Michael Petnuch wrote:

I have been a CGI::Application follower for quite a while now. I used it to create the engine off which my personal website/blog/everything site runs. Back when I first started the documentation was not as good as it is now and it took me a while to get everything started. But once I did I found how easily and extensible I could make my website.

So I figured that I would share my work with others. All my code has been placed up on websvn and is publicly viewable. I stole a bunch of thumbnailing code from somewhere and I don't remember because it worked better than mine (it was from some perl modules). So I might have to take that down.

But other than that, the codes and ideas/implementation are the result of many hours/cokes/and chinese food takeout on my days off (and sometimes during the week).

In the code you will find a fully function bloging type software complete with user registration and access control. All entries are populated into a database that is accessed using Class::DBI. The website HTML is separate from the Perl using Template::Toolkit.

You will also find a slightly incomplete implementation of a photo gallery. It is incomplete because I have yet to figure out a way to allow people to submit photos via that site that is elegant (ala flickr) because my Web 2.0 skills are non-existant. Right now I have a separate perl script that I use to populate the database. All imports are handled via CGI::Uplaoder.

The site uses a lot more modules as well, too many to discuses here (unless someone asks about something specific).

Websvn Link:  http://websvn.petnuch.com


The code looks really clean. Thanks for sharing it. I'm ready to overhaul my website and I'll perhaps keep this codeline in mind as an option.

The website itself is nicely designed as well.


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