Hi Jerry

On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 13:28 -0700, Jerry Kaidor wrote:
> Update on my weird Perl internals error:
>   I created a function that causes an innocuous error which is reported in
> /var/log/httpd/error_log, along with my weird error.  Put calls to this
> function to try to localize WHEN the weird error happens.
>   Interestingly, no matter WHEN I put my "mark" error, it happens BEFORE
> the weird error( that I'm looking for ).  Even if I put it in
> cgiapp_postrun()!  So the weird error happens AFTER my application has
> done every bit of its database stuff, and nothing remains but for cgiapp to
> spit out the html...   Unless things are happening in some other order
> because of multithreading or multiple processes.... But I don't think so. 

I'd suggest you forget mutilthreading and multiple processes, and
consider what's happening when objects go out of scope. /That's/
something which happens after the code spits out its HTML :-).

Ron Savage
Ph: 0421 920 622

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