I'm sorry, I did not had the 'Addhandler'.
Now I get a web page, but when I click on the link I get a regular browse
of the directory in the web.
I cannot see the files exist in the repository.


Now I get the page on the web but it look like regular browse of directory

On 12/29/13 2:02 PM, "John Keeping" <j...@keeping.me.uk> wrote:

>[administrivia: please don't top post.]
>On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 10:37:00AM +0000, Shlomit Afgin wrote:
>> On 12/29/13 12:18 PM, "John Keeping" <j...@keeping.me.uk> wrote:
>> >On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 08:46:37AM +0000, Shlomit Afgin wrote:
>> >> I download from http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/refs/  the file
>> >>cgit-0.9.2.tar.xz
>> >> I follow the instruction in README:
>> >>      make get-git
>> >>      make
>> >>      make install
>> >>      Edit Apache conf file and add
>> >>         <Directory "/var/www/htdocs/cgit/">
>> >>           AllowOverride None
>> >>           Options +ExecCGI
>> >>           Order allow,deny
>> >>           Allow from all
>> >>         </Directory>
>> >>      I also add alias:
>> >>         Alias /cgit  /var/www/htdocs/cgit/
>> >> 
>> >> When I go to http://server.domain/cgit I get the following error:
>> >>     You don't have permission to access /cgit/ on this server
>> >>     And In the error_log I get:
>> >>         Directory index forbidden by Options directive:
>> >>/var/www/htdocs/cgit/
>> >> I tried to add to 'Options' the +Indexes, So I get the list of the
>> >> content but the cgit did not work.
>> >
>> >The "cgit" program is a CGI executable that you need to run.  Do you
>> >have "cgit" in /var/www/htdocs/cgit/ ?  If so, what happens if you go
>> >http://your.domain/cgit/cgit ?
>> >
>> >I have the following in my Apache config for CGit:
>> >
>> >    <Location /cgit>
>> >            RewriteEngine on
>> >            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
>> >            RewriteRule ^/var/www/localhost/htdocs/cgit(.*)
>> >/cgi-bin/cgit.cgi$1 [L,PT]
>> >    </Location>
>> >
>> >This rewrites all requests under /cgit to go to the "cgit" program in
>> >/cgi-bin/.
>> I have /var/www/htdocs/cgit/cgit.cgi and when I go to
>> http://server.domain/cgit/cgit.cgi,
>> It try to open the file (and as where to save it) instead of run it.
>Do you have a suitable "AddHandler" directive?  The link I gave below
>has a section on how to use ExecCGI and says you will need something
>like this:
>    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
>> >There is some more information on Apache's CGI support here [1].
>> >
>> >[1] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/cgi.html

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