Deadline is Feb 1. See the attached PDF for more information.


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Subject: RE: CFP on Heritage, Development, & Digital Technologies in
sub-Saharan Africa

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

As you know, recent scholarship in development studies has highlighted
the importance of new digital technologies as tools for furthering
social justice, and has revealed continued economic and educational
inequalities. ?How are information communication technologies (ITCs)
being used, challenged, implemented, incorporated in grassroots and
institutional heritage development in sub-Saharan Africa?

We are thinking of this topic rather broadly to challenge what is
meant by heritage and development and how new technologies contribute
to new configurations and opportunities. How do new technologies
expand definitions of research, policy, advocacy, activism, archiving,
education, museums, community. Areas may include: blogging; archiving
& publishing; music, film, arts & culture; networking; digital
storytelling; and so on.

I've attached the CFP to this message. I hope you will also consider
forwarding it to anyone you think may be interested in this topic. We
have extended the original deadline for proposals from January 15th to
Feb 1st.

All the best,

Marla Jaksch, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies
The College of New Jersey
Networked Fellow, Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi at Hamilton College)
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