---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris Coward <ccow...@uw.edu>
Date: Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 7:58 AM
Subject: [liberationtech] Research Faculty Opportunity at UW Information
To: l...@lists.liberationtech.org <l...@lists.liberationtech.org>

The University of Washington Information School has an exciting opportunity
for an Open Rank Research Faculty (Research Assistant Professor, Research
Associate Professor, or Research Professor), non-tenure track position.

This position will be expected to engage in outstanding research that
broadens and deepens our scholarly and social impacts in areas such as:
civic media, civic engagement, information literacy, media literacy,
information and communication technologies and development (ICTD),
community informatics, digital democracy, digital geographies, digital
youth, open data, misinformation, and public interest technology, among
others. We are particularly interested in scholars willing to apply these
areas of study to the context of public libraries.

This position will benefit from a close association with the research
center for which I currently work, the *Technology & Social Change Group
(TASCHA)*, a collaborative and multidisciplinary research center with an
applied research mission to explore the role of digital technologies in
engendering open, inclusive, and equitable societies. Candidates are
encouraged to apply if they are interested in also engaging with the newly
formed *Center for an Informed Public (CIP), *with a core mission of
resisting strategic misinformation and strengthening democratic discourse.

The position is a full-time 12-month appointment at the rank of Research
Assistant Professor, Research Associate Professor, or Research Professor.
Rank is commensurate with experience and qualifications.  The Information
School will offer three years equivalent of full funding for this position,
with the expectation that the individual will be able to maintain an
ongoing program of research funding.  The anticipated start date for this
position is September 1, 2020.

Applicants may find further information about the Information School at
ischool.uw.edu, the Technology & Social Change Group at tascha.uw.edu, and
Center for an Informed Public at cip.uw.edu <https://www.cip.uw.edu/>.

To learn more about the opening and to apply, click this link
<https://apply.interfolio.com/72310>. The deadline for applications is *Friday,
February 28**th, 2020*.

Chris Coward

Senior Principal Research Scientist

Information School, University of Washington

Technology & Social Change Group <http://tascha.uw.edu> (TASCHA), Director

Center for an Informed Public <http://cip.uw.edu>, Co-founder

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