On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 19:35:07 -0700, Mark Fuller wrote:

Hi Mark

> Ron, since AJAX is asynchronous, what are the risks that typing
> "savag" would result in 6 search results arriving back to the
> client out of order? (Maybe a search request reaches the server

Well, yes, that may be possible. In practice it is not a problem (typing too
fast just means chars are ignored), but your suggestion of adding an id to each
request, a la TCP/IP, is a good one, but a little over-engineered for this job.

If $customer wants to pay for it, they can. They've paid so much already, and
they're perfectly happy, so only when they feel the benefit outweighs the cost
will this be specced and coded and paid for.

Nevertheless, an excellent question. Always feel free to ask for clarification
on dubious code. I might get embarrassed and you might learn something!

You only need reply to the list. I'm subscribed.
Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 20/10/2005
Let the record show: Microsoft is not an Australian company

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