See below for an upcoming GlobalWA event on innovation and technology in 
solutions for development.

Melody Clark
Communications Specialist
Technology & Social Change (TASCHA)<> | 206.303.7910
Twitter: @taschagroup<> | 

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From: Global Washington <<>>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Subject: Impactful Innovation: Region’s tech culture drives new solutions


Impactful Innovation:
Region’s tech culture drives new solutions

Join us for this event to hear from a panel of social entrepreneurs in a 
discussion about new products, tools and ideas for global development. The 
conversation will challenge participants to think about the role of technology 
in creating a more equitable, healthy and prosperous world. A reception will 
follow the panel discussion.




Ali Arjomand, PhD
Director, Analysis and Evaluation
Global Good

Ali Arjomand is Director of analysis and evaluation at Global Good. His team is 
responsible for analyzing business and market opportunities, developing 
opportunities to generate intellectual property for impact in developing world 
settings and quantifying the impact of our investments by measuring specific 
metrics and indicators in global health and development. Prior to joining 
Global Good, Ali was president and COO at Accium BioSciences, a research 
company he founded in 2004 focusing on accelerator mass spectrometry and 
clinical pharmacology. He was also co-founder of Carepeutics, Inc., a 
personalized medicine company developing novel diagnostic tests in oncology.


Beth Kolko
Shift Labs

Beth is the co-founder and CEO of Shift Labs, a for-profit company building 
low-cost medical devices for emerging markets leveraging global innovation 
networks. She also holds position as Professor of Human Centered Design & 
Engineering at the University of Washington where she co-directs the Tactical 
and Tactile Technology Lab. At UW she also created the Hackademia Project which 
builds innovation potential among broad audiences by imparting functional 
engineering skills combined with design thinking. Hackademia grows out of her 
experience since 2006 in makerspaces and hackerspaces and is an effort to 
amplify the non-expert innovation that happens outside of formal institutional 
settings. Her technology development projects have included work on a low-cost 
ultrasound system for midwives in Uganda and a grassroots public transportation 
information system in Kyrgyzstan.


Laura McLaughlin
Director of Global Health
Mountain Safety Research

Laura McLaughlin is the Director of MSR Global Health at Mountain Safety 
Research©. She manages product development efforts often integrating 
partnerships with the U.S. Department of Defense, non-profit organizations, and 
philanthropic funders into her programs. As one of the founding members of MSR 
Global Health, Laura has worked at MSR for over seven years, leading her team 
through commercialization, research and development activities, and global 
health community events. Laura holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Health 
and Environmental Engineering from the University of Washington.


Chris Coward
Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA), UW

Chris Coward is the co-founder, Principal Research Scientist, and Director of 
the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington 
Information School. Under Chris’ leadership, TASCHA has grown in size and 
scope, encompassing research in 50 countries. Chris specializes in designing 
research programs that improve policy and practice in the area of information 
and communication technologies (ICTs) and international development.  Chris’s 
current interests include ICTs for employment and entrepreneurship, innovation 
spaces, digital inclusion, and impact evaluation and measurement. Much of his 
work focuses on the role of public libraries and civil society organizations in 
these areas. Chris holds a Master of Public Administration and a Master of Arts 
in International Studies, both from the University of Washington.


Tuesday, June 9
2:30pm – 3:00pm: Registration
3:00 – 4:30pm: Panel Discussion
4:30pm – 5:30pm: Reception

Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1500
Seattle, WA 98101

$25 (members) Email<> for 
member code.
$45 (non-members)
Light snacks and drinks will be provided.


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