of the 
typedef and determine that it was a match for the regex /const_(.*)/ and the 
target type was a match for /\1/, and then you'd have to generate a meaningful 

  rC Clang


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