if you have a chance, check out this talk. eduardo and instedd do
great work all over the world...

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From: Connie Ivey-Pasche <con...@cs.washington.edu>
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 09:58
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From: Sandy S. Turner [mailto:s...@u.washington.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 7:43 AM

Biomedical and Health Informatics Lecture Series

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

12:00 - 12:50 p.m., Room T-663

Eduardo Jezierski

VP of Engineering, InSTEDD

(Innovative Support to Emergencies Diseases and Disasters)

Palo Alto, California

?Technologies and practices for exchanging information with the field?

Better information leads to better decisions - and making good
decisions is critical in health for low-income countries and crisis
response, both for policy makers as well as health volunteers in a
village.? In this lecture we will give a talk about real-world
experiences exchanging information with the field,?challenges and
opportunities in improving the timeliness and quality?- and diverse
technologies from SMS messages to smartphone systems that can be
applied in different situations.

Eduardo works at InSTEDD building technologies for health, development
and crisis response. He and his team work with doctors and social
workers to provide technologies that scale down into the hands of
semi-literate health workers in rural villages of SE Asia, deploy
collaboration and coordination platforms for?responders and search and
rescue teams, and build set up local Innovation Labs with local teams
of engineers to accelerate the cycle of invention and deployment -
creating focal points for local innovation and appropriate design.

Eduardo has spent his career designing, implementing and deploying
software solutions on a global scale.? He originally received an MsC
in Informatics after initial work in nuclear engineering and has
worked on GIS analysis, machine learning and modeling for anthropology
challenges - including robotics control, genetic algorithms and neural
networks.? He spent nine years?at Microsoft as a Program Manager and
Architect?- including working with the office of the Chief Software
Architect on starting up new product lines.

Eduardo recently returned from Haiti where his team worked with
Thomson Reuters foundation, the Red Cross, and local media providing
information services for those who need it most - the survivors of the

More about the work can be seen here:?http://instedd.org

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