On 1/7/2012 12:36 AM, Ron Savage wrote:
> Hi Cliff
> On 07/01/12 07:45, Cliff Green wrote:
>> I have an application using CGI::Application, DBIx::Class, and
>> CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIC::Schema and if all's well, it hums along
>> nicely (okay, it could do some things better).
>> But, if one there's a problem connecting to one of the databases (e.g.,
>> network problems, or if the db is down), I'd like to be able to catch
>> the exception and advise the user in the app; as it is now, the app
>> fails and the user gets a Apache error notice.
>> I've been trying to use DBIx::Class's exception_action method, and have
>> not been successful (under CGI::Application).
> Have you considered using https://metacpan.org/release/DBIx-Connector
I'll look into it, thanks.


Cliff Green
Senior Technologist
Business Systems&  Technologies - UMDNJ
tel: 732-235-5250     fax: 732-743-3346

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