On 2015-08-03 01:27 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
If not, is there any documentation which shows how to get it compiled

Yeah, you need to download and build libcxx in addition to LLVM, Clang
(CFE), and Tools.

You can find libcxx at http://libcxx.llvm.org/.

Also, the Autotools/Make based stuff does not work because it does not detect the presence of libcxx in-tree (or is it out-of-tree?). Use the
Cmake gear instead.

Ditto for LLDB if you choose to build it, too.

Thanks for the response.

Is there any documentation anywhere which would show me how to build libc++?

Also, what should I have installed on my system other than Clang/LLVM to be able to build libc++ itself? Haven't found any traces of Cmake on my Windows
7 install.

Oh, sorry about that... my bad... I did not tune into the Windows part.

I've been working with Cygwin and MinGW recently, and made the leap
that you were doing Linux on Windows. I did not realize it was real
Windows on Windows. (after a few days with Cygwin and MinGW, I really
miss plain old Windows).

No worries, happens to the best of us. :)

If you know of any ways to get me started off in the right direction, please do share.
BTW, I checked out "Cmake"; nice tool, thanks for that tip.


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