Please join us for the Change Seminar next week on Tuesday 5/1/2018 in EEB 037.

Who: Dr. Dror Ben-Zeev, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UW
What: Mobile Health (mHealth) and the re-imagining of treatment for Serious 
Mental Illness.
When: Tuesday, May 1st, 12-1pm
Where: EEB 037

Abstract: Dr. Dror Ben-Zeev will provide an overview of recent advancements in 
the field of mHealth and examine how mobile devices and telecommunication 
infrastructure can be harnessed to support illness detection, prevention, and 
care of people with severe psychopathology in outpatient and inpatient 
settings. He will present findings from several of his group's studies which 
involve the use of both cutting edge technologies (e.g., multi-modal smartphone 
sensing for relapse detection, multi-media intervention apps for illness 
management) as well as novel uses of existing but simpler technologies (e.g. 
texting between clinicians and patients) in an effort to improve patient 
outcomes. Dr. Ben-Zeev will describe the lessons his team learned from 
conducting multiple mHealth initiatives with complex patients in real-world 
settings. He will outline his vision for effective, realistic, and sustainable 
mHealth for mental health in the years ahead.

Bio: Dror Ben-Zeev, PhD, is a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 
at the University of Washington and licensed Clinical Psychologist who 
specializes in development and evaluation of technology-based approaches in the 
study, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. Dr. Ben-Zeev 
serves as the Co-Director of UW's Behavioral Research in Technology and 
Engineering (BRiTE) Center ( and Director of the 
mHealth for Mental Health Program (<>), a 
multidisciplinary effort to harness mobile technology to improve the outcomes 
and support the recovery of people with psychiatric conditions. His research 
has been supported by grants and awards from the National Institutes of Health 
(NIH) National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Medicare and Medicaid 
Innovation (CMMI) Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), SYNERGY 
Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Myrtlewood Foundation, VA Health 
Services Research & Development (HSR&D), and John Sloan Dickey Center for 
International Understanding.  Dr. Ben-Zeev's editorials and commentaries on the 
use of technology-based interventions have been published in Psychiatric 
Services, Nature Human Behaviour, the BMJ, and the New York Times. His research 
has been covered by National Public Radio, Nature, Wired Magazine, Slate, and 
The Economist. He is a regular speaker at national and international scientific 
meetings including invited presentations at the National Institute of Mental 
Health Director's Innovation Speaker series and the White House.

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