Hi All,

I am using llvm-cov in gcov mode. The options, as given below, work when
using llvm 3.5 but do not when using latest svn llvm/clang 3.7.  I cannot
find the correct alternatives to this set of options for llvm 3.7.  I know
I can use gnu gcov or use -fprofile-instr-generate but I am hoping you can
tell me the correct options for 3.7 clang and llvm-cov gcov or has the
llvm-cov/clang in gcov mode been deprecated ?

I have been trying the following:

******begin test.cpp********
int foo()
   return 0;

int main()
*****end test,cpp*****

*****begin bash******
$ clang -g -O0 --coverage test.cpp -o test
$ ./test
$ llvm-cov gcov test.cpp

$ Unexpected number of edges (in _Z3foov).
$ Invalid .gcda File!

$clang -g -O0 --coverage -Xclang -coverage-cfg-checksum -Xclang
-coverage-no-function-names-in-data -Xclang -coverage-version='402*'
test.cpp -o test
$ ./test
$ llvm-cov gcov test.cpp

$ Unexpected end of memory buffer: 270637176.
$ Invalid .gcno File!
*****end bash******

Thanks in advance for your help,

Pierre Gousseau
SN Systems - Sony Computer Entertainment
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