On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Mark Stosberg wrote:

Actually now that I've looked at it, I think the problem is actually in
CGI::Application not ::Server.  The query object is initialized in new()
shouldn't this actually happen in run()?

I would say the bug is here, in CGI::Application::Server


if (!defined blessed $target) {
            return $self->_serve_response($target->new->run);
} else {
       # Missing line:
            return $self->_serve_response($target->run);

This still didn't work with the example script in my previous message. The same problems were exhibited.

The calling of cgiapp_get_query *is* delayed until run()... really until the
first time you call "query()". There is no way to detect you need a fresh query
object.  The server needs to take care of that.

On further investigation, the server provides a query object called $cgi which needs to be passed to the CGI::Application object. You can do this in new() with the QUERY parameter but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so after the object is created but before it is run. What I did instead was:

           if (!defined blessed $target) {
            return $self->_serve_response($target->new->run);
           } else {
            $target->{__QUERY_OBJ} = $cgi; # <-- works but not ideal
            return $self->_serve_response($target->run);

it is not a good idea to be mucking about with CGI::Application internals like that so there ought to be a cgiapp_set_query to use in these (admittedly rare) situations.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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