On Thu, 19 May 2011, Timothy Appnel wrote:

> While I am a proponent of plugins in general I'm not sure about that
> here. It's just practical and making things more difficult than they
> need to be based on principal. Perhaps I'm missing something some
> significant benefit I'm missing.
> CAD has REST functionality already. So it made sense to make what is a
> minor extension to that because it was the most practical and the path
> of least resistance. I also believe that REST tunneling is a
> dispatching function, not an app one.

Well C::A::P::REST also does tunneling in the context of dispatch.  Your 
problem is you already have a nice, working dispatcher so you don't want 
to switch to a new one just to get some extra goodies.

In that case it would make sense to add functionality to C::A::Dispatch 
(though I recommend you just switch ;-)  All I have to add is that you 
should use REST::Utils instead of all new code.  You would also get MIME 
Media Type based matching in the process.

> I don't want to have to load an app class just to figure out if it
> which run mode I need to call.

What in C::A::P::REST would require you to do that?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jald...@braincells.com>

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