aaron.ballman accepted this revision.
aaron.ballman added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

LGTM, though it's your call on the const_cast stuff whether you want to revert 
or keep it.

Comment at: include/clang/AST/Type.h:3105
+  Expr *getSizeExpr() const { return SizeExpr; }
+  QualType getElementType() const { return ElementType; }
erichkeane wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > Can this return `const Expr *` and have a non-const overload to return the 
> > non-const `Expr *`?
> Done, but unfortunately, TypeLoc visitation (RecursiveASTVisitor) lacks const 
> correctness in a bunch of places so a cast was required there :/  
> Additionally, TreeTransform has similar issues, so a const-cast was required 
> as well.  Both end up being a bit of a cleanup, perhaps more than I can 
> tackle at the moment.
Oye, now that I see how many const_cast's get added, I'm starting to regret 
asking for this. :-P Your call as to whether you want to leave it in this state 
or revert back the const-correctness attempt.


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