On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Cees Hek wrote:

> Well, it sounds like maybe you are passing in a handle to CGI::Session
> that is closed, or your connection parameters are invalid.  I haven't
> used SQLite, so I am not familiar with it, but if you show us a small
> code snippet that demonstrates the problem, we might be able to help.

I'm using CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH btw, and so I was wondering if it
is not creating the handle in time.  But now we know MySQL works, this
seems much less likely.

As for the code, it is very similiar to that which I showed before:

sub cgiapp_init
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->dbh_config('DBI:SQLite:dbname=/home/jaldhar/db', '', '',
    { RaiseError => 1, })
    or croak "Cannot connect to the database.";

    CGI_SESSION_OPTIONS => [ 'driver:SQLite', $self->query,
                             { Handle => $self->dbh } ],

> I don't think this would be a problem with CAP::Session though, as it
> only passes the config options to CGI::Session to do all the work with
> the database.

Yes so thread retitled appropriately.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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