I like half your idea and hate the other half :o)

I like the idea of using a persistent object to overcome deficiencies in
plug-ins.  That's easy with a singleton object in MyApp::Base class data
blessed into C::A.  I like the idea of separating your application logic
from the structures in CA and using CA as an event handler to drive your
application's code.

Trouble is, CA isn't wonderful as an event handler, and it doesn't do much
other than marshal a CGI-compatible per-request object and manage
callbacks.  So it seems like a lot of clunkiness to manage all that
to-and-fro just to workaround some plug-ins that should be considered
broken (or at least 'deficient').  Do you have a list of the plug-ins that
are causing you problems?  I bet we could fix them one by one pretty

There's another reason your framework wouldn't win me over -- it only
handles the situation where a singleton is sufficient.  With class data
there's already a natural hierarchy (in fact there are two, but I'll avoid
going off on a tangent) so it's natural to override those branches of the
application data tree where appropriate.  An example is cacheing prepared
templates -- most of your application might use a common template, but one
set of modules (eg the 'admin' part of the app) wants to override that
template with another template -- that almost comes for free with class


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