On 1/25/09, Jaldhar H. Vyas <jald...@braincells.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Michael Peters wrote:
> > Dealing with HTML requires a parser. Anything else won't make people
> happy.
> >
> >
>  Agree.
> > On a side note, get a hosting provider that gives you a compiler, gee wiz!
> >
> >
>  Easy for you to say Mr. Moneybags!  I doubt if any of the cheap hosting
> providers offer this (or they charge extra for it.)  But then again the ones
> I've seen that claim to support CGI already have HTML::Parser installed so
> perhaps this is not such a big deal in reality?

Actually, at least Dreamhost, a fairly cheap host, does allow
compiling your own programs. You can also compile your own version of
Perl as well as their site version of Perl is several versions behind
(I think they are still serving Perl 5.8.4). I did encounter some
problems compiling Perl on their server, which apparently has been
fixed with a patch, but I didn't proceed any further with that. On the
other hand, I successfully installed several of my own modules
including ones that required compiling... for instance, DBD::SQLite.

So, money is not really any issue. On the other hand, compiling is
just a pain in the tush. It is just easier to zip up a bunch of files
on your development computer (a Macbook, in my case) and upload it to
the web server, usually some variant of Linux. Fortunately for me, I
got employed in a position that gives me control of a cluster of
Xserves so that problem doesn't apply anymore.


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