Now I do see your point, I mean, if someone just reset their stats
every time someone voted against themselves, that would be abuse. But
to never allow anyone to reset stats, especially in instances where
your program had their gender misidentified....isn't that not abusive
in its own sense?

Why not create a system where you can either, A: Pay to have your
stats reset (talk about revenue for you guys...), B: Allow someone to
only reset statistics every...say, 180 days, or C: Have a system where
it can be done per-diem (based in individual circumstances...such as a
YEAR of having the app installed with it thinking Im a girl when I've
been a GUY since 1990!)

And do you acknowledge that the ability to make fake face book
profiles, friend them with someones real facebook profile, install
your applications, and them use the fake facebook profiles to vote
yourself up is abuse itself? It is something people do, and whats
worse? I could easily vote myself through such a manner, to results
that I would like, which I personally believe to be far more abusive
than the ability to reset statistical data, which is currently not an

So, maybe I'm just not getting something here, but considering the
aforementioned way it is possible to currently abuse your system, and
when taking into account possible limitations that could be imposed
onto resetting collected data, what exactly is the abuse you speak of
that is preventing your group from creating a reset function?

On May 10, 6:21 pm, Maya <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, there is no possibility to delete the stats and start
> over for one very important reason - because it may allow some people
> to abuse the system.
> On May 11, 12:53 am, wrote:
> > This apt would be fantastic if the creators would design a way to
> > RESET YOUR RANKS! One of my friends thought it was funny to change
> > mine to the status of "female" so now all of my ranks are trashed and
> > there is no way to fix it... extremely poor management and engineering
> > on "Comparing People" staff. You all have some work to do.
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