Mark Stosberg wrote:
On 2004-08-23, Tim Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm working on an application that has a report generation mode that
generates a report as an Excel spreadsheet that is then sent to the
client.  I can think of several ways to do this, but the idea I'm
currently toying with is having my CGI::App exec a separate script that
generates the report.  I'm not sure yet if I will write the report to
disk and then present the user with a link to that, have the CGI::App
load it and send it to the user, or have the report returned directly to
the CGI::App.

What methods are you guys using?


Both of your approaches are useful, depending on how long the report
takes to generate.

My favorite wait to generate Excel spreadsheets is to use HTML::Template
to generate an HTML table, but send the Excel content type header with
it. This works great as long as your report can be expressed as HTML
table, and doesn't contain any embedded formulas, etc.

The document will be opened and translated automatically by Excel, so
the user won't even notice that anything is "funny".


Any idea if that works with openoffice?

It is the default office app on all my systems, it does open xls, but never tried it for this. (following the header with html)

It is ironic that we have rtf as an open standard for "word" documents, but apart from csv there is no similiar open standard for spreadsheets.



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