
I am trying to redirect the output emitted when running a tool through 
clang::tooling::runToolOnCode() to a buffer or string instead of stderr 
(llvm::errs()). I'm using clangTooling from release 3.9.

When looking at clangTooling code and following the execution flow, I have 
found the following:
calls clang::tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs()
which calls clang::tooling::ToolInvocation::run()
which contains the following :
TextDiagnosticPrinter DiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts);
DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
    IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs()), &*DiagOpts,
    DiagConsumer ? DiagConsumer : &DiagnosticPrinter, false);

So at this point I guess I'm stuck because everything is redirected to stderr…
Did I miss something or is there really this limitation?

I also thought of redirecting stderr to somewhere else but… I can't see how it 
will fit my needs as in the end I want to call clang::tooling::runToolOnCode() 
on different files in parallel, all of it in the same process ; so I'll get 
stderr mixed with output from several executions. The best solution would 
obviously being able to provide the DiagnosticConsumer but at the moment 
everything looks hardcoded.

Best regards,
L. Soltic

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