*What*: Diana Marangu: Optimizing TB Contact Investigation in Nairobi, Kenya

*When:* Tuesday, April 22th at 12pm

*Where:* The Allen Center, CSE 203

Please join us tomorrow at Change. Diana Marangu will talking about her current work on TB in Nairobi County.


My proposed PhD work focuses on identifying barriers, facilitators and potential solutions to TB contact investigation in Nairobi County in Kenya. This formative research will inform the design if implementation tools to address barriers in TB contact insuring the proposed solution is in line with country and global efforts towards zero TB deaths, infections, suffering and stigma. The tools I propose are hoped to tackle stigma, sub-optimal patient education and inefficient documentation which are potentially modifiable barriers. The technological piece is a computerized contact register and mobile phone follow-up platform.

*About the speaker:*

Diana Marangu is a paediatrician and tutorial fellow at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. For the past eighth months she has been in Seattle pursuing an MPH in Global Health while concurrently enrolled in a PhD in Implementation Science at the University of Nairobi. She is passionate about preventive respiratory health and finding innovative sustainable solutions.

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