Author: simark
Date: Wed Jul 11 07:08:17 2018
New Revision: 336807

[VirtualFileSystem] InMemoryFileSystem::status: Return a Status with the 
requested name

InMemoryFileSystem::status behaves differently than
RealFileSystem::status.  The Name contained in the Status returned by
RealFileSystem::status will be the path as requested by the caller,
whereas InMemoryFileSystem::status returns the normalized path.

For example, when requested the status for "../src/first.h",
RealFileSystem returns a Status with "../src/first.h" as the Name.
InMemoryFileSystem returns "/absolute/path/to/src/first.h".

The reason for this change is that I want to make a unit test in the
clangd testsuite (where we use an InMemoryFileSystem) to reproduce a
bug I get with the clangd program (where a RealFileSystem is used).
This difference in behavior "hides" the bug in the unit test version.

In general, I guess it's good if InMemoryFileSystem works as much as
possible like RealFileSystem.

Doing so made the FileEntry::RealPathName value (assigned in
FileManager::getFile) wrong when using the InMemoryFileSystem.  That's
because it assumes that vfs::File::getName will always return the real
path.  I changed to to use FileSystem::getRealPath instead.

Subscribers: ilya-biryukov, ioeric, cfe-commits

Differential Revision:


Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/FileManager.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/FileManager.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/FileManager.cpp Wed Jul 11 07:08:17 2018
@@ -315,9 +315,11 @@ const FileEntry *FileManager::getFile(St
   UFE.InPCH = Data.InPCH;
   UFE.File = std::move(F);
   UFE.IsValid = true;
-  if (UFE.File)
-    if (auto RealPathName = UFE.File->getName())
-      UFE.RealPathName = *RealPathName;
+  SmallString<128> RealPathName;
+  if (!FS->getRealPath(InterndFileName, RealPathName))
+    UFE.RealPathName = RealPathName.str();
   return &UFE;

Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.cpp Wed Jul 11 07:08:17 2018
@@ -471,15 +471,33 @@ enum InMemoryNodeKind { IME_File, IME_Di
 /// The in memory file system is a tree of Nodes. Every node can either be a
 /// file or a directory.
 class InMemoryNode {
-  Status Stat;
   InMemoryNodeKind Kind;
+  Status Stat;
+  /// Return Stat.  This should only be used for internal/debugging use.  When
+  /// clients wants the Status of this node, they should use
+  /// \p getStatus(StringRef).
+  const Status& getStatus() const {
+    return Stat;
+  }
   InMemoryNode(Status Stat, InMemoryNodeKind Kind)
-      : Stat(std::move(Stat)), Kind(Kind) {}
+      : Kind(Kind), Stat(std::move(Stat)) {}
   virtual ~InMemoryNode() = default;
-  const Status &getStatus() const { return Stat; }
+  /// Return the \p Status for this node. \p RequestedName should be the name
+  /// through which the caller referred to this node. It will override
+  /// \p Status::Name in the return value, to mimic the behavior of \p 
+  Status getStatus(StringRef RequestedName) const {
+    return Status::copyWithNewName(Stat, RequestedName);
+  }
+  /// Get the filename of this node (the name without the directory part).
+  StringRef getFileName() const {
+    return llvm::sys::path::filename(Stat.getName());
+  }
   InMemoryNodeKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
   virtual std::string toString(unsigned Indent) const = 0;
@@ -504,14 +522,22 @@ public:
-/// Adapt a InMemoryFile for VFS' File interface.
+/// Adapt a InMemoryFile for VFS' File interface.  The goal is to make
+/// \p InMemoryFileAdaptor mimic as much as possible the behavior of
+/// \p RealFile.
 class InMemoryFileAdaptor : public File {
   InMemoryFile &Node;
+  /// The name to use when returning a Status for this file.
+  std::string RequestedName;
-  explicit InMemoryFileAdaptor(InMemoryFile &Node) : Node(Node) {}
+  explicit InMemoryFileAdaptor(InMemoryFile &Node, std::string RequestedName)
+      : Node(Node), RequestedName(std::move(RequestedName)) {}
-  llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status() override { return Node.getStatus(); }
+  llvm::ErrorOr<Status> status() override {
+    return Node.getStatus(RequestedName);
+  }
   getBuffer(const Twine &Name, int64_t FileSize, bool RequiresNullTerminator,
@@ -711,7 +737,7 @@ lookupInMemoryNode(const InMemoryFileSys
 llvm::ErrorOr<Status> InMemoryFileSystem::status(const Twine &Path) {
   auto Node = lookupInMemoryNode(*this, Root.get(), Path);
   if (Node)
-    return (*Node)->getStatus();
+    return (*Node)->getStatus(Path.str());
   return Node.getError();
@@ -724,7 +750,8 @@ InMemoryFileSystem::openFileForRead(cons
   // When we have a file provide a heap-allocated wrapper for the memory buffer
   // to match the ownership semantics for File.
   if (auto *F = dyn_cast<detail::InMemoryFile>(*Node))
-    return std::unique_ptr<File>(new detail::InMemoryFileAdaptor(*F));
+    return std::unique_ptr<File>(
+        new detail::InMemoryFileAdaptor(*F, Path.str()));
   // FIXME: errc::not_a_file?
   return make_error_code(llvm::errc::invalid_argument);
@@ -736,21 +763,33 @@ namespace {
 class InMemoryDirIterator : public clang::vfs::detail::DirIterImpl {
   detail::InMemoryDirectory::const_iterator I;
   detail::InMemoryDirectory::const_iterator E;
+  std::string RequestedDirName;
+  void setCurrentEntry() {
+    if (I != E) {
+      SmallString<256> Path(RequestedDirName);
+      llvm::sys::path::append(Path, I->second->getFileName());
+      CurrentEntry = I->second->getStatus(Path.str());
+    } else {
+      // When we're at the end, make CurrentEntry invalid and DirIterImpl will
+      // do the rest.
+      CurrentEntry = Status();
+    }
+  }
   InMemoryDirIterator() = default;
-  explicit InMemoryDirIterator(detail::InMemoryDirectory &Dir)
-      : I(Dir.begin()), E(Dir.end()) {
-    if (I != E)
-      CurrentEntry = I->second->getStatus();
+  explicit InMemoryDirIterator(detail::InMemoryDirectory &Dir,
+                               std::string RequestedDirName)
+      : I(Dir.begin()), E(Dir.end()),
+        RequestedDirName(std::move(RequestedDirName)) {
+    setCurrentEntry();
   std::error_code increment() override {
-    // When we're at the end, make CurrentEntry invalid and DirIterImpl will do
-    // the rest.
-    CurrentEntry = I != E ? I->second->getStatus() : Status();
+    setCurrentEntry();
     return {};
@@ -766,7 +805,8 @@ directory_iterator InMemoryFileSystem::d
   if (auto *DirNode = dyn_cast<detail::InMemoryDirectory>(*Node))
-    return directory_iterator(std::make_shared<InMemoryDirIterator>(*DirNode));
+    return directory_iterator(
+        std::make_shared<InMemoryDirIterator>(*DirNode, Dir.str()));
   EC = make_error_code(llvm::errc::not_a_directory);
   return directory_iterator(std::make_shared<InMemoryDirIterator>());

Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/Basic/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/unittests/Basic/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Basic/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp Wed Jul 11 07:08:17 2018
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ TEST_F(InMemoryFileSystemTest, WorkingDi
   auto Stat = FS.status("/b/c");
   ASSERT_FALSE(Stat.getError()) << Stat.getError() << "\n" << FS.toString();
-  ASSERT_EQ("c", Stat->getName());
+  ASSERT_EQ("/b/c", Stat->getName());
   ASSERT_EQ("/b", *FS.getCurrentWorkingDirectory());
   Stat = FS.status("c");
@@ -919,6 +919,37 @@ TEST_F(InMemoryFileSystemTest, AddDirect
+// Test that the name returned by status() is in the same form as the path that
+// was requested (to match the behavior of RealFileSystem).
+TEST_F(InMemoryFileSystemTest, StatusName) {
+  NormalizedFS.addFile("/a/b/c", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("abc"),
+                       /*User=*/None,
+                       /*Group=*/None, sys::fs::file_type::regular_file);
+  NormalizedFS.setCurrentWorkingDirectory("/a/b");
+  // Access using InMemoryFileSystem::status.
+  auto Stat = NormalizedFS.status("../b/c");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(Stat.getError()) << Stat.getError() << "\n"
+                                << NormalizedFS.toString();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(Stat->isRegularFile());
+  ASSERT_EQ("../b/c", Stat->getName());
+  // Access using InMemoryFileAdaptor::status.
+  auto File = NormalizedFS.openFileForRead("../b/c");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(File.getError()) << File.getError() << "\n"
+                                << NormalizedFS.toString();
+  Stat = (*File)->status();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(Stat.getError()) << Stat.getError() << "\n"
+                                << NormalizedFS.toString();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(Stat->isRegularFile());
+  ASSERT_EQ("../b/c", Stat->getName());
+  // Access using a directory iterator.
+  std::error_code EC;
+  clang::vfs::directory_iterator It = NormalizedFS.dir_begin("../b", EC);
+  ASSERT_EQ("../b/c", It->getName());
 // NOTE: in the tests below, we use '//root/' as our root directory, since it 
 // a legal *absolute* path on Windows as well as *nix.
 class VFSFromYAMLTest : public ::testing::Test {

Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/Driver/ToolChainTest.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/unittests/Driver/ToolChainTest.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Driver/ToolChainTest.cpp Wed Jul 11 07:08:17 2018
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ TEST(ToolChainTest, VFSGCCInstallationRe
   std::replace(S.begin(), S.end(), '\\', '/');
   EXPECT_EQ("Found candidate GCC installation: "
-            "/home/test/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.6.1\n"
+            "/home/test/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.6.1\n"
             "Selected GCC installation: "
             "Candidate multilib: .;@m32\n"

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