Hi All, 

Saw this post on CHI Meta: A great opportunity for prospective PhD students 
interested in designing for low-wage workers. IMO, Dombrowski is doing some of 
the best work in HCI with/for low-income populations. 

Dharma Dailey

PhD Candidate
Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington 

Post from Dombrowski:


Hey all! I'm hiring two Ph.D. students next year. If you know someone who would 
be interested in conducting work on designing and understanding technology in 
the low wage workplace, please send them my way! (sorry for the multiple posts!)

The official Call: Prospective PhD Recruitment 
The School of Informatics and Computing (SOIC) at Indiana University – Purdue 
University in Indianapolis (IUPUI) invites applications for incoming Ph.D. 
students with design and research interests focused collaborative computing 
work technologies to conduct research with Dr. Lynn Dombrowski on the 
NSF-Funded project: Designing Collaborative and Transparent Work Information 
Systems. Students interested in socially engaged interaction design; 
community-based action research; designing for social issues; 
speculative/critical/reflective design; and/or social computing for social 
good/justice/equality are also strongly encouraged to apply.

Project: Designing Computing Systems for the Low Wage Workplace
Ph.D. in Informatics with specialization in Human-Computer Interaction
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lynn Dombrowski
Funding Opportunity: Graduate Research Assistant
Funding Details: 50% annual appointment (includes monthly stipend, tuition 
remission, eligible for benefits, access to travel funding; renewable for up to 
4 years)

For this project, incoming students will be under the supervision of Dr. Lynn 
Dombrowski, Assistant Professor. There are two funded Ph.D. student positions 
available for this project and thus, you’ll likely be working in concert with 
another Ph.D. student. Among the student’s responsibilities will be to assist 
Dr. Dombrowski in various parts of the project, including project management, 
supervising undergraduate assistants, data collection, coding and analysis, 
brainstorming, designing, prototyping, and other tasks as assigned. Students 
will also assist with literature reviews, manuscript preparation, and scholarly 
dissemination, including conference presentations and publication opportunities.

Interested? Great! Interested students should apply directly to the 
Human-Computer Interaction Ph.D. Program and in their cover letter, they should 
indicate they are interested in working with Dr. Dombrowski on the Low-wage 
workplace project and demonstrate their project fit. Applicants should also 
email Dr. Dombrowski at lsdom...@iupui.edu directly that they are applying for 
the position. Application deadline is January 15, 2018.

Relevant Links: 
SOIC PhD Application: https://soic.iupui.edu/hcc/graduate/admissions/ 
Why are we a great place for a PhD?: https://soic.iupui.edu/ 
More information about our PhD Program: 
The NSF Project: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1718121 

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